Krysanthe, the Living Contradiction

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Krysanthe, the Living Contradiction

Postby Krysanthe on June 30th, 2011, 3:09 am


Why is it that the cherished moments we love the most are gone in a heartbeat... and the moments that we wish could just be done with never seem to end? The answer: It is truely the smallest moments of laughter and love that we are to remember forever, simply because it was gone so soon that it lingers in our minds...


Here is how this works. In every underlined category, there will be an 'at a glance' section, so you can quick read through a paragraph or so about Krysanthe's personal information, and if you are bored and have no life like me(jk) then you can read all the little spoilers, and get to know Krysanthe, possibly more than she knows herself. Depending on your personal preference, it might actually be easier to look at the spoiler things, if you are looking for something specific (i.e. how she acts around others) then you would look under ‘character concept’ and ‘relationships’ and you would find the answer to your question. If you just want the overview in a story-format, read the paragraph. The paragraphs are in third person, and the spoilers are in first. Have fun!

That which is so blatantly obvious, yet you so needlessly inqure:

This beautiful young woman goes only by the name of Krysanthe. It is pronounced like the first part of ‘chrysanthemum’. It means ‘golden flower’, most likely given by her odd, golden eyes. She does not have any sort of surname, which is customary in her race of sub-humans. She is Inarta, through and through. Still, there are many things that differentiate this nineteen year old girl from the rest of her people, most of them being of personality. She loves the spring, not just because that is the gentlest of seasons, but because that is when she was born. She was born on the 24th day of Spring, in the year 493AV.

General Information :
Name: Krysanthe (Krys for short)
Age: 19
Race: Inarta

1. What is your Name? “My name is Krysanthe. If you are reading this, and not actually hearing your voice, then I may as well explain the pronunciation. It is pronounced like kris-AN-thee. Not that complicated if you ask me. It has meaning behind it, and those who did the majority of raising me chose it well. It means ‘golden flower’. I would ask if they named it because of my eyes, but they would smile and tell me it was because of my heart. I don’t know what they were thinking.”
2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name? “Most people just call me Krys. Pronounced Chris. I suppose it is easier that way, and in this home, such a name is rather uncommon, so if I hear someone calling ‘Krys!’ I know they are referring to me.”
3. How old are you? “I am nineteen years old. My birth date is on the 24th day of Spring, born in the year 493. Most women would be offended at such a question, but not I. I am proud of my age, and show it proudly. I am an adult. It is hard to distinguish adults from children in this place, so I am not ashamed to make that distinction.”
4. What is your height? “I proudly stand at 5’5’’, oddly tall for a female Inarta, yet I stand proud at this height.”
5. What is your weight? “By the gods, now you are just trying to offend me. Don’t you know how to act considerately? It is entirely inconsiderate to ask a woman of her weight! But between you and me, I suppose I can spare a secret. I am one hundred and twenty eight pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal. That was a joke. I am in fact 128 pounds, but I am in no way flirtatious. I am merely muscular and well toned.

What everyone sees but no one understands:

This woman to any eyes outside the volcano is anything but ordinary. Her radiance shines brighter than the sun, almost blinding to onlookers as they gaze unto her never-ending beauty. Her rich, voluminous, perfect locks of flaming red hair cascade past her shoulders in a long fall of flame, with such a red that could never be recreated by dye or mark, for it was far to rich in color to every be remembered. Even photographs could not attain the beauty of this hair. It never seems to fall straight, always holding a bit of curl. Depending on the quality of the air, her hair could range anywhere from a gentle wave like as a breeze pushes a shallow brook over smooth pebbles, all the way to wild curls that are as rough and tangled as the wool of a sheep primed for shearing. It is as if her hair has a life of its own, as it can be calm and easy, or it can spring out in all directions and cause her all sorts of problems. Her hair truly is reminiscent of a fire, for it holds a black at the roots like burnt ash that hides beneath the food of the fire, giving it unending depth and mystery, holding that bit of unreality, that hint of unnaturalness, all of which adds to the beauty which she so detests. Decorating her hair are two braids, taken from the hair framing her face, each braded with a strand of ribbon, which is wrapped around her head ad tied in the back with the ribbon, the back decorated with finely crafted gold-color infused glass beads.

