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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]
by Archon on June 29th, 2011, 5:21 pm
Season of Summer, Day 20, 511 AV It was a pleasantly lazy day at the Golden Dragon. The large glass panes were open to allow a cool breeze to flow through, carrying with it a faint scent of the nearby ocean, but there was still a fair amount of heat in the building that kept all but the most eager or determined from doing much more than sit about conversing pleasantly while sipping their wine.
Even Tyras was taking it easier than normal, currently sitting at the counter chatting with a few customers who had just come to eat and drink. Their conversation seemed to be one of the more lively ones inside the Golden Dragon, with the patrons bursting into laughter every now and again, and Tyras' warm voice could be heard faintly from a little ways away as he relayed some amusing stories.
Among the rest of the people present in the Golden Dragon at the moment there was one other that stood out. It was a pretty young woman, probably 20 or so, with chocolate brown done in a simple braid down her back. She wore a soft yellow sundress that complimented her fair skin well. The thing that most set her apart however was her steadfast gaze upon Tyras with her green eyes. Sitting at the far end of the counter picking at a plate of food, the young woman seemed to hardly blink with how much she was watching Tyras.
OOCFeel free to assume that someone has already informed Drask to speak to Tyras about getting a job, if someone has not done so already. 
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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- Joined roleplay: April 17th, 2011, 12:34 pm
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by Drask on June 29th, 2011, 6:30 pm
Drask had been hesitant at first to get out of bed that morning, his body feeling somewhat weak from whatever he had picked up. His runny nose and lack of appetite were the first indications that he was getting sick, but he had ignored them until now. Now it had gotten worse. But Drask wouldn't show it, nor would he admit it. His Blackridge pride did not allow him to do so. If it became lethal then obviously he would not hesitate to ask for help, but something like this wasn't enough to cause concern in the young Kelvic. It did upset him, however, that he felt so miserable on such a beautiful day.
He dragged his pack over to him and looked inside his Miza pouch, not pleased what he saw. He was spending money at a rate he could not afford to sustain. It was time to do either one of two things. Steal, or get a job. The choice was obvious for him. He sat himself up in his bed and stared blankly out the window, watching the people pass by on the street below. "It could be worse..." he whispered in his Kelvic tongue, which was essentially a series of whines and grunts.
Before long he had made his way into the main room of the Golden Dragon where it seemed many people were enjoying a fine selection of food, drink, and entertainment. As he moved towards the front desk he was greeted by several employees with waves and smiles. While Drask did not often (if ever) use their services, Drask had made it a point to make himself a reputation at the Dragon, and from this he developed friendships with the hosts and hostesses serving there. Drask's main motive for such a thing was that he would feel more at home if he knew everybody.
Before long Drask was standing at the receptionist's desk that Tyras was currently occupying. He looked around while he waited for him to finish speaking with the customers. There were many people crammed into the small rooms that it made it nearly impossible to see. It reminded him of the time he and his cousin Waldo played hide and seek at the marketplace. Although the name they had used for the game currently slipped his mind. His eyes constantly fell upon a young woman sitting far in the back, away from most of the ruckus, staring towards the desk as if something about it was utterly fascinating to her.
After some time he managed to get Tyras's attention. "Ah, good morning! How are you today? he asked with a bright smile, his golden eyes sparkling with amusement. He did his best to disguise his pain. "I shall be quick. I was wondering if I would to be getting job here? My miza is low and I heard that the Dragon is hiring, yes?". |
Now a Rainbow's tale isn't quite as niceAs the story we knew of sugar and spiceBut a Rainbow's easy once you get to know itWith the help of the magic of a Pegasus device.

Drask - Stray Animal
- Posts: 73
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- Joined roleplay: May 16th, 2011, 4:54 pm
- Location: Syliras
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by Archon on July 1st, 2011, 1:56 pm
"A fair sight better than you friend," Tyras replied to Drask's first question with a friendly smile and a soft chuckle, "You look like you should still be in bed and resting before you manage to get anyone else sick. I'm sure we can find someone to come up and help take care of you if you'd like."
As Tyras spoke Drask noticed one of the male workers of the Golden Dragon approached the brown haired woman, and it seemed she barely responded to his words. Her gaze still remained steadfastly on Tyras, and it seemed the worker had no real chance at drawing her attention away.
"Yes, I'm almost always looking for good help," Tyras gave Drask an appraising look for a moment, "I've heard that you're friendly, but not very fond of actual companionship. You'd probably make a good waiter, or did you have something else in mind?"
After a little more effort the worker talking to the woman at the end of the counter had given up, and left to apparently go find a more friendly and pleasant client. The woman's green eyes never even flickered in the man's direction, even as he kissed her hand farewell, but remained solidly on Tyras' profile.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Drask on July 1st, 2011, 2:26 pm
Drask waved a reassuring hand towards Tyras,. "Do not worry. I am sure that I will not give it to your crew, or clients for that matter. You need not be worrying about me." he stated with a warm smile. A rather curious trait of all Blackridge Clan members was their resistance to human diseases. That wasn't to say they wouldn't get them from time to time, but they would pass as if it were only a cold. From this Drask had theorized that what he was suffering from was canine. Therefore, he doubted that he could spread it to anyone else who wasn't in the Canidae family.
The young Kelvic scratched at his chin as he contemplated the position Tyras had offered him. It didn't sound like too much of a challenge. He wondered if it were a good start for an individual whose skills did not compliment catering. It was true that he would have been better suited for hunting wild game, Drask had reasoned that if his skill range was wider his life would be much easier in the future.
"I see no problem with that. What would I have to do... though?" Drask saw that Tyras, too, had taken notice of the woman. His eyes went to the brown-haired female, and then back to Tyras. Repeat. Drask leaned over the counter slightly towards the receptionist, his eyes fixed securely on the strange woman. "I think she has taken great interest in you." He slid back down and let his bright, animal eyes study what he could of the young lady from such a distance. |
Now a Rainbow's tale isn't quite as niceAs the story we knew of sugar and spiceBut a Rainbow's easy once you get to know itWith the help of the magic of a Pegasus device.

