16th of Spring, 505 AV Her attention waned gradually as she sat in a reasonably comfortable armchair, listening to a lively conversation that the hunters were having in the room. She had feigned interest at first, but as the bragging dragged on, she felt more and more disinterested. When it came to hunting, Alvena could only feel her focus and interest spike when she located and brought down her target. The trophies and the conquests never attracted her. "I'll be in the training room," she murmured, leaving the room in silence as the rest barely acknowledged her departure. She tread lightly on the fabric that connected the hangout to the next room, moving in a casual manner. Her father had allowed her to borrow his bow for the day, the worn object slung over her back loosely. She didn't spend too much time at the Sickle and Arrow, but Alvena enjoyed visiting occasionally when prayer did not tempt her. The room was as she remembered it, the weapon filled chests placed where they always were. She sifted through the myriad of objects, careful not to cut herself on the edge of one of the blades. It wasn't long before she found a used quiver stocked with about 6 arrows. This will do, she thought, grabbing it and slinging across her right shoulder. The previous occupant of the room had placed three small targets on the far end, aligned horizontally and each about a meter or two apart. Alvena pulled out an arrow and gingerly placed it in the notch of her bow, pulling the string back slowly as she carefully aimed her shot at the target on the far left. After a moment of adjusting, she released, and the arrow planted itself near the middle, accurately enough. My aiming isn't fast enough. She pulled out another arrow swiftly as though she were against the clock, shot the arrow almost immediately at the center target, not stopping to see her results before pulling out another arrow and shooting it at the one on the right. The two arrows were way off their intended marks. Alvena cursed under her breath. She would have to practice the proper balance between speed and accuracy. She was too slow at firing her weapon, and was painstakingly aware of that. She walked over to the end of the room to retrieve her arrows. |