Her face is the shape of a gentle heart, her eyebrows arched to perfection, a genetic trait that requires little maintenance. Her cheekbones are high, and retain no color whatsoever. Her skin is pale and clear, practically translucent as she has barely seen the sun. It is stretched like a sheet over her skin, revealing her almost ghastly thin figure. She didn’t always seem to look so thin, with ribs protruding from her chest and stomach concave. She used to look as if she was in prime health, but one day, she just stopped eating. She had mourned for days and stopped eating all together, and no one could figure out why. As the health left her body, the life left her eyes, and even as she regains strength now as time goes on, her eyes are still hollow, missing something. Despite any simple questions, no one could dig deep enough to even begin to understand what it is that troubled this dear creature so. She never uttered a word about it. She locked herself in her room for a few days, and almost lost her apprenticeship. One day, she simply came out. Her eyes were red and swollen, she had clearly been crying, and she looked like a skeleton with sleeves. Without a word she worked in silence, and no one dared ask a question then, and no one has since.

Despite her other aspects of outward beauty, her eyes are often the first thing that people notice. There is a legend, a rumor if you will, that seems to be floating about Mount Skyinarta. This story is that those born with yellow or gold colored eyes are bound to have a stronger relationship with animals, creating a stronger bond between them and their eagle companion. It seems that Krys stubbornly (and unintentionally) denies this. None the less, her eyes are this rare shade of yellow. The irises are a pure, goldenrod yellow, enfused with threads of iridescent gold. They shine and sparkle no matter the lighting, as it seems their light is coming from within. Around the outer edge of the iris is a ring of a darker yellow, yet smooth like the qualities of a petal of a dandelion. Around her pupil the gold is brightest, almost like looking at the sun. Just like the sun, her eyes give off the same feeling. The emotion in the looks she give you will tell you this: look at them for too long and you will soon go blind. Her eyes are lined gently with naturally long lashes, dark as charcoal, no makeup required.

As far as clothing goes, she wears a style of Vinati that is not exactly common. The neckline is not strapless or tank-top style. No, snakes around her neck tightly, as a turtleneck, although it does not have sleeves. The back consists of a strap, a strap that is merely the same fabric of the front of the Vinati stretched out to the back, the strand getting thinner as it passes beneath her arms, gradually decreasing until it reaches the back, until it is merely two strands of extremely strong, almost metallic strands tied in a neat bow on her back, just above the base of her shoulder blades. Her stomach is clearly defined as her midriff is entirely bare, and you can easily see her ribs. She is ghastly thin, although it is clear she is strong, for you can practically see her abdominal muscles, a trait that is not at all natural among women. The turtleneck style leaves her shoulders bare, yet it is so tight around her neck it makes you wonder how she could possibly breathe, yet she seems to have no problem.

For pants, she wears your standard pair of rather cheep Bryda. They are long and black, stretching down to her ankles, just short enough that they do not drag along the ground. When she moves, it is as if she is wearing a skirt, for the fabric flows gently and almost in a wild and lively manner, as if it has a life of its own.

Hidden in her room, she has a Katinu, a pair of long, knee length, lined boots, and a pair of fingered mittens. She also has a Sontav, and considering she is only a teenager, and apprentice, this is somewhat odd. Considering she does not have a bird to train, it is even more so, so she keeps her bracer for the future, where she dreams of purchasing an actual falcon, one that she can train and play with and simply have as a friend, a friend that doesn’t abandon her.

One thing that is odd is what she doesn’t have. She doesn’t have a scarf. Most, if not all Inarta love wearing their scarves inside and out, all intricately designed with beads and ribbons among other things. Not Krysanthe. She had no scarf to speak of. She sold it, long ago, and no one can quite figure out why, although most guess it is because she has a turtleneck Vinati and does not need (or want) anything extra around her neck.

It is easy to go on and on about beauty when speaking of Krysanthe, but one additional trait is worth noting at this point. She seems to lack that bit of youthful abandon that most people her age possess. She has never once been to Inclement Weather, despite all her years of living in the area. She doesn't really look like she is eighteen either. If one were to guess her age, they might say mid twenties, but not eighteen. It seems that the years have surpassed her. Like she skipped a few years of her life and moved on to better (or possibly even worse) things.