Drask - Stray Animal
- Posts: 73
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- Joined roleplay: May 16th, 2011, 4:54 pm
- Location: Syliras
- Race: Kelvic
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by Archon on July 5th, 2011, 1:39 pm
"Oh?" Tyras seemed surprised, plus slightly confused, at Drask's assurances, "Are you a healer then? If you are, then perhaps we can provide you with a more interesting and lucrative position."
"The job as a waiter is pretty simple," Tyras continued at Drask's question, apparently still unaware of the stare of the young woman to his side, "It's mostly just bringing people their orders at their tables, but if you're ambitious it can also include a bit of matchmaking. It's not technically part of the job, but most of the workers here appreciate it if you point a compatible client their way. Being a waiter pays seven Silver Miza a day, and if you help someone meet a good client they'll usually give you some of their tip too."
Drask's appraisal of the woman revealed little more than he had seen already, but it was enough to draw the woman's attention. She turned her head just enough so that it was apparent she was looking at Drask, and then those green eyes almost seemed to light up with the hateful glare she shot the Kelvic. It was for only a few moments, but it was unmistakable that the brown haired woman's look had been intended for Drask.
"Well," Tyras turned and glanced at the woman, who had returned her dreamy gaze to him, "I suppose I should go see how I can help her," Tyras gave a soft chuckle as he stood and patted Drask on the shoulder, "If you want the waiter position it's yours, and you can go talk to one of the other workers to help you get started. If there's anything else you want to discuss my friend, come find me later and we can talk some more," and with that Tyras proceeded down to the far end of the counter, and was soon engaged in a lively conversation with the young woman.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Drask on July 12th, 2011, 5:53 pm
Drask chuckled heartily at Tyras. "No, no. I am nothing of sort." he answered, a cough rising in his throat. He managed to muffle it into his arm, but the coarse noise was audible to those around him. It seemed to help his point, proving that he was not a good enough healer to cure even himself. It had never been a field he was interested in. He was, after all, raised to love the sound of arrows parting air, and the noise of a sword severing flesh. Barbaric? Perhaps, but he was, after all, a wolf in human skin.
Drask continued to study the woman until her eyes quickly focused on him with a dangerous gaze. He flashed a small, polite smile and was only met with her fierce and hateful stare. He flinched. He understood that Kelvics were not as highly regarded as humans given their animal nature, but the woman's hate brought shock to the boy. He felt a pang of anger in his stomach and he shifted his posture to accompany it. He was usually well-tempered with such things, but not today. Not when he felt like dying. His eyebrows angled downwards fiercely and his cheekbones rose to narrow his eyes. His dangerous glare seemed to burn it's way across the room, a fireball scorching a path through the crowd of people.
He hoped she saw.
He slowly began to calm herself and gained enough of his composure to speak peacefully with Tyras. "I will take job." he said, readjusting his shirt. After watching Tyras leave to attend the woman (which he dared not look lest he rip her throat out), he turned the opposite direction and searched for a teacher. He secretly hoped he would see Ever. His cheeks turned pink and a soft smile spread across his lips. Ever... He shivered. He quickly put the side aside, afraid that he would disappoint himself. He scanned the crowd, keeping an eye out for the golden wristbands the employees carried. All of them seemed to be occupied, talking with customers, selling their... Goods. Drask shifted uncomfortably. He just stood there, his yellow eyes looking back and forth across the crowds. He felt a little out of place, like a giraffe in a cow heard. |
Now a Rainbow's tale isn't quite as niceAs the story we knew of sugar and spiceBut a Rainbow's easy once you get to know itWith the help of the magic of a Pegasus device.

Drask - Stray Animal
- Posts: 73
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- Joined roleplay: May 16th, 2011, 4:54 pm
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by Archon on July 15th, 2011, 3:14 pm
Tyras quirked a faint eyebrow at Drask's cough, and a faint frown touched his lips, "If you're that sick, then perhaps it would be best if you just went and rested, and then came and got your training once you're better. We certainly can't have you coughing over someone's food," the frown was replaced with a small smile and a pleasant nod before the man continued on to go talk to the woman.
For her part the woman seemed to pay no attention to Drask's glare, and simply focused her entire attention on Tyras. After a little time talking the two stood up, and arm in arm proceeded upstairs to the private rooms.
After a little while looking about Drask finally spotted someone that looked like he might be able to help him. Though the young looking man wore no gold bracelet he was scampering back and forth across the length of the main room, and seemed to be bringing full plates of food to tables, and then taking empty ones back towards the kitchen. There was something in his twitchy glances and movements that spoke to Drask's animal side, and made him think of some kind of small rodent. Maybe this man was a fellow Kelvic?
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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- Joined roleplay: April 17th, 2011, 12:34 pm
- Location: AS of Syliras
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