Erinia “Erin” Silversong The Unusual One ![]() Basic Information Race: Drykas Birthday & Age : Born sometime in the Spring of 488 AV, she is 23 years old Gender: Female Physical Description Erinia has flowing black hair that ends just above her hips. Normally, she has feathers and beads intertwined into her hair, which she prefers to pull back and out of her face. She has a pale complextion, and has very few blemishes or imperfections. Except for the scar that runs diagonally through her right eyebrow and eye. Her eyes, which are normally hidden clothe or a hood of sorts, are an unsightly, murky mud-brown color. The color being unsightly due to the fact that it looks as though a fog has rested upon her eyes, making her eyes take to the shades of that of a dead person. Erin measures about 5 feet, 9 inches and weighs 127.2 pounds. Her fingers/hands are slightly elongated and heavily callused. Character Concept Erinia is, for the lack of a better term, an oddball. Contrary to her races’ traits, she is generally silent. Although, she has no problem speaking her mind. She is often cryptic, speaking in riddles, or trying to confuse others. She enjoys the company of others, but loves it even more when she is alone. Furthermore, she prefers the company of animals and her work more than other humanoids. Behind all her ‘mean’ brovado, she is, actually, quite fragile—she hides this using her temper and snarky humor. Her self-confidence is extraordinarily low, and she would much rather be a twig than herself [This being a consequence from her blindness]. Generally, though, this doesn’t show. Well, at least not in the way you’d expect. Instead of wallowing in self-hatred or depression, she transfers her lack of self-esteem into a protective insinct towards others; She is very loyal due to this. Character History Before her history is told, one must fully understand the family and enviroment Erin was born to. Firstly, she was considered a beautiful girl that belonged to a powerful and large pavillion in the Diamond Clan. She had an older brother Marsious, and, obviously, parents. The terrain of Cyphrus often changed due to fires, powerful storms [both wind and rain] as well as flash flooding. ----------------------- Erinia has led a, basically, plain life thus far. Born and raised in Cyphrus, she was quickly trained in her parents’ arts—hunting by her father and carving by her mother. She never really was drawn to either of these crafts, though. Instead, she took to fighting and, oddly, teaching. Because of this, she often snuck out to practice her fighting skills. At the age of ten, her older brother died. This devastated her and sent her into the state she remains in now—silent and overly-thoughtful. Thus began her downward spiral in the eyes of her parents. In the hopes of retrieving the ‘old Erin’, her parents eagerly sent her to work as a merchant and occasional tutor. This was the nail in the coffin, so to speak; Erin never gained the pleasant disposition towards her parents ever again. Though, she did begin to act a bit more ‘normal’ and sociable. It was then a year later, at almost twelve years of age, did a Strider choose her as their rider and her windmarks were earned. [[Posted below are her windmarks.]] Every year Erin would visit a small memorial she made for her brother and leave flowers wrapped in a hide there. One year, when she was sixteen, Erin was just leaving to visit his memorial when a neighbouring boy began to talk to her. She soon befriended him, and the two became practically inseparable. After a while, he asked her to marry him. Shocked, Erin turned away and silently left him standing there. Humiliated and broken-hearted, he began to shout at her, and, after a while of being ignored, shoved her. Little did they know that a small cliff had formed after a recent windstorm. Following the accident, Erin’s eyes turned a foggy brown color and lost their beautiful blue tone. Blindness and a new found scar thrusted her even farther into the outsider stereotype. Miserable, Erin moved away and has been travelling ever since. Training Riding- 10/100 [10; Racial bonus] Blind Fighting- 13/100 [26; Starting Package] Escape Artist- 12/100 [12; Starting Package] Teaching- 12/100 [12; Starting Package] Boxing- 13/100 [13; Starting Package] Lore of Navigating (Tough) Terrain in the Dark/Sightlessly [Starting Package] Lore of Echolocation [Starting Package] Equipment and Possessions Small black clothe (To cover eyes) [Starting Package] Black cloak with faint tinted emerald in it [Starting Package] Black Riding Pants [Starting Package] Emerald Halter Top (Stomach/Back uncovered)[Starting Package] Leather Shoes [Starting Package] Pampsus, Brother’s Dog [Family Heirloom] Four-person Tent [Housing, Starting Package] Cyphrus Strider [Mount(Horse), Starting Package] Ledger 100 GMs Threads Summer, 511 AV Collision Course with Ronan Windsong--5th |