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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Herb on June 7th, 2011, 10:03 pm



Basic Information

Race: Pycon
Birthday & Age : Winter 1st 509AV - 2 years old
Gender: Male

Physical Description
From the onlooker's point of view this small little figure appears as a simple crude sculpture until it begins to move, small holes open in the head revealing tiny eyes and a slow small yawn from a previously hidden mouth.
Standing about one foot tall and made seemingly of a dull grey clay colour, neither looking wet or completely dry, this small statue looks at you with almost a wide eyed amazement.
No clothes protrude fromt he body just a small featureless body. Although more often then not he is seen with a small satchel over the shoulder and a long thick staff made of some form of Wood or Resin.

Character Concept
Herb is a somewhat amazed individual, everything and almost everyone makes him wide eyed. A bright friendly personality more then willing to talk to anyone. The thing that keeps Herb most interested is plants and healing, always wanting to learn new and exciting ways to gain knowledge and put it to a use. Although he has no set morals of right or wrong, good or bad, he is more then willing to put his knowledge to use in any method. Healing herbs for the sick and wounded, poisons for those that ask.
First most amongst this is his utmost respect for knowledge, whether it is gained via a book or taught by a teacher.

Character History
Born to a couple of very old Pycon's, Herb grew and learned his surroundings quickly much like any other Pycon he was forging his natural state and personality quickly. Unfortunately for Herb both of his parents entered the end cycle of thier life. When he was Six months old, both his parents turned to stone in from of him days apart.
After making a small alter to them, herb left, after nearly getting run over, was kicked off the road and landed in a small herb garden. Laying half dazed while his body reformed to it's natural state. Then there was movement, a large being possibly one of those humans he'd heard about, was with him picking through the herbs. Spotting this large statue sitting in the garden she moved over to it and began talking to herself out loud.
To her surprise he answered her questions, quickly and efficiently, then gave her a vast smile (which is not a sight commonly seen). The two became friends over the next year and a half, while she taught him bits and pieces about herbalism and medicine.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Medicine 15+2 (SP/Earned Xp) 17
Herbalism 15+1 (SP/Earned Xp) 16
Brawling 10+1 (SP/Earned Xp) 11
Geology 5 (SP) 5
Staff - (Weapon) 5+2+2 (SP/Earned Xp) 9
Escape Artist 10 (RB) 10
Socialization 1 (Earned Xp) 1
Rhetoric 2 (Earned Xp) 2
Observation 1 (Earned Xp) 1
Interrogation 1 (Earned Xp) 1
Intelligence 1 (Earned Xp) 1
Running 1 (Earned Xp) 1
Intimidation 1 (Earned Xp) 1
Unarmed Combat 1 (Earned Xp) 1

Lore : the medicinal plants of Syliras
Lore : Friendly conversation starters
Lore : Elisse (Acquaintance)
Lore : Recognizing Blueberry Plants
Lore : Reimancy (The Basics)
Lore : Considering Reimancy for Other Uses
Common - Fluent

Equipment and Possessions
1 x Cloak (suited to fit a 1ft Pycon)
1 x backpack
Flint and Steel
Family Heirloom - Father's Walking Staff (appropriate sized for a large Pycon)

1 x Basic cottage (20x20 - 400 Sq Feet)
Spade, shovel, rake - all Built for a 1ft tall being.

Summer Season Expense = -45gm
Fall Season Expense = -45gm
Current = 5gm

Thread List/Time line list

{Flashback} A new (small) Friend - 26 Winter 510AV
{Flashback} Going for a short walk - 5 Summer 510AV [Finished]
Training - 1 Summer 511AV
To Fill the Air With Music [Open] - Just a thread I'm posting in - 23 Summer 511AV
A New Beginning - 25 Summer 511AV
Off to learn at the University - 30 Summer 511AV -
Down the Docks - 40 Summer 511AV
Last edited by Herb on January 7th, 2012, 3:29 pm, edited 9 times in total.

' Herb talks like this '

And apologies if I mix up my Tense's and Grammer, I've never been very good
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Medical stone
Posts: 106
Words: 27337
Joined roleplay: June 7th, 2011, 8:24 pm
Race: Pycon
Character sheet


Postby Herb on June 24th, 2011, 8:14 pm

Physical Description

This little Clay statue stands around one foot tall at full posture, when people first set eyes on him it is often under the mistaken assumption he is a mere statue, untill he begins to move.