Aesthetics :
Height: 5'5''
Hair: Red + straight
Eyes: gold
Clothes: Turtle neck tank vinati, simply bryda

1. Describe yourself as you see yourself. I am merely an average Inarta. I have long, fiery red hair, slightly black at the roots, like fire sprouting from ash. I am taller than most females my race, at about 5’5’’. I am curvaceous I suppose, with your classic hour glass figure, and I find this to be nothing short of a curse. Being beautiful here is dangerous, because nothing is stopping anyone from taking advantage of you. If something happened and I was put in a lower caste, well, I don’t know how I would survive. My eyes are a hideous and cursed yellow, a yellow that has plagued me for my entire existence. I am pale, rarely spending any time outside my volcanic home, with not a single freckle dotting my face. It is odd not having the freckled feature, especially for where I live, but there is nothing I can do to change it.
2. Describe yourself as others typically see you. Beautiful eyes, beautiful hair, beautiful body, beautiful girl. They are so wrong.
3. What is your favorite body feature? Most people upon seeing me would assume that my eyes are my favorite feature. In this culture, having golden eyes is considered a gift from whatever gods, but I secretly despise my eyes. They have ruined me. My favorite body feature would probably confuse people. It is my skin. Untainted by sunlight, not burned to an unsightly red or tanned to a color that makes me blend with the rest, my skin is perfectly white, not dashed with freckles or marked with scars. My skin seems to be the only thing I have that has not failed me. It is practically the only thing I am proud of, and I do what I can to keep it that way.
4. How physically fit are you? I believe that I am quite strong. I have lived in a volcano my entire life. You have to be strong, or you die.
5. How do you typically dress and what is your style? I wear what most woman in Inarta wear. I wear a Vinati, decorated with a few small, glass beads that I have created myself, along with a pair of Bryda. Upon my feet I have a pair of sandals, made with some tough strands of thread and thick, yet flexible soles, to make it easier to walk through the many caverns of my volcano style abode, yet they are old and worn, starting to wear thin. I have had them since a child, and I do need to purchase some new ones.

Traits :
1. Do you have any physical weaknesses? I have physical weakness just like everyone else. I will say, however, that I am quite physically fit. I spent much of my time as a child trying to conquer the Edge of the World, and since then I have maintained my physical condition. I have great endurance, and many people underestimate my strength. Word of advice. Don't.
2. Are you right handed or left handed? I am right handed, which makes glass blowing easier.
3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent? I speak fluent Nari, I know the basics of Commoner, and I speak, rather poorly, a bit of Symenos. When I speak in languages other than Nari, I find it hard to refrain from clicking my tongue or making a bit of whistling sounds, if you would call that an accent.
4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? I tend to keep to myself. That is a terribly annoying habit, and definitely separates me from the other Inarta people. My race, by nature, is not afraid to speak their mind. I, on the other hand, am a bit more hesitant.
5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ? Piercings are so stylish for us. But I love my skin. I couldn’t imagine poking holes in it or staining it with ink and needle. No. I do not have them. And I never will. In an attempt to fit in, however, I do wear a glass-blown ring around my index finger, but that is about it. Another quirk of sorts that separates me from my race.

Scraping below the surface

Krysanthe is not like most Inarta. She does not speak her mind whenever given the opportunity. When someone asks her what is wrong, instead of simply stating what it is, she will snap at you, scowl, and either change the subject or walk away. She doesn’t talk much at all, in fact, which makes her feel more out of place than ever before. Often she wonders if she was born as the wrong race. Perhaps she was supposed to be something else. The gods make a mistake, she is not an Inarta at all! How could she be, she is nothing like them. She has a such a sharp tongue a few have warned her about cutting her throat. She doesn’t take kindly to rude remarks and racism, and she will never back down in a come-back war. She does her best to behave around traders, but when it comes down to it, if you get her angry there is nothing holding her back. She has been this way her entire life. She has always been this way, and many believe that it is this fierce and determined attitude that got her to be an apprentice for a glassblower, and refrained her from becoming an Endal. She has held this apprentice status for more than just a few years, for it seems she simply doesn’t have the ability to be something further. In her own personal opinion, she agreed. Her attitude had gotten her into this position. She considered herself lucky. She considered it a blessing, not at all a curse. She certainly has no desire to be a Dek, but, in all means of truthfulness, any caste higher than she is now does not appeal to her in any manner.

