by Asara Willow on June 5th, 2011, 7:09 am
"Zafkil! I told you I wanted to see the sights today!" Asara sighed as she fought her horse, tugging on his reigns. She spoke the creeping tongue of the Symenestra, a language she knew Zafkil understood, even if he tried to ignore her. "We are doing this!"
After speaking, Asara felt over heated and exhausted, and had the overwhelming urge to just return to her room and rest until the cool hours of the night. Dressed in her usual concealing cloak with the hood drawn up to conceal her face in darkness, the heat of the sun was even more unbearable than usual today. Having never been fond of the sun, or any form of intense heat, Asara found it hard to be patient, even with her only real friend. Her gloved hands gripped his reigns tighter as she tugged him further again.
Zafkil winnied and tossed his head, actually lifting the slight female off the ground. Asara released a hiss in response and dragged the horse to a nearby well, giving him a pointed look as she slid around a couple talking and gazed into the water. Her eyes were immediately brightened and she reached out, finding the coins beyond her reach. Scowling, Asara thought she had come across a guarded stash of money, where the two nearest guards were engaged in a deep conversation.
She leaned forward, her long arms extended at their full length as she managed to scoop up some of the valuable coins, ignoring the nudge Zafkil gave her. She wasn't aware of the true use for the well, and really, Zafkil was not helping her.
While pocketing the shiny coins, and imagining the fruit she could buy for herself and Zafkil, images of the resulting feast causing her to fade from reality... Yet she never ceased picking up coins. A part of her made sure she overheard the two 'guards' next to her talking. She memorized the name of the female and shot the couple discreet glances from the shadow of her hood. They looked human, relatively weak, although they were bulkier than her. In a fist fight, she would lose, but she had a secret weapon in the form of venom and even a weak poison.
Let us die together, you and I.
When speaking SymenosWhen speaking Common