• Character Concept (Optional But Recommended)
o Personality – Kind hearted, good natured usually, loud.
o Ethics – He opposes criminals completely, rejecting any criminal activity and reporting any that he is witness to.
o Likes – Horses, listening to songs, pleasant smells, cinnamon.
o Dislikes – Criminals, because it was a thief who blinded him.
• Character History
At his birth his mother died from internal bleeding caused by the pregnancy. Clinton was raised by a bar maid who worked at the family’s bar while his dad maintained the bar. There was little interaction between the two though before his father died he confessed to Clint that he would have liked to spend more time with him that he had.
At the age of Seven Clint became blind. Having walked in on a burglary in the early hours of morning at the bar, the thief flew into a panic at the sight of a witness and slashed at the boy with a rusty dagger. The injury itself did little damage to his eyes only earning him a horizontal scar across his face, but the dagger held bacteria on it. In the morning Clint was unable to open his eyes as they were sealed by crust and after a week of the cleaning and reforming the crust went away and he was blind.
By age ten Clint was completely rejected by all the other kids his age and he spent most of his time in the bar talking with some of the customers. One particular man of old age was a gifted shielder, and after some consideration on what could be of the boy in the future decided that he would pass on his knowledge. Until he was fourteen he was trained by the old man until he died of natural causes.
At the age of fifteen, after much mourning of the old man Clint made the choice to train in self defense. Blind fighting was difficult but with much practice and patients he was able to learn. Now a nineteen year old he hopes to find a traveling companion that will help him to go to new places.