One trait that lingers in her personality is something that appeared when she was about seventeen, only a little younger. This trait is her apparent depression. She has always iscolated herself, but never like this. She eats, does her days work, and then disappears after completing everything. I the past, she had perfect attendance to the various celebrations, festivals, and even markets that Mt. Skyinarta was always abundant in supply, but around her seventeenth birthday, she simply stopped. She secluded herself from everything and everyone. She stopped going to anything related to music, whereas in the past she had contemplated performing. Now, if one were to stray from these parties, in search of her, they would find her in her room, clinging to her knees, staring at the wall and humming a sad tune, perhaps dancing slowly on her own, often crying. It is as if a part of her has been torn away, a majority of her heart thrown to the ground and stepped on, with no possible repair. She has never told anyone of what it is that happened to her that Spring 510AV. And as much as people try they will never get it out of her.

Her eyes are truly the epicenter of her emotion. As good as she is at masking her emotion, her eyes are her curse that reveal what she is feeling. They glisten and glow, fade and hide, the whites turn yellow and red and her eyebrows bend and turn. Anger, despair, hatred, sorrow, all of which are often present in her constantly troubled expression. Will she ever be happy? It certainly doesn’t appear to be so.

Another way that you can tell her emotion is quite simply the way she works. She works with glass for a living. If she is fierce and hard, if she makes any sort of mistake, you can tell that her mood is terrible. Oddly enough, it is when she is angry or sad that she creates her best pieces. Her master will often take them from her and put them on display, but she forces him to leave her name out of conversation. She, unlike most other craftsmen, doesn’t want anyone to know of her talent. She has a silent fear that if someone knows, the pressure will increase farther than it already is, and she will never be able to make a decent piece again. When she is happy or her mind is clear, she will be gentle, never making a single mistake, although her pieces are never as exciting, although still better than any normal human could make.

Krysanthe is not afraid of much. Death? Being alone? Spiders? Snakes? Weapons? Injuries? Blood? Battle? None of the above. She appears fearless, although this is not the case. She does have a few fears, and they are quite odd indeed. She is afraid of thunderstorms. With every crash of thunder she flinches, and with every flash of lightning she will wince. The hair on the back of her neck will stand on its end and her eyes will shut until the sound disappears. She just hates thunderstorms. She is also afraid of waterfalls. Unlike thunderstorms, she was not always afraid of waterfalls. No, no. This fear came around the same time that she isolated herself. She refuses to go near these structures. Unlike her fear of thunder, at the very mention of a waterfall, tears may start to come to her eyes. For one who hates publicly expressing emotion, she is always so weak when waterfall comes into conversation. She just can’t help it, the tears are a reflex.

Likes and Dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies? Glassblowing and trying to translate a journal.
2. Do you like to read? Not particularly, although I am certainly able.
3. What annoys you more than anything else? Racist idiots who assume all Inarta have the same personality and that all rumors are true.
4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do? Glassblowing. Pure and simple.
5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why? It’s tough to say. I don’t take compliments particularly well, but I am not embarrassed by them. I am a bit embarrassed when people point out my flaws, (and by that I mean, what I think are flaws). This is when I start to get uneasy. When people draw attention to me is also a bit embarrassing. I am more of a background person.

Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors? Somewhat ironically, considering where I live, I love blue and green. When I blow glass, I try to mix these colors to make masterpieces, yet none can compare with the beauty of the skies I dream lie beyond these rocky walls. I also fancy a bit of white, another reason why I love my own ghastly skin.
2. What is your favorite time of day? Night time, when I can sleep.
3. What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? I… don’t feel entirely comfortable answering that. I fear if I do, you will think differently of me.
4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat? I don’t have a very sophisticated palate. I eat what I am given.
5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you? The kind of weather I like is quite simply rain. But not just any rain. It is a specific type of rain. It is a rain that is not hard that beats down on things, but gentle, heavier than a sprinkle, but light enough that you can see through it. I love this rain. Somewhat ironically, I do have a somewhat childish fear of thunderstorms. I don’t know entirely why, but the loud booms of thunder and silent flashes of lightning just chill me to the soul.

Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? It depends on the cup and what is inside; then I will tell you whether it is half full or half empty.
2. What are your religious views? *pending. I am not well educated on the religions of Mizahar to give my character one.*
3. Would you be able to kill? Yes.
4. What are your views on sex? It is the people’s decision, but I hate it when one is being taken advantage of. Who am I to talk? My very birth was an accident.
5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life? Success is a matter of opinion. Some people think success means having it all, money, a decent place to live, a good reputation. I think that it doesn’t matter if you are exiled, homeless, starving, and stupid. If you are with someone you care about, and they care about you, then you have lived a successful life.

Relationships :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not? No. It is hard to get on my good side. Letting someone in my heart just makes it more prone to breaking. My heart is like glass. Once it shatters, it cannot be repaired, only turned into something different, or thrown away all together.
2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not? No. Every time, without fail, when I start to trust someone, I get disappointed.
3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else? Straight. No question.
4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time. Well, yes. I just… I don’t want to talk about it.
5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time. No.

Relationships 2 :
1. In general, how do you treat others? Fairly. I try to be considerate, but most don’t like to spend time around me, for I am not very social, and often come across as rude or inconsiderate.
2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? …
3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why? …
4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover. Ideal lover? Try one that doesn’t try to hand you over to be a surrogate mother only to be murdered, realize their mistake, and kill themselves.
5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why. I used to, but that feeling is long gone.

Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others? Honest? Ha.
2. Do you have any biases or prejudices? I try not to. People with prejudices are my pet peeves.
3. What makes you happy? Honesty. Truthfulness. But most of all, someone genuine.
4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for? Love. Above all else, true love. I have dreamed about love since I was a child, yet it seems to be only a dream.
5. What makes you angry? There are too many things to list. It doesn’t take much to set me off.

Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I try to avoid talking to people all together, but that can lead to arguments.
2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? Quite simply, no. People who step up and try to be a leader are cocky and over confident. I just want to put them in a choke hold.
3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? No, I am really anti-social. Being in large groups quite simply isn’t my forte, but I won’t be a nervous wreck in one.
4. Do you care what others think of you? I try to put on a mask that I don’t give a damn, but when it comes down to it, in reality, all I want is for people to like me. I want people to smile when they see me or call my name from behind me to talk to me. I want people to remember me. I want to leave a legacy. Still, I don’t think that is going to happen. So I live with the disappointment.
5. What do you think of others, in general? In general… Well, I think that everyone needs to learn a little bit about business. Sound strange? Well, the hardest part about running a business is. Minding. Your. Own.

Beliefs :
1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any? I really find Kelwyn intriguing. The God and Goddess twins, the God(dess) of Lost Causes. When all hope is lost, they appear, if only you somehow impress them. The real trick is getting them to notice you, and getting them to like you. They are kind and spunky and mischievous, and I would suppose that is why I like them so much.
2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any? I honestly do not know much about gods and goddesses. I am not a very religious person I suppose, I haven't done my research.
3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them? See thread list. This is pending.
4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity? -
5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much? -

Life & Death :
1. What do you absolutely live for? Love, taking chances, staying firm, and keeping memories.
2. What is the best part of life? The memories staying with you forever of all the good and the bad times, because at least you have them there.
3. What is the best part of death? Being able to release your transgressions and finally let go of the pain and the suffering of living.
4. If you could choose, how would you want to die? Quickly, but with a chance to say goodbye. No specific manner, but I do not want to be thrown off a cliff. I can tell you that much.
5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? I want to be remembered for never giving up on what I hold closest to my heart, and always keeping my promises. If there is anything that I am notorious for, it is keeping my promises.

