TIMESTAMP - 30th Day of Summer, 498 AV Summary - Cora's first contact with massaging It was late afternoon and Cora was sitting on a chair in his father’s office, quite bored. She observed him, as he treated some of his patients all day and it was beginning to be a bit dull. Her father promised, that he would teach her how to give a massage today, but he had so many patients, that he didn’t have time for it. Until now. He went to a door, to see, if there was somebody waiting. Cora saw him closing the door again and her heart leapt. Finally. "All right. We can start. I’m sure you are all impatient to learn something, aren’t you?" he smiled slightly. Cora nodded eagerly and stood up from her chair, straightening her clothes. "Yes, father." Her father nodded. "Come on, then.“ He led her to another room, right next to his office. Cora had never been there, so she looked around curiously. It was a plain room with white walls. Around the room, near the walls there were standing several big cupboards. In the middle of the room there was a simple wooden table. Cora’s father went to one of the cupboards standing in the left opposite corner of the room, opened it and took out several papers and even one book. He set it on the table and motioned for her to come to him. “All right. A little bit of theory comes first. This,” He was handing her a paper and Cora took in and looked at it. There was a colourful image of the human body, muscles and their names. “is important for you to know, so be sure to study it properly.” He told her firmly. “I also lend you a book on massage and I expect you to actually read it.” He continued and Cora gave a small groan. A book! That will be boring. Couldn’t he just show her how to do it instead of all these? Cora rolled her eyes and looked slightly irritated. Cora’s father ignored her annoyed look and continued with his lecture. “You must know, that massage is not merely caressing of the patient’s body. By applying a pressure on specific points of the body, the massage can serve for relaxing or relieving pain.” That was something new to Cora. She watched her father several times while massaging, but to her it all seemed easy. It was like mere sliding of hands on the body and to her, the mere touch seemed to heal people. She looked at her father with new interest. “All right. I’m sure you are ready to begin the real work, so let’s get to it.” Said father and firmly clapped his hands. Cora, being all excited, did some kind of a victory dance and came to stand near the table. Meanwhile, her father crouched down to take out something from one of the cupbards. When he stood up, Cora saw a dummy of an upper human body. She rubbed her hands together. This was going to be fun. |