by Gossamer on January 15th, 2010, 8:28 am
I just wanted to add a small note here.
Mizahar will always remain free for everyone to use equally. We will always have all our services available to all our players all the time. However, since we keep attracting new players and growing (which is thrilling btw!) we have to look at other options for hosting to keep our site operating effectively. We're collecting these donations because our fearless site admin has a passion for numbers and hes estimating we'll outgrow our current space in far less time than we imagined - a month or two verses a year or two! This is exciting stuff. Like Tarot said early, we've been asked numerous times by numerous people if they can help. Truthfully, we've been asked so often we finally started talking about having some sort of system that was TRANSPARENT so folks know what their donation is buying, and when we have everything paid up and are good to go. I know where funding is going because I am part of the whole process as a site admin... but if I were a player and out of the loop, I'd want to know exactly what I'm supporting. We always try to think about things on Mizahar from a players perspective to make the game more personal, more interesting, more fun all around. Site support is no different.
So, we are getting a tremendous amount of new players and retaining them. And while it's giving our pbase an incredible diversity we didn't imagine, it's also generating an incredible amount of threads, chat logs, and development. Hence we're getting this donation system up and running so that in a month or two when we have to make some hosting decisions, we have a great pool of resource funding which we can use to buy space in bulk and length and thus get better deals. We want to keep Mizahar self supporting, and so when everyone donates a little, it goes a very long way.
Thanks guys. We appreciate the support. And in return, we'll make sure you'll know exactly what your donations are providing for the game.