The most distant past

*MAJOR work in progress. I read through this the other day and decided I totally hate it. SO therefore, I shall be rewriting it completely. So basically, it is a work in progress. ;D *

Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like? Unknown – child of Dek
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Unknown
3. What is your extended family like? Unkown
4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family? Considering my lack of family, you could say far more. Still, this also brings up a question: what friends?
5. Do you treat animals like family? Yes. Absolutely yes. Every animal is a gift and a blessing, and should be treated as such.

Location :
1. Where were you born? Unknown.
2. Where do you live now? I live in my own little corner of the world, a secluded little apartment in the Commonrooms of Wind Reach. I have a bed and a dresser among other things, and that is all that I need.
3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be? I don’t know, truly. I don’t know much about the outside world. How could I after being trapped in this burning hell for so long? I suppose I shouldn’t call it that, for I get treated so kindly here, yet I can’t shake the feeling that people are always looking down on me. I would rather be dead than take other’s pity. I just want to live in a place where I am accepted. The only thing keeping me from taking my own life is a promise that I made.
4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time? Not really. I spend most of my time I my bedroom.
5. Where do you fear to be? I am terribly afraid of waterfalls, and really, I fear to ever be placed a situation where I am torn between either telling a lie to spare the feelings or telling the truth to set someone free. How could anyone make that kind of decision? I just don’t think I would have the strength.

Occupations :
1. What is your occupation? I am an apprentice glassblower. I know I know, I am eighteen and still only an apprentice. I am stuck in the caste of Chiet, but there is really not much I can do about it. If only I would just get better. I always feel that my work is nothing compared to the true avoras, which is probably why I remain in this less than desirable position. Still, it is better than a Dek's.
2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why? I like the fact that I get to do what I love, and that is working with glass. Animals don't seem to like me much, so I suppose I will never end up as an Endal. I dislike that I never seem good enough to get out of this apprentice position and into one of an avora. A real glassworker. Yes, that would be absolutely fantastic.
3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be? I honestly don't know. It is so hard to judge what I could do, what it is exactly that would make me happy. Would being an avora make me happy? Would I ever be happy as an Endal? Will I ever be happy at all? All posing questions, none of which I have the answer to.
4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why? I think that would be, as many of we Inarta think, the Endals. Simply because they get to befriend such magnificent creatures. If only I had that kind of connection with animals.
5. What occupation do you least like? Why? Deks and their meager positions. I don't have a specific occupation that I dislike, but I can't imagine the sort of work they are put through.

Drugs and Alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time. Absolutely not! Well, there is this one night last year that is all kind of fuzzy… no! What am I talking about! Absolutely not.
2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis? No.
3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer? I do not have a preference as I have not sampled a wide range of alcohol. When I drink, there is nothing stopping me from confessing everything, which is something I fear terribly. I don’t want anyone to know my secrets.
4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them? No.
5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific. Specifically? Wellllll, let me give it to you straight. People simply shouldn’t do drugs and drink alcohol to cover up their shame and hide from what they fear. An occasional drink for fun or for charm would be fine, but when you get all out wasted simply because you had a bad day, well, that is what I call inappropriate.

Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done? It is odd how they are one in the same, isn’t it? Falling for a Symenstra. What a fool I was, yet I wouldn’t change those memories for anything.
2. What is your greatest regret? Falling in love. Never again.
3. What is your best/worst memory? The best: Giving my only true love a hand-crafted necklace of my finest beads, only to see him take more intrest in me then my work. The worst: Watching this same man give up everything, even his own self, for me. I will never be whole again.
4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why? One thing? I would choose to quite simply never have been born in the first place. That would make everyone’s lives easier.
5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life? I changed someone’s life. I could not be more proud of that. But that ended badly. All in all, my accomplishments are all bittersweet.

