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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

What to do? ]]open[[

Postby Zinami on May 30th, 2011, 6:30 pm

90th day of Spring, 511 AV, Noon

Zinami had garbed her figure in the silken fabrics she’d purchased just before leaving her home. From her shoulders, the shiny material colored black draped and obscured her torso. Purple and green stripe-patterned pants clung to her thin waist and from there tapered outward slightly until the legs flared over her black shoes meant for dancing. Her green eyes were rimmed with pink powder that faded upward toward her temples. Soft folds of burgundy painted lips curled upward and between the two, a slight gap was formed that revealed very slightly yellowed dentals.

She had been meandering Syliras for a few days now, she hadn’t quite settled anywhere yet, but that wasn’t of importance. Her backpack was slung lazily over her right shoulder with all of her possessions tied within still and she had been lacking food. A foolish move to carry everything with her, but ‘oh well’ as she was so fond of saying. She wanted to explore more first. Her curiosity overruled her needs, as always.

Earlier, she’d heard mention of a legend of some sort. It was about a well, known as Kova’s Wishing Well. She had a wish, she knew it was silly, but a wish none the less. It was not for love, nor money, but for simple happiness.

After she had made her way down the crooked street between the Roshin and Jordon districts, she caught glimpse of it. Closer and closer she neared, her heart pounding against its boney cage with every jolting step stolen farther. She had no idea why she was so excited really. Maybe it was just the mystery of the well. She’d never encountered such a thing throughout her journeys, and she didn’t have much hope it’d work, but still, it could be fun to humour this childish whim.

She had made it, and now stood with her palms pressed to the wall of the magical well. She smiled down at the wishes buried at the bottom of the water in the form of coins, catching the over-head rays of the sun and casting them back in brilliant colours against the inner walls, and even a few danced over her cheeks and her redish-brown curls that hung over her face as she leaned over the side of the stones that built the well.

She let her bag slide from her shoulder and down her arm until the strap was firm in her hand. With the other hand, she fished out a gold miza. Pinched ‘tween her digits and held to her chest, she mumbled over it her simple wish before she extended her arm and allowed it to fall from her fingers and into the water with a small splash before it settled among the other wishes and smiled up at her.

She smiled back, then turned her figure one hundred-eighty degrees counterclockwise so she could lean against the one of the posts of the well with her arms crossed over her chest, clutching her possessions to her, and enjoying the heat of the day on her pale visage.

She sighed softly before whispering to herself, a habit she’d picked up from being alone so often.
“What shall we do now?…”
Last edited by Zinami on June 1st, 2011, 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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What to do? ]]open[[

Postby Sethelon on May 31st, 2011, 2:26 am

It was late spring, really late spring, and the world was alive with life. Soon, Mizahar would progress into summer, and all the little creatures that like the sun would come skittering out to enjoy the warmth. One of those creatures, was Sethelon. Though, currently, he wasn't a little creature. He was human, by all appearances, even if his mind wasn't limited to just that.

Today, Seth had chosen to spend his time at the wishing well in Syliras. He wasn't about to toss any Mizas in, oh no, that just wouldn't do. He was, however, fascinated by the people who believed that a single token could wash all of their problems away. What a waste of good money. he thought.

Curiosity was one of Sethelon's most powerful emotions. He has a driving urge to know things, even if his simplistic Kelvic mind wasn't always able to process it all. He had no real use for philosophy or advanced magic, but emotion, the decisions people make? Those things were immediately tangible, and therefore, of worth to Seth.

Sitting against a wall to the left of the well itself, the man with long, midnight hair rested in a shadow. The sun was nice, but the shade gave a comfortable reprieve. Totally relaxed, content with spending a day completely aimless, watching the actions of others, Seth could easily be called a bum. Sure, his clothing and appearance were neat, but the more industrious around might berate him for his lack of work ethic. Still, said work ethics do tend to award shiny things, like Mizas. Like Mizas... Seth thought as he drifted off into a daydream of all things shiny.

Snap. Seth was back in reality. He didn't know how long he'd been out, but the shadow he had been sitting in had receded considerably. Looking up, he saw a young woman peering into the well. Then, with a twisting in the pit of his stomach, he watched her drop a single, glimmering Miza into the water. His expression was that of a wolf denied delicious meat. The woman spoke, but he was in no mind to hear what she said.

Both appalled and endlessly curious, Seth stood from his spot, and with a deviously sincere smile, he approached the woman. Smiling, still, and with a glint in his eye, he spoke "Isn't that a waste of money?". His tone dripped of honey, betraying the rather rude nature of his inquiry.

