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Postby Tira on June 4th, 2011, 4:12 am


Basic Information

Name Tira

Clan Flame Holders

Race Myrian

Gender Female

Age 87th Spring 484AV (26)


Tira is long, lithe, and strong. She stands tall, all sinew and long limb, at 5'11. She weighs 145lb, and there is no excess fat on her body. Her skin is taut, especially around her face, and there is definite muscle around her arms in particular, built up from her time with weapons in the army. She is strong, but many people would not assume it, despite her superior height. Her skin is a deeper tan, not quite as dark as some of the other Myrians, but still her skin is a rich caramel.

Her eyes are a dark chocolate brown, her hair the same colour, reaching down to her mid-torso. She would never even think about cutting it any shorter than what it was, her hair a great source of pride for her. She prefers to wear it out when around the city on her daily business, but if training or in combat, she will wear it tied up into a knot on her head. She likes to tie the knuckle bones of fallen enemies into her hair, when she has it in a knot, white dotted amongst the dark brown. She has a tattoo of a blazing flame on both palms. Tira has both her ears pierced but would refuse to get anywhere on her face pierced. She would find it distracting.


Tira is every part one of her race. She enjoys the rush of adrenalin during battle, the glory of the spurt of blood during a win, crying out Myri's name as you stand over the field of your fallen enemies. A dedicated member of Myri's army, Tira believes in a balanced approach to war - training all types of weapons, but also strength, unarmed, and tactics. She wants to be one of the best in Myri's army, a distinguished leader of war, and she is not above training day in day out to get it.

Besides being very focused on her skills in war, Tira is very sensuous, heady and passionate. She loves to dance, participating in the interpretive and war dances of her people, loving the fire dances of the Myrians - fire dancing a part of her long familial history. The warmth of dancing gives her nearly the same rush as fighting does, and so, on her days off, you can see her dancing to the heady beat of drums. She enjoys not only serving Myri, but drawing in the lustful stares of men and women alike as she dances rhythmically. Besides dancing, she loves the culture of her race, being involved in playing the drums of their kind and in the leatherworking that they do.

Tira is proud and very conscious of her appearances, wanting to be the best example of a Myrian at all times, not wanting to let her race down, but she will change and learn if people correct her. She is proud, but not so proud that she is above being improved upon.


Tira was born twenty six summers ago to Hiira, mother, and Jaki, her father. She was born the third daughter, with one younger brother. She was nothing particularly special, as her grandmother was still the martriarch of the Flame Holders clan, with three potential martriarchs ahead of her. There was no real chance, unless there was a freak accident, that Tira would become the head of her clan anytime in her life.

This, however, did not get Tira into the fast track for an easy life. She trained from a young age, pushing herself. As she did not have to live up to the title of Matriarch, she set her own goals, wanting to be known in her own right, despite not being a powerful member of the clan. She wanted to rise in the ranks of the Myrian military, serving Myri through fierce combat, being the best Myrian she could be. It was her aim in life from almost before she could walk.

She enjoyed school, regarding it as a challenge. She was not outstanding by any regards, though she was among the top of her class, and certainly was one of the most dedicated. Her mother had drilled into her from a very early age that laziness was not to be tolerated - not just in chores, but in life. Tira took this seriously, dedicated and focused to any task she chose to undertake, from the smallest and most grimy of chores, to the most difficult patrol.

She passed her coming of age trial with ease, earning her mark from Myri. Her heart swelled with pride as she was chosen by the Goddess-Queen. It was an honour and a privilege to be marked by their ruler, which Tira made an oath she would strive to maintain the reputation of the Myrians, Myri and Taloba. Not long after, Tira joined the military for her three years mandatory service. She loved it with a passion, learning the longbow, the chakram and honing her skills with the macuahuitl. The wilderness survival and tracking challenges stimulated her physically and mentally. She decided then and there that she would remain in the army permanently.

Tira passes her days, a normal Myrian, fighting to defend and expand Taloba's influence, ever a pawn of her Goddess-Queen, and loving every second of it. She lives in the clanhome, but lives and breathes for the blood of enemies spilled for Myri and for her own victory.

Family Tree of the Flame Holders clan
Milena -
Hiira -
Jaki -
Leli -
Nanti -
Sikil -

Dance 20
Detection 1
Hunting 1
Intimidation 1
Macuahuitl 33
Observation 2
Tracking 10

War dances
Decapitation techniques (Macuahuitl)
Location: Area in the Falyndar jungle where apes gather
Differentiating Myrian tigers from regular ones
Hunting: Flanking your target
Taunting a predator
Not staring at private parts
Rushing in unprepared
Keeping monkeys away from one's hair
Hunting for sport

Myrian Fluent
Myrian Sign Basic
Common Broken

Myri's Mark 1 - three jagged lines along the underside of her wrist

Object Cost Acquired
Macuahuitl N/A Heirloom
White cotton tunic N/A SP
Khaki green breeches N/A SP
Dagger 2gm / 0.66B SP
Chakram ? SP
Composite Longbow 100gm / 33.3B SP
Longbow Arrows (100) 5gm / 1.66B SP
Leather Armour 10gm / 3.33B SP

Item Cost (GM) Cost (B) Total (GM) Total (B)
Starting Funds 100 33.3 100 33.3
Cashed in Shelter 500 166.6 600 200
Dagger 2 0.66 598 199.33
Composite Longbow 100 33.3 498 166
Longbow Arrows (100) 5 1.66 493 164.33
Leather Armour 10 3.33 483 161

# [Flashback] Prisoners of War [Solo]
# 23rd Summer, 501AV
# [Flashback] I Saw Him First [Naama]
# Dance of the Suns, 504AV

Spring 511AV
# Mud Can Make It Work [Ianira, Mihai]
# 10th Spring

Summer 511AV
# She's On Break... [Mihai]
# 11th Summer
Enamoured of the Flames
Posts: 20
Words: 13916
Joined roleplay: April 15th, 2011, 2:04 pm
Race: Myrian
Character sheet
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