Languages, Gnosis, Skills, Lore

Nari (fluent)
Common (basic)
Symenos (poor)
Skill Points Received by Thread(s) Proficiancy
Glassworking 43 10 RB + 25 SP + 8 Earned * * ** Competent
Philtering 15 15 SP - Novice
Rock Climbing 5 5 SP - Novice
Socialization 13 13 Earned * * ** Novice
Observation 22 22 Earned * **** Novice
Rhetoric 11 11 Earned *** Novice
Leadership 4 4 Earned ** Novice
Wilderness Survival 1 1 Earned * Novice
Intimidation 2 2 Earned ** Novice
Brawling 1 1 Earned * Novice
Investigation 2 2 Earned * Novice
Negotiation 3 3 Earned * Novice
Organization 1 1 Earned * Novice

Racial Bonus Starting Package Earned
10 50 68
Total 187



Deposit/Withdrawal Amount Reason Additional Info Balance
Withdrawal 15 gm personalize starting package Mirror + desk 85 gm
Deposit 300 gm spring 512 earnings - 385
Deposit 300 gm summer 512 earnings - 685
Withdrawal 450 gm fall 512 taxes
details :
I had no job threads all this season.


Item(s) # Condition Location Additional Info
Vinati 1 Used On person Turtle neck style
Bryda 1 Used On person Simple
Backpack 1 Used In drawer of chest Full
Comb 1 Used On desk A few missing teeth
Brush 1 Used On desk A few missing bristles
Razor 1 Used In backpack Somewhat dull. Can't have hairy legs, can we?
Soap 1 Used In backpack For... cleaning.
Dried foods 1 New In backpack Never know when you need a week's supply of food...
Eating knife 1 New In backpack Well, you need something to eat that food with.
Flint and Steel 1 New In backpack -
Mirror 1 New Above desk -
Desk 1 Used In room Rather empty

Poor: pretty much falling apart.
Good: A few glitches here and there, but it is pretty good.
Used: Not brand new, but not much wrong with it.
New: As if it was just purchased, never used, nothing really wrong with it.
Fantastic: No imperfections to be found.
Time stamp Location Title/Link Additional Info
13th+ of Summer, 509 AV Mt. Skyinarta (Flashback)Favorite Mistakes Closed+Graded
50th of Spring, 509 AV Outside the Reverie (Flashback) A Dark Hallway with a New Torch Closed+Graded
14th of Summer, 510 AV the commonrooms (flashback) Grief Ongoing
85th of Summer, 511 AV The Twin Lakes New Meetings Closed+Graded
5th of Fall, 511 V Courtyard of the Sky It's a Party, People! Closed+Graded
13th of Fall, 511 AV A hall of Wind Reach Heavy Weights on Light Spirits Inactive
30th of Fall, 511 AV Glass Reverie + Beyond Some Like it Hot Closed+Graded
1st of Spring, 512 AV Courtyard + Beyond When Fire Strikes Closed
3rd of Spring, 512 AV Glass Reverie All in a Day's Work Closed+Graded
11th of Summer, 512 AV Various Locations/Unforgiving Defining the Different Open(seasonal event thread)
35th of Summer, 512 AV Courtyard Secrets Closed+Ongoing
36th of Summer, 512 AV Crafts Gallery Fragile Existance Closed+gradd
Last edited by Krysanthe on December 7th, 2012, 3:55 am, edited 35 times in total.
Update 12/30: -My list- Defining the Different - Beauty and the Beast - A Pinion a Pair - Always the Quiet Ones - Grief

"Why is it that the cherished moments we love the most are gone in a heartbeat... and the moments that we wish could just be done with never seem to end? The answer: It is truly the smallest moments of laughter and love that we are to remember forever, simply because it was gone so soon that it lingers in our minds..."
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The Living Contradiction
Posts: 120
Words: 130540
Joined roleplay: June 29th, 2011, 4:43 am
Race: Human, Inarta
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Krysanthe, the Living Contradiction

Postby Krysanthe on July 3rd, 2011, 11:59 pm

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Update 12/30: -My list- Defining the Different - Beauty and the Beast - A Pinion a Pair - Always the Quiet Ones - Grief

"Why is it that the cherished moments we love the most are gone in a heartbeat... and the moments that we wish could just be done with never seem to end? The answer: It is truly the smallest moments of laughter and love that we are to remember forever, simply because it was gone so soon that it lingers in our minds..."
User avatar
The Living Contradiction
Posts: 120
Words: 130540
Joined roleplay: June 29th, 2011, 4:43 am
Race: Human, Inarta
Character sheet

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