Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Talen Stirling on June 11th, 2011, 3:09 pm

He started moving from side to side - A different practice than the one before. Talen crouched slightly as he walked sideways compared to his imaginary opponent; constantly keeping up his guard, ready to strike.

Suddenly, he noticed her looking at him from her garden out of the corner of his eye. He stopped dead in his tracks, and took a few steps over to the one tree at his home; placing his sword and shield along the side of it. He sighed, it'd be so much easier if he just ignored what he'd done, and pretended nothing was wrong.
He turned around slowly and started walking directly towards her house, the two were separated by a very short green bush with sparse foliage. As he walked he looked at her searchingly for a reaction, though he wasn't sure know what he expected to see.
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Alvena Celandine on June 13th, 2011, 3:32 pm

Her body immediately tensed up when he caught her staring at him. Her heart rate accelerated, only calming down when he put his weapon and shield down beside a tree. Relaxing her shoulders slightly, she walked a few more steps to the empty flowerpot and gingerly dropped the glass there, never taking her crimson colored eyes off of him as he moved closer. She couldn't stand this person's completely unpredictable actions. First he insulted her for no reason whatsoever, then he approached her without any discernible intent. She couldn't read through his actions at all, and she was borderline angry about it. Her brows furrowed only slightly.

"I don't want any trouble," she said in a firm tone, clearly expressing that she didn't want him to get any closer. She stood her ground, her former expression of weakness replaced by a calmer, defensive position. The short time she had to herself made her realize that her usual polite attitude should be reserved for people who respected her in turn. Perhaps it was just her anger speaking, but she figured that she would have to learn how to deal with unpleasant confrontations, sooner than later. Her posture was still somewhat introverted and not in the least bit intimidating, but she did speak louder and clearer than earlier.
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Talen Stirling on June 13th, 2011, 8:54 pm

As he approached she visibly steeled herself, obviously worried about his intent, scared and angered because of his actions. It was his fault - best to admit it and get on with it. Suppressed guilt would only make him blame others, which would lead to further anger. Doing the right thing still sucked, though... Taking a deep breath, he stepped closer slowly only to be stopped abruptly by her words.

Trouble? He looked up with a humble expression, and hesitated abit before he could form words. It was hard talking to her when merely setting his eyes upon her meant that he was enraged and enthralled at the same time. He composed himself, keeping an open expression with his arms to the side and just enough distance for her not to feel intimidated or uncomfortable, with the small bush inbetween them. "I... I'm sorry about before. He murmured as he tried to look into her eyes; her resentment and anger left him feeling guilty, yet energy from his deep-seethed rage kept him going. "I have had bad experiences with your kin - But I apoligize for judging you preemptively. I didn't mean to yell, I was caught off-guard at a bad moment... He forced himself to keep looking at her rather than staring into the ground. Owning up to what had happened wasn't about looking away and blaming everything else. "It was my fault. I'm sorry, please don't worry I won't bother you any more." he finished, and looking up with an apoligizing, friendly smile he motioned to turn around and leave.
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Alvena Celandine on June 14th, 2011, 11:06 am

He barely finished reciting his apology before Alvena had already forgiven him, happy that he had shed some light on her confusion. She could see that he was forcing himself to humble himself before her, as he constantly averted his eyes and practically mumbled all his words. She couldn't help but smile slightly, glad that she wasn't directly to blame. She still wanted to know more though, why he was so much more averse to her than any other Denvali.

"Wait," She interrupted as he turned to leave. "What's your name? I'm Alvena," she said, trying to return to the usual polite attitude she was known for. She wanted to ask him what his 'bad experience' was, but she didn't want to throw oil into the fire. She wanted to help him understand that whatever happened to him did not condemn her entire race.
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Talen Stirling on June 14th, 2011, 3:21 pm

"Wait," Talen halted instinctively, and then turned around slowly leaning his head a little to the side and looking at her curiously. He'd rather expected her to remain angry, yet she seemed distant and polite rather than upset. He felt, and looked, slightly puzzled. "Uh.. I'm Talen. Talen Stirling. He paused, unsure of what to say and suddenly caught himself smiling at her, and promptly resumed talking to stop himself from looking silly;"I've lived in Denval my whole life.. It's nice here, I'm sorry to give you such a terrible welcom--" Going on about how offensive he had been. Great. Why couldn't he just shut up? "Where'd you come to Denval from? I've never been to the outside much, apart from on ship.." He trailed off, realising his mistake. Where would a Symenestra originate from but their ... Nest? Hearing about the place they abducted women to and the origin of the people who murdered his father would hardly benefit the situation.

