Her golden eyes narrowed very slightly when he didn't offer her his hands. She stepped forward warily, expecting some remark to come from him as she took one of his hands herself. She made sure to use a gentle touch as she stroked the texture of his skin and examined the stark contrast of his sporadic black nails against his fair skin. It was odd, different. His mother would have had to be the Symenestra parent if he showed human traits. Was that really possible?
She released his hand as he began speaking of the stars and tilted her head to listen better. He spoke of them the way she felt of them... He sounded like he knew more about them than she did, and she wanted to have that knowledge as well.
Her head tilted back so she could look at the flickering stars. She heard him speak, her ears just barely picking up his soft mumble. A frown wrinkled her brow briefly. But what was Lhavit? And why did he sound so endearingly wistful when he whispered of it? "All I know is that they do not change... They are always there for me to look at, to watch. I named them, but I've wanted to learn their real names. The Common ones. I can't..." She fell abruptly silent, unable to admit to her inability to read Common. Her eyes glittered brightly with the same excitement he spoke with. "What do you know of them?"
After all, prior to coming to Syliras, the stars were the only beautiful things she'd seen. She loved them dearly.