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What to do? ]]open[[

Postby Zinami on May 31st, 2011, 2:48 am

Her bright eyes caught his, and her crooked lips parted even farther as her chest heaved in a string of bursts. A giggle that was drizzled heavily with child-like innocence. She had found something to do, alright....

Light and airy and carefree was her voice as it rang into the space between them. "Maybe, but would it kill to indulge in the antics partaken in by children whose imaginations are so broad, they could change the world entirely with the right amount of man-power?"

Her head lolled towards the left and its weight pulled taught the soft flesh to the right side of her neck. Her curly ribbons drifted downward and played in the gentle wind. Her fingertips slowly rolled over the uneven stones of the well's circular wall and her those bright green eyes again stayed towards the mizas, as if she'd lost interest in the male, but that wasn't true in the least.

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Postby Sethelon on May 31st, 2011, 3:06 am

Sethelon's head tilted to the right. The woman was giggling madly, and he wasn't quite sure why. For a moment, he feared that he had invoked the deepest fantasies of a lunatic, and that at any moment he would be ravaged, or worse, she would steal the few Mizas he dared carry on him.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Words. Many, many words. Two of which, he wasn't certain of the meaning. Sethelon wagered that there was, in fact, rhyme and reason to what the girl had said, but he didn't manage to find any of it. Logic was far from Seth's fairly particular abilities, so he simply smiled and nodded.

As soon as the woman had spoken, she stopped, and began to loll into her own little world, as if Seth did not exist, and neither did the well, or the city. She was intriguing. Perhaps she was simply playing it up, but even that would add a level of curiosity to the woman that Seth could simple have to explore.

Eager to keep the woman talking, to manage to see an answer in her demeanor, Seth smiled. "Do tell." He breathed.
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Postby Zinami on May 31st, 2011, 3:29 am

Her optics gave to a slight upward flutter before she allied pressure to the well and heaved from it and almost tumbled into the male. However, her left foot slid before her figure a few inches and this had balanced her. The male was in her sight again at intervals. Whilst she absorbed his figure, taking in his interesting hair, and how it glinted in the light to his eager posture, she also observed the near-by locations for somewhere to purchase something to eat.

Not wanting to seem rude, she offered him the most dazzling smile she dared and tilted her head only a few degrees to the right. "There's not much to go on about, Mister... However, lets start a new topic, over some lunch."

Yet another giggle, a 'teehee' sound that curled her upper lip as her pink dusted eyelids folded over the sparkling orbs. She was such a toddler in demeanor....

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Postby Sethelon on June 1st, 2011, 1:00 am


This woman was managing to confound Sethelon very easily. Her behavior was erratic, at best, and denoted a distinct lack of intelligence, in his mind. She seemed almost childlike, as if her body had continued growing, but left its mind behind around age four. Still, Seth's curiosity grew even further.

She had very nearly tumbled flat against Seth already, and for a moment, he feared she might be drunk. In fact, that might very well explain it. A drunken woman making a wish, wasting a gold miza. Looking down into the well, Seth almost considered jumping in and retrieving a few of the sparkling gems. Such an act might not go over well, however. The rumors and legends about the wishing well was more than enough to put Seth off of angering a powerful being.

"Lunch? I suppose..." he grinned, his tone accompanied by a light sigh. He was unsure.

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What to do? ]]open[[

Postby Zinami on June 1st, 2011, 1:37 am

The minor appendages of her right palm dug into her scalp lightly, as they were swallowed by waves of chocolate strands. She had been hoping he would say no so that she could continue venturing. He really did seem to lack interest in her, and was probably only tagging along for the free meal. Albeit... she was the one that asked.. Maybe he could even help her find a decent place to stay while she stayed in Syliras.

The paint upon her lips was starting to fade sorely, she would have to fix herself soon to upkeep her youthful appearance. Sure, she was only nineteen, but she'd not be looking anywhere over 10 years old. Even though she was stealing the appearance of a rather tall ten year old. She even acted like a toddler, except when she spoke, her words definitely revealed the eloquence of an adult, but bursted with the defining curiosity of the young.

Either way, she simply had to manage through lunch then hopefully she would be free of the male to do her work. For some odd reason, he seemed off. Human, but not entirely... Men in general made her very aware, and nervous, but this one scared her more than usual.

