Wildlands 37th of Spring 511AV
The boughs of the tree's overhead sheltered him in the noon day light, and he continued to walk, twirling his longsword as he went. Things were going well for him here in Sunberth, but he felt it was near time to get on the road again, but he wasn't quite sure when that should be or how he would manage it alone for that matter. For now he decided he would stay near the city, until something remarkable enough happened that he need or desired to leave this place that had been his home for so long. Sunberth was a place he could freely do what he wanted, minded he watched what toes he stepped on, but at least he could practice his art, and get what he needed in relative peace. Malediction is what most inspired him, and perhaps he would come across some promising animal bones this day and do a little work with them. Of course traveling alone out here was dangerous so he couldn't stray to far from civilization, but he felt confident in his safety for now.
The mossy ground was soft under the tread of his boots, and the black leather of his armor, made him blend in with the shallow shadows around the trees as he walked among them, and also left him exposed when he walked out into the light. His heart paced slowly, and he was wary of how quickly his environment could turn dangerous, more so emphasized by the fact that he felt he had dozens of hungry eyes upon him. He walked slowly, and kept his steps as silent as he could so it would be easy to hear any predators that might be nearby, and all he could hear was his own heart beating and the soft crunch his footsteps made as he walked across the ground. The area felt safe, and that put his tense muscles at ease for now as he walked out into a sheltered clearing, that had a small clear pond in its center, the crystal blue waters looking both refreshing and cold.
Kneeling gently down to the waters he placed his cupped hand into the pond and brought it back up to his lips drinking deeply from his hand, and repeating the process as he quenched his thirst. Such a thing was a blessing and a curse in these parts, as the source of water was likely to draw other animals in the nearby area. It made him feel like he had to be even more on guard than he usually needed to be. He kneeled in the soft moss for a little longer before standing up; never breaking his stare into the crystal blue waters, so focused was he on reflecting inwardly.