Formula 1 Santander British Grand PrixSo, this is my loooong overdue post on the F1 race I went to, way back on the 10th of July.
Firstly, if you don't know what a Formula 1 car looks like, here you go:

They're extremely specialized cars that make incredible amounts of noise and go stupidly fast.
When I say incredible noise, I really mean it. Every single person in the stands was supplied with earplugs so they wouldn't get hearing damage. Not to say you have to use them though. I didn't for the first 5 or so laps, but then it was just too loud not to use them. It was still loud with them in, so I wasn't missing out! I think the sound they make as they pass you is about 110 decibels. Which is huge noise. Let me give you some perspective. If you were standing next to a 747 plane at take-off, the noise it would making is around 120 decibels. So yeah, it's pretty damn loud.
This link is to a youtube video with soundclips of the noises the F1 cars make. Imagine those sounds at 110 decibels and you'll know how I felt! (The sounds are from a Renault car, which are probably the best sounding)
The cars can reach speeds of up to 330kmh (210mph), but they rarely meet these at the tracks, definitely not at Silverstone where I was. It's more 290-300kmh there.
Anyways, enough of that!

This is the starting grid before the race started. Each team has a ridiculous amount of people! And that's not all the car spots. There are only 5-6 car spots in that picture out of 25!
There are 12 teams in the championship, each with 2 drivers. (Note the quirk here. Earlier I said there are 25 drivers. There are 25
numbered drivers. The real number of drivers is actually 24. No driver ever races under the number 13!)
Also, there are two championships that run parallel to each other. The drivers championship and the constructors championship.
The drivers one is for the racers. Whoever collects the most points by the end of the season is the world champion for the year.
The constructors works in the same way, but this time it is for the car team builders rather than the drivers.
Anyhow, my favourite driver is Lewis Hamilton. He races for Vodafone McLaren Mercedes. From his very first F1 race in the 2007 championship I was a fan (:

That is Hamilton in his car at the race. Easy to spot because of the yellow helmet!
As for the constructors, I have always been a Ferrari fan, ever since the age of 3 and my dad got me to watch my first ever race. He's been a Ferrari supporter for ages and ages.

The car in front is a Ferrari, driven by Fernando Alonso. The second car is Hamilton again. They were battling for 3rd place, which unfortunately Hamilton lost

And this is a picture of Sebastian Vettel, the current leader in the world championship by quite a large number of points. He races for Red Bull if you couldn't tell

At the end of the race they have a trophy presentation for the top 3.
It's not the best picture ever, cause they were really far away, but the guys on the podium from l-r are:
Sebastian Vettel (2nd place), Fernando Alonso (1st) and Mark Webber (3rd).
And if you look closely, in front of Alonso and Webber, it's Prince Harry!
And I shall end this with a picture of my face (oh no!)

And yes, I am wearing a raincoat. It's England, of course it's raining in the Summer!
And I'm also wearing my McLaren cap. Go Hamilton! xD