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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Tealli on June 24th, 2011, 7:34 am


  • Race: Konti
  • Birthday: 46th Day of Summer, 485 AV (25 years old)
  • Gender: Female
  • Physical Description:Sunlight drips down white gold hair, behind it slate blue eyes stare out from beneath the ivory waves into the souls of any who meets them. She is Konti. The embodiment of fragile and exotic beauty. That lovely hair seems almost to engulf the body of the small 5'3" female and her 112lb frame, falling down her back at about half her height. Tealli's pearlescent scales climbed like vines from the tops of her feet up her legs at the thighs. They curl along the backs of her hands around her wrists, finally to twine up her arms to meet together at the sides of her torso. In addition are patches at her neck and temples. The Gnosis Mark of Avalis, a Seer's Lily, branded like a shimmering shadow on her right wrist.
  • Character Concept: Tealli is a highly emotional creature, she carries herself with pride and truth, never telling a lie unless it is to protect a loved one, and even then the lie is difficult for her and often results in a sputtering, half-hearted attempt that is easily seen through. The young Konti has a playful and sometimes silly sense of humor that when she's in the mood to show it can even make her seem somewhat childish to onlookers. But she has a kind and loving soul and treats everyone she meets with the respect and dignity they deserve, but on the other hand she can be fiercely blunt to the point of cruelty if she encounters any situation that comes off to her as rude or dishonest. All in all she is normally pleasant company who enjoys above all to have a good laugh.
  • Character History: Tealli was born and Raised in Mura, all her life surrounded by Konti women of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds, raised more or less by the community and an incredible mother, Sciellias. She is the oldest of her sisters. Liel and Lakara are beautiful young Konti women who both have left their sister and Mura for grand adventures of their own and although Tealli misses them terribly she knows that they are discovering themselves and she is proud of them everyday for the bravery they show in doing so. All of these amazing women in her life taught her a great many things, from dancing and cooking to knowledge of plants and how to grow them on the great Konti Isle. The most amazing thing she has learned though has been the general knowledge of delivering babies, a skill that she intends to master as her chosen profession into adulthood, which at only 25 years old she has not yet reached.
  • Skills:
    Medicine 15 SP
    Cooking 10 SP
    Dance 10 SP
    Herbalism 5 SP
    Aquiculture 5 SP
    Unarmed Combat 5 SP
    Fortune Telling 10 RB
  • Lore:
    Lore of delivering babies
    Lore of Plants on Konti Isle
  • Gnosis Marks:
    Gnosis of Avalis -Divination
  • Equipment and Possessions:
    1 set of clothing (white coat, teal dress, simple soft shoes)(SP)
    1 waterskin(SP)
    1 backpack (comb, brush, razor, soap, food for 1 week, 1 eating knife, flint and steel)(SP)
    400 sq ft Cottage with hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.(SP)
    Pearl Necklace (Family Heirloom) (SP)
  • Ledger:
    100 Mizas (SP)
  • Thread List:
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To create is to destroy, nothing is perfect.
Posts: 9
Words: 2831
Joined roleplay: June 18th, 2011, 2:55 am
Location: Mura
Race: Konti
Character sheet

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