She took a large, unnecessary step to the right then began her march back down the open street she came. She had tilted her head to glance at him to see if he was following before she began to speak once more.
"Well, I'm Zinami.. Often called shortened versions such as; 'Nami' and 'Zina' and 'Zin'. You may call me what you like." She then reached over her chest with her left hand to offer it to his for a shake she'd witnessed some males doing earlier today.Terrified for some reason to let him touch her, but she was again trying to apply the customs of her surroundings to herself. She had to experience everything. "What shall I call you, Mister?" Her green eyes were wide in curiosity as she tried to pay attention to his answer. She would have to remember it eventually, and she was very poor when it came to remembering names and the like.

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What to do? ]]open[[

Postby Asara Willow on June 5th, 2011, 7:09 am

"Zafkil! I told you I wanted to see the sights today!" Asara sighed as she fought her horse, tugging on his reigns. She spoke the creeping tongue of the Symenestra, a language she knew Zafkil understood, even if he tried to ignore her. "We are doing this!"

After speaking, Asara felt over heated and exhausted, and had the overwhelming urge to just return to her room and rest until the cool hours of the night. Dressed in her usual concealing cloak with the hood drawn up to conceal her face in darkness, the heat of the sun was even more unbearable than usual today. Having never been fond of the sun, or any form of intense heat, Asara found it hard to be patient, even with her only real friend. Her gloved hands gripped his reigns tighter as she tugged him further again.

Zafkil winnied and tossed his head, actually lifting the slight female off the ground. Asara released a hiss in response and dragged the horse to a nearby well, giving him a pointed look as she slid around a couple talking and gazed into the water. Her eyes were immediately brightened and she reached out, finding the coins beyond her reach. Scowling, Asara thought she had come across a guarded stash of money, where the two nearest guards were engaged in a deep conversation.

She leaned forward, her long arms extended at their full length as she managed to scoop up some of the valuable coins, ignoring the nudge Zafkil gave her. She wasn't aware of the true use for the well, and really, Zafkil was not helping her.

While pocketing the shiny coins, and imagining the fruit she could buy for herself and Zafkil, images of the resulting feast causing her to fade from reality... Yet she never ceased picking up coins. A part of her made sure she overheard the two 'guards' next to her talking. She memorized the name of the female and shot the couple discreet glances from the shadow of her hood. They looked human, relatively weak, although they were bulkier than her. In a fist fight, she would lose, but she had a secret weapon in the form of venom and even a weak poison.
Let us die together, you and I.

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What to do? ]]open[[

Postby Zinami on June 5th, 2011, 7:05 pm

Her gaze wavered some as she looked to the side of Seth. A cloaked figure fishing out wishes. Great. Her hand drooped and fell to her side as she shifted her weight upon the pivotal balls of her left foot and found herself facing the well once more.

Her other hand rose from her side as she took a few steps closer to the figure and the thin appendages curling and sinking into her brownish curls. Her voice was sweet as ever as she called out. "Excuse me." As she got closer, her words became softer, and quieter, but still sweetly daring. "You are aware that you're stealing from a spirit, correct?"

Her head tilted slightly towards her hand as she flashed the figure a charming smile, filled with pretty rows of slightly yellowed ivories. Creamy flesh crinkled tightly around her dull green eyes until there were only two small slits visible of her optics.

She was only doing what she felt was right, but she honestly hoped this went smoothly and quickly. Her stomach would begin clawing its way out of her, growling for food any moment now. She really had to satiate it soon.

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What to do? ]]open[[

Postby Asara Willow on June 6th, 2011, 2:40 am

Asara took a few moments to realize someone was speaking to her, the time being filled only with her taking another handful of mizas and examining them through luminous golden eyes. When she realized though, helped along by a Someone is talking to you, idiot. from the voice inside her head, Asara turned her body slightly and faced a woman who was... Actually smaller than her.

For the first time in her short memory of being alive, Asara found herself liking herself, if only briefly. The other was still healthier than her.

Scowling, Asara tilted her head. She pursed her lips, an action hidden in the shadow of her hood, and looked at her handful of coins. They looked unremarkable, exactly like the ones in her purse. She was confused.

"What do you mean by a 'spirit'?" She asked in a soft voice, laced with her Symenos accent. "Like... A God? Why would a God keep their money in a well?

She tilted her head the other direction, completely confused as to the notion of stealing from a spirit. She knew nothing about them. Her eyes slid off the female, who the voice in her head remarked 'She'd make a good surrogate if you were a Harvester.', something which had absolutely no meaning to Asara, and looked at the male. She wondered at who they were for a moment, until she heard the woman's stomach growl.

"You are hungry..?" She whispered, glancing between them.
Let us die together, you and I.

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