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Postby Santaro on July 1st, 2011, 4:13 am


Human/Vantha. Male. Born in Summer, 484 A.V. 27.
Height: 6'4"
Build: Toned
Skin: Deep Olive
Hair: Dark Brown/Blue
Eyes: Primarily Deep Blue/Teal


A scholar of magic and a defender of the living at heart, Santaro has been jokingly quipped 'The White Knight' by his friends in Lhavit. He does not mind though - instead, his days are filled with study and practice. He is highly disciplined and is dedicated to his study of the Sword, Shielding, and Projection. Despite his serious nature, he is playful and outgoing most of the time, sincerely enjoying the pleasant company of others. He has strong beliefs in equality and justice, having seen first hand the unfair treatment of the Shimobe rank in his hometown. Idealistic, determined, and a perfectionist, Santaro hopes the best for the future.

Presently, Santaro lives with his ailing father. His mother has passed away, an event that has haunted Santaro for the duration of his short life. Killed by bandits while travelling, Santaro was unable to defend her, due to his age and lack of combat skills. He has blamed himself ever since, and hopes to earn her forgiveness.

Santaro has no brothers or sisters, and worships the goddess Priskil.


Born in Lhavit to a Vantha father and a Human mother, Santaro grew up in the Sesul caste of the Floating City. His father, a white mage, recognized Santaro's propensity in magic and trained him in Shielding and Projection at an early age, often encouraging Santaro to train under other well-established Sesul. Additionally, his father had planned for him to further his skill of Projection alongside the Shinya, thereby learning their martial arts in the mix.

Yet Santaro was fascinated by the sword of his Human mother. It had belonged to her father, a Syliran Human who had sought refuge in Lhavit, eventually living there permanently. As a young man, after his mother's death, Santaro became determined, almost to the point of obsession, to become stronger and defend the weak. Santaro began to secretly train with the sword. Upon discovery, he confessed to his father that while interested in Projection and the wisdom of Lhavit, he sought to eventually become a warrior-priest of Priskil and to join the Order of Radiance.

However, for now, Santaro has made the choice to stay in Lhavit and to take care of his dying father. This also gives him an opportunity to strengthen his Projection magic before heading out to pursue Priskil's Luminance.
Last edited by Santaro on July 2nd, 2011, 2:20 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Posts: 17
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Joined roleplay: July 1st, 2011, 1:59 am
Race: Human, Mixed
Character sheet


Postby Santaro on July 1st, 2011, 4:22 am

Lhavitian (Fluent)
Vani (Fluent)
Common (Moderate)

Starter Pack & Racial Bonus
Weapons (Swords): 29/100
Shielding (Magic): 26/100
Flux (Magic): 3/100
Dual Wield: 2/100

Starter Pack
The goddess Priskil
The Order of Radiance

Standing Firm
Protecting Family Heirlooms
Svarna's Journal

None Presently.

- 1 Double-Edged Longsword
- 1 Dagger
- 1 Small Shield
- Clothing
- Waterskin

100 Kina
Last edited by Santaro on August 4th, 2011, 8:02 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Posts: 17
Words: 3341
Joined roleplay: July 1st, 2011, 1:59 am
Race: Human, Mixed
Character sheet


Postby Santaro on July 1st, 2011, 12:16 pm


Genesis [ Avanthal ]
The Wizard Registry [ Lahvit ]

User avatar
Posts: 17
Words: 3341
Joined roleplay: July 1st, 2011, 1:59 am
Race: Human, Mixed
Character sheet

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