by Richy on August 16th, 2012, 2:37 pm
The Venus Fly Trap. However, in Mizahar, due to lack of insects in the past, they actually developed gigantic sizes before they became extinct in species. They, instead of devouring insects, will intelligently point it's green mouth up quietly for up to three hours long, it's roots in the ground able to feel vibrations from up to thirty feet away and thus detect prey. Unlike the smaller Fly Trap's, these large creatures actually go right down on a meal quickly, catching it in it's mouth and chewing it up before swallowing. These Fly Traps may grow up to forty feet tall and the heads as wide as almost ten feet, looking like giant flowers. They may not be able to speak but their species are very intelligent, sometimes being in large groups around one another and gladly sharing food with each other. There are also Alphas at times, the biggest ones that actually grow larger than most and are found in the middle of a group. They devour anything at all, not caring if it's as small as a fly or as big as a elephant, also able to chew with large teeth in the mouth.(My idea for one plant)