[Castle commons] 40th of Summer
The sun was shining through the sparse cloud cover above him but he paid it no mind except to sigh in disgust when a man bumped into him, or someone otherwise displeased him. Could it be any brighter? he wondered squinting in the broad daylight, and otherwise not enjoying the wave after wave of light that bombarded his sensitive eyes, and he worked his way among the people shuffling from one end to the next in the open air market. The morning had been rather boring for him to his dismay, a meeting with a associate of his not going quite as according to plan, and Cass busy running other errands where he knew not. It left him with nothing really to do besides peddles his time looking around the streets of Sunberth looking for a job or something else to do more productive than walking around aimlessly. Quite possibly he could try his hand at hunting again, but it was dangerous enough as it was to let alone tries it out on his own with no aid or someone to watch his back and he didn't want any supposed enemies to take advantage of him while he was so out of his element. Sadly the people out today looked so very plain, nothing of interest or even slightest hint of a skill that would be useless to exploit, simply wastes of space one and all.
Making a slight turn, he turned down another street that would eventually bring him back to Sunset quarters where he could usually find Cass when the need arose, but he expected this day he would not see any sign of her till the day was very young at the very least, and his eyes roamed the populace meandering about the sides of the streets, paying close attention to the shadows of the alleyways. One could never be too careful after all, even in broad daylight on a beautiful day such as this. There were always those that where more than ready to plant a dagger in your back and rob you blind, and you didn't survive by not keeping yourself wary. The newest street proved just as uneventful, just offering casual chatter and another sea of unimportant faces, and he was beginning to wonder what he was even doing out here. That along with the fact that he saw Cass was in fact not where she would be expected to be turned him backwards, deeper into the center of the city where he would quite possibly find a tavern, and see what he may learn, be it trivial, or useful like work within the city.