This one foot tall statue resembles a simple sculpture, his head is more rectangular triangle shape, his eyes or what would appear to be his eyes, are simple holes that open into the edges of the head, sitting on the front of his face. and when needed a mouth opens int he small end of the head. More often then not it is more difficult to tell what sort of expression he has on his face, as it most often looks much the same.


His limbs and body are quite long and slender, the arms being like long cylinders of clay that for no real reasons seems to have a bend in the middle, at the end of each length is an almost crude hand, long lithe fingers and a fifth finger making up what a human would consider a thumb. The body simply consists of a mass of clay with no defineable features at all. Legs erupt out of the mass that is the body, being thicker then the arms by over double its girth, becoming more slender as they proceed downwards, when the feet appear it's as if two large lumps sit there, almost uncharacteristicly or unsculptered.

Herb can most often be seen around the streets wearing a clay tattered long cloak that reaches the full extent of his body from the neck line, where it is clasped to each other round his neck, slung over his shoulder and across his body is a small little napsack type back that is used to hold anything he may have need of on that particular outing, although being so small it has a very limited capacity.

Probably the thing that strikes this little guy out most is that he walks around with a strange looking staff standing atleast a full half foot taller than him, which is uses to nudge people's ankle if they don't seem to notice him walking about.
Last edited by Herb on June 25th, 2011, 1:06 pm, edited 6 times in total.

' Herb talks like this '

And apologies if I mix up my Tense's and Grammer, I've never been very good
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Medical stone
Posts: 106
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Joined roleplay: June 7th, 2011, 8:24 pm
Race: Pycon
Character sheet


Postby Herb on June 24th, 2011, 8:36 pm

Character Concept

The concept I had for Herb is a very young in the ways of the world yet brave, fearless and utterly overwhelmed by most things someone would consider common or normal.
Imagine a small kitten in a large room, this for all intense and purpose's was my chief inspiriation, while the kitten is little this room could for all purpose's be the entire world, it's huge, there's vast amounts to explore, to understand, but as it grows and it's mind becomes used to it's surroundings, the world becomes a much smaller place.

With Herb I'm aiming to start him off small, building him up till he's got everything he could ever want out of his home city, which is Zeltiva. Currently he's of the opinion that a very important part of live is healing, medicine and herbs. Thus he has big goals for becoming a grand healer, or even just a well known healer of sorts.

Eventually he will outlive Zeltiva and wish to travel around the world, or just various cities and adventures. I didn't want him to be a Pyve based Pycon as I wanted him to have very early contact with humans, which he has and will often refer to as simply Giants.

Though I also wanted him to have atleast one strong connection in the past, the first was his father, although some pycon's do not bond strongly with their physical parents, Herb had a good bond with his father who would make him promise to take up the staff as a weapon and maybe one day follow his steps in mastering it. The second his first friend was the person who put him on the path and love of herbs and medicine.

' Herb talks like this '

And apologies if I mix up my Tense's and Grammer, I've never been very good
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Medical stone
Posts: 106
Words: 27337
Joined roleplay: June 7th, 2011, 8:24 pm
Race: Pycon
Character sheet


Postby Herb on July 1st, 2011, 4:51 pm

Character History and Story - Updated soon
Last edited by Herb on November 19th, 2011, 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

' Herb talks like this '

And apologies if I mix up my Tense's and Grammer, I've never been very good
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Medical stone
Posts: 106
Words: 27337
Joined roleplay: June 7th, 2011, 8:24 pm
Race: Pycon
Character sheet


Postby Herb on July 1st, 2011, 4:57 pm

Thread List and Time line

26 Winter 510 AV -{Flashback} A new (small) Friend [Finished]
5 Summer 510 AV -{Flashback} Going for a short walk - [Finished/Graded]
1 Summer 511 AV -Training - [finished] 
23 Summer 511 AV -To Fill the Air With Music [Open] - [Finished]
25 Summer 511 AV -A New Beginning - [Finished]
30 Summer 511 AV - Off to learn at the University - [Finished]
40 Summer 511 AV -Down the Docks - [Finished]
45 Fall 511 AV -Between A Rock And A Hard Place
50 Fall 511 AV - {University}Working, and study all a Pycon would ever need

' Herb talks like this '

And apologies if I mix up my Tense's and Grammer, I've never been very good
User avatar
Medical stone
Posts: 106
Words: 27337
Joined roleplay: June 7th, 2011, 8:24 pm
Race: Pycon
Character sheet

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