by Candira on June 17th, 2011, 6:38 pm
Season of the Summer, Day 70, 510 AV
"Perhaps you are right," Candira responded to his lecture, "but only for animals with no choice. We can think and live without killing, so where is the reasoning?" He accepted her request, though, and a small smile of gratitude flickered across her streamlined features.
She was becoming comfortable on the land and in her squat when Tryt called out. She followed his finger with curiosity and quick alarm. The turtles, those cute and brave creatures the woman had traveled so far to find, were staggering across the sand. They were not the only observers, and predators watched with hungry eyes on the baby's passage. Their soft shells would protect nothing and their tiny feet would carry them nowhere. Even now, they slid on the wet sand and tumbled in the hearty wind.
"We have to help them!" Candira proclaimed, standing quickly. She was buffeted with the weather, so dulled behind the rock. Was the storm getting worse? She couldn't tell and hoped her shark was okay in the rough shore waters.
"Scat!" Candira waved her arms furiously at the birds, hoping to scare them away. "Scat!" But these were tough birds; they did nothing but ruffle their feathers and turn their attention to the bigger prey that was the Charoda.