Kota Ciran

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Kota Ciran

Postby Kota Cirian on June 16th, 2011, 9:37 pm

Kota Cirian


Race: Kelvic
Age: 2 (appears 20 as a human)
Birthday: He cannot remember his birthday
Gender: Male

Physical Description
As a human, Kota stands around 6’ tall. He weighs in at 150lbs, muscle being the source for a lot of it.
He has short black hair and pale skin. His eyes are grey-black, their color changing depending on the lighting. They tend to be grey in well lit rooms and black in dimmer ones. He has long canines due to being a Kelvic, and they can be seen when he smiles.
His appearance isn't much of a priority to him.
He does keep his coat as a jaguar regularly cleaned if he is ever in his jaguar form, though that is not often. He usually only shifts for hunting, and traveling.
He wears a silver necklace that he never takes off unless he's shape-shifting, as he doesn't want to risk losing it when he's prowling around.

As a jaguar his height and weight are about average for the species. His coat is nearly entirely black, with few spots, which make him near impossible to see at night.

ImageKota is bit of a loner, though fiercely loyal to any friends. He generally dislikes being around people and would rather be alone with nobody to bother him.
He hates large crowds and dislikes being noticed for his deeds if he ever does anything of note. He much prefers to be the unknown hero.
In his jaguar form, he is much lazier and laid back than his human form. He likes to lay out in the sun and sleep, only hunting when need be.
Something always seems to be on his mind, though he never tells anyone what it is. He has a general i-dont-give-a-darn attitude when talking to people other than his friends.
He is a fast learner.

Ethics: He usually doesn't care what goes on outside his friends and his own little world.
However, he does seem do have a personal vendetta against bandits and criminals.

Likes: Thrill seeking, having things to occupy him in human form, sleeping and lazing around as a jaguar, cold weather, rain, stars.

Dislikes: Bandits, criminals and similar people, hot weather, cloudy days.

Character History
Kota was born to a well off family in Avanthal, where he then spent most of his time practicing archery or prowling around in his jaguar form. He would wander round the city or a little of the surrounding forest at night, even though his parents told him not to. That is until he was about 10, when his parents started giving him some education, mostly either reading and writing.
He didn't like it, preferring to be out practicing his archery or exploring the city. At the age of 15 he met a young woman by the name of Nera, who was skilled in various martial arts. Though she was probably older than him, she looked about his age.
He convinced his parents so suspend his education and let him train with her. He was not a natural at it, but he was a fast learner and usually corrected his mistakes quickly.
About age 17 he grew tired of his parents constant nagging by his to do better both socially and scholarly. He hated big gatherings and parties and preferred to be alone, and so was unhappy with their requests.
He didn't care much for scholarly pursuits either, so he left the city with Nera, and they set out on their own, taking his Frostmarch horse with them. You could say he was bonded to her, as all Kelvic are usually bonded to someone.
They traveled together for awhile, usually staying out of cites unless needed. They both preferred to spend their time out in the wild roughing it, agreeing it was more fun than the easy life of the city.
The occasional monster attack made things much more interesting to them as well. Even though Kota wasn't as skilled as some people, Nera continued teaching him how to fight with various martial arts and in exchange, he taught her some skill with a bow. Though he wasn't an expert, and still considered a novice, he taught her the basics of what he knew.

When he turned 19, the pair were ambushed by some bandits. They were trained, organized, and were hard to kill. Nera was fatally wounded, but somehow they managed to escape. They were miles away from any city and the situation was bad. Before she died Nera gave him her silver necklace and her money to get him somewhere. He carried her all the way to a small waterfall they had found earlier that day. She died during the night and he buried her by the waterfall the following morning.
He decided to head back to Avanthal. He wanted to visit his parents and ask for their forgiveness for running off those years ago.
However, when he got to their house and knocked on the door, a woman he had never seen before opened. He asked what had happened to the Cirian's, his parents. The woman was kind enough to let him in and give him a place to stay for the night. She told him after their son disappeared they fell on hard times. His mother was heartbroken, and his father had apparently got into some trouble with some underworld types. His father had to sell the house and everything in it to pay them.
The woman told him that they died a few years ago. Kota took the news especially hard, as he had fought with his parents the night he left. She asked him why he was so interested in them, he never replied to her. He stayed there the night and left the next day. He went to the surrounding forests and began to live there, hunting and living off the land. Though Nera is dead, he refuses to seek another bondmate. He feels like her getting killed was his fault and he says he still has a duty to her.

Training & Skill Points
Skill Points Level From
Archery 15 Novice 15SP
Unarmed Combat 15 Novice 15SP
Hunting 15 Novice 10RB 15SP
Wilderness Survival 15 Novice 15SP

History of Martial Arts (Basic)
Stringing a Bow Correctly

Equipment and Possessions
Cotton hood
wool cloak
leather pants
high boots
full leather armor
silver necklace (heirloom)
1 Pinewood longbow
120 longbow arrows
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
  • Food for a week
  • 1 eating knife
  • Flint & Steel
2 torches
bedroll & blanket
fishing tackle & hooks
100ft of rope
1 large tent (4 person) & tarp
set of tack & saddlebags
A Frostmarch horse

100GM (SP)

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Kota Cirian
Posts: 12
Words: 7591
Joined roleplay: June 15th, 2011, 8:02 pm
Location: Avanthal
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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