TS: TBD Early Winter
"Fight! Fight! Fight!"
Young and rough onlookers chanted the refrain with an accent of glee. A few bodies were spilling out of the tavern steps, joining the crescent of the maliciously curious around a scuffle. The hour was too late for good people to be about, what remained were the sort who wouldn't break up a fight. Here, the noble mores of Syliran Knights would be met with a guffaw and spitting on the ground.
About a dozen spectators were already hooting and clapping at the obscured tussle. Snow was being flung out of the edges of the enclosure of bodies. One had to push to see what was happening or finagle a way to catch glimpses between shoulders.
Within the circle a tall man with little meat on him, but an impressive reach and wide shoulders was taking wild, drunken swings. From the back, his opponent looked like an adolescent boy, his jacket shrouding any discernible feature save height and narrow shoulders. The boy dodged and danced. He fought dirty, throwing snow and tearing at clothes. More of the fight was spent trying to maintain balance on the icy road, than exchanging blows.
With a grunt and sudden lunge, the man got a hold of the boy and sloppily hurled him on the ground. The boy's face hit the snow with a satisfying thud. He pressed himself up in a hurry, blood was dripping from his nose onto the snow. Seizing opportunity, the man came in for a good kick to the ribs, but the boy rolled away, as the man almost slipped from his own momentum.
The boy stood, wiping the blood off his face. Revealing it was actually, her face. A Konti with chin length hair and masculine clothes.
She sneered at the man as if she was winning the fight.
"Try again you piece of Shyke."
And so he did with a left hook to the ribs she couldn't dodge. Tactics were not a main feature of this bout, both were a little drunk and the slippery terrain made the brawl almost comical. Using the man's nearness and forward weight, the Konti wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to the ground.
And there they stayed, twisting and rolling with occasional blows. It seemed the Konti was on the worst end of it, but she struggled and kicked as if possessed.