Composing himself, he looked at her - and her disturbing crimson eyes - with as calm and open an expression as he could. He'd give her the benefit of the doubt, and stop thinking of her as some sort of monster. If he didn't, he would definetely be one himself.
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Alvena Celandine on June 14th, 2011, 11:35 pm

Just as this "Talen" was finally acting like a normal human being, Alvena became somewhat more at ease as well. She was infinitely more comfortable when she could read people's emotions. He seemed like a generally pleasant person to be around, if she wasn't Symenestra, that is. She couldn't help but smile when he tried to make small talk with her; He had obviously never expected to have a friendly chat with someone like her. She leaned over, placing her forearms lightly on the edge of the hedge that separated them.

"I'm from Kalinor," She said, pausing slightly. She studied him intently, expecting him to be uncomfortable with conversation about her homeland. "It's really much more beautiful than most people give it credit for." She eyed him up and down, scanning him for even the slightest change in posture. "Are you... A warrior of sorts?" Alvena decided to divert the attention from herself, looking to the sword and shield that were lying peacefully propped up against the tree.

It was hard to decide whether she should have forgiven him so easily for his previous insult. Perhaps if she mulled it over in her head, Alvena really wouldn't feel so inclined to talking in such a leisurely manner to him like this. She could never decide whether her forgiving personality was a virtue or a sign of weakness. As long as blood is not spilled without reason, she thought to herself. Maybe she should head to the chapel in the afternoon and make a sacrifice to Viratas, to show her continuing faith after her leave from Kalinor.
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Talen Stirling on June 15th, 2011, 6:38 pm

As she leaned over and started speaking, she looked at him with studying crimson eyes. He forced himself to look back - If she looked at his blue eyes, he'd smile. She seemed to be searching him for a sign of whatever emotion he was feeling, and although he felt uneasy and a little rigid he tried to look calm and take a friendly posture.

"Are you... A warrior of sorts?" He grinned faintly yet concealed it quickly. He didn't quite look the part of the hard, seasoned and cold warrior yet, he supposed. "Yeah. Of sorts. I'm in the City Guard, so don't worry, despite my rude behaviour it's my duty to protect you." Smiling outright, there was still a suggestion of truth behind his words, evident in his honest look.
For a moment, he looked past her exterior and was his kind self, yet quickly realised what he had just promised. To protect a Symenestra. The irony felt bittersweet, though it wasn't accompanied by the anger from before.
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Alvena Celandine on June 16th, 2011, 5:52 pm

Talen tried to control his expression, switching from smiling to a forced neutrality every few moments. She couldn't help but smile back every time he did. He was definitely in conflict with himself, but at least he was already starting to accept it. Some people just stayed in denial their whole lives, and Alvena respected him for not letting his pride get in the way of friendly conversation. His blue eyes also lit up more, and Alvena couldn't help but acknowledge his charm, especially when he smiled.

"That's very kind of you," she answered with a slight chuckle, "But I should probably learn to fend for myself." She had realized a few weeks after leaving Kalinor that she was a particularly vulnerable person. She had no idea how to defend herself in hand-to-hand combat. Her body was well trained enough because she knew how to hunt, but she generally shot her targets at long range. She would soon have to learn how to handle a weapon.
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Talen Stirling on June 16th, 2011, 7:58 pm

His lack of self control was frustrating, but he felt more at ease now than before. Looking at her, he couldn't help but feel attracted rather than appalled, which wasn't what he had imagined yet he felt that he was beginning to accept it. She smiled at him, and it was hard to keep up the image of a feral, terrifying monster when looking at her.

"Fend for yourself? How do you get by ... Alvena?" He tried out calling her by name, it felt natural, and was a pretty name. He couldn't help but look cheerful as a fool, though it still partially annoyed him. He suddenly realised how curious he was behind all of his anger; she was from the outside, of another kind and another place than Denval. As he looked up again, he had a brighter look about him. He didn't feel so close to all of the anger and sorrow that he carried with him, he'd buried it for now, the past had seemed to resurface but was now beginning to fade behind the clarity of the presence. He looked her up and down shortly; she seemed fit as well as beautiful, though so very foreign and strange.
Perhaps it wasn't so bad that a Symenestra had moved in next doors afterall...
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Beautiful Evil [Alvena]

Postby Alvena Celandine on June 16th, 2011, 10:06 pm

"I'm a huntress," Alvena responded promptly, "I'm going to go on a hunting expedition in a few days, actually." She pointed at the mountain of rubble in the distance by nodding her head towards it. She took the time to concentrate on her speaking. She had already improved greatly on speaking common in the past weeks, but was still struggling with vowels, which were pronounced somewhat differently in common than in Symenos.

Talen had calmed down since earlier, and was much more pleasant to speak with the she had anticipated. She had a hard time believing that he was capable of the deathly glare he had thrown at her upon opening his door earlier. "I'm not that great at hunting, but they say that my climbing skills can prove useful in the rubble," she continued after the pause, not wanting the conversation to end.
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