![]() A youth of eighteen, born and raised on the fields of Denval. She was cared for by cold winters and suckled on hard work, instead of milk. Surly as she is beautiful, Lena is known for her passion and strong will. A day without work isn't a day worth living for this young Denvali. More boy than girl, she is uncomfortable with whats expected of her because of her sex. And strives to live her life her own way. Crushing all in her path with blind determination. |
Description Despite her best efforts, Lena has a subtle kind of beauty. Something that just is, instead of something created to look as such. When she was younger, she would hack her hair away, irritated with having to tie it up when she went out into the fields. She was taller than most boys her age, with long lanky limbs and a face covered in freckles and almost always caked with dirt. But when she grew older, she blossomed. Soft curves began to appear where only bone, skin and tendon used to be. Her hair grew a light, fiery orange, that ignited when touched by sunlight. Making her crystal blue eyes even more vibrant. By the time she was seventeen. It was painfully obvious she took after her mother the most. With wide shoulders, heavy breasts and thick hips. It wasn't such a bad thing, Lena always thought her mother was pretty. It was the stares that got to her. The way the other boys acted around her. How they would brush up against her whenever she worked with them. All her life she fought, played and worked with the other boys. Not only keeping up, but out pacing most. But in the end, it was her body that would betray her as different. As someone to be gawked at, instead of fought with. |
Concept Able to work from dawn until dusk, Lena has an inexhaustible amount of endurance and willpower. Since she was old enough to walk, she has been in the fields helping her mother. Everything from shoeing horses to working half frozen fields. And she's done it happily. She isn't dim witted, she knows how hard the work is. The aches in her back and shoulders. How her hands and feet have become so calloused they are more stone than flesh. The waves of exhaustion that roll over her, making it hard to stand, let alone plow a field. But it's in this that she has found her place in the world. Nothing makes her happier than a hard day's work. To taste the fruits of her labors. To see her brothers and sisters fed because of her labor and pain. The same passion that pushes her through a long day of work. Spills into every other aspect of her life. When Lena feels for something or someone, there is little limit to what she is willing do. But this passion, no matter the intention. Often leads to bad decisions. Made on poor information and carried out with little thought of the consequences. Like most Denvali, Lena is extremely interested in the outside world. Although she never had the stomach for the gossip and rumors that would spread around. Preferring to hear something from the source or not at all. But this, curiosity driven environment she was raised in. Fueled her own thirst for adventure and acceptance of all people and races. |
Story Lena is the youngest daughter of Boris and Evelyn Estelain and by far the most stubborn. As a young child she would spend her days climbing around the farm and pestering the animals. And each night she would come home dirty, caked with mud and bleeding. Depending on what she did that day. Later on in life, thing's haven't changed much. She works hard along side her mother. Sewing the fields, milking goats and reigning in cattle. Coming home at sun down. Caked in dirt and bleeding from whatever accident she had or blister that popped. And she liked it that way. Never wanted it to end... Lena and her mother Evelyn always had a close relationship. Did everything together and never argued. She looked up to her mother. Admired her strength and dedication. How could she not? Eve taught her everything... That is until Lena turned 15. Lena and her mother had conflicting views on the life they led. Lena was obviously happy with their farm. Long as they had food on the table, she didn't see a problem. Eve didn't hate their life. But she also knew the hardships that came with it. Lena was young and hadn't lived through the hard times like she had. As a child most of Evelyn's brothers and sisters died during the winters of bad crop seasons. For every good year, a bad one was on its way. And their crops had been good for too long. She knew that the best way to give her children a better life. Was to marry them to a wealthier family. Lilian, Lena's older sister was more than willing to marry off. But Lena never wanted to rely on another man to provide for her, to take care of her while she fattened up inside a house. So the relationship with her mother gradually fell apart. At first they would only bicker from time to time, but as time passed it would evolved into heavy arguments and then they were throwing fists. Her father Boris saw that his Wife and Daughter wouldn't last another season without spilling blood. If Lena wanted to handle things on her own. Then so be it. He discussed plans with his son Therin. To take Lena on his trading trips abroad. As always Therin was reluctant but warmed up to the idea. Lena being his favorite sister. He compromised with his Father and Sister. She would stay with him on the condition of her being his house keeper while he was gone. If Lena hadn't been so eager to escape her Mother. She might of choked him. But she knew she was in no position to be choosy. And she would rather take care of her brother than another man she hardly knew. Currently Lena stays with Therin. Cleaning the house and working at the Strangers Welcome on the side. Biding her time til she figures out what to do with her life. |
Training :
-Cooking 30/100
-Gardening 20/100 -Brawling 15/100 Negotiation-2 Seduction-3 Intimidation-1 Equipment and Possessions :
-Light Blue Bandanna -Black Rough Spun Hooded Cloak -Grey Rough Spun Tunic -Black Leather Belt -Black Rough Spun Riding Breeches -High Black Leather Riding Boots -Grey Dress -Leather Shoes -White Loose Shirt -Brown Breeches Equipment -Long Sword -Scabbard -Bedroll Waterskin Backpack which contains: -Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
-Food for a week -eating knife -Flint & Steel Ledger :
+Gained 600,Gm From starting package, 510 A.V.
-Lost 25,Gm 1,Sm For equipment expenses/ 35th spring 510 A.V. Total= 575,Gm 9,Sm Thread List :
511 A.V.
Summer 3rd Your a Sight for Sore Eyes. In Progress... Winter 31st- Bitter Homecoming In Progress... 512 A.V. Spring 6th- Tense Times In Progress... 33rd Never Look Back In Progress... |