Loaded Bones: Looking into 'fair' income options.

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

Loaded Bones: Looking into 'fair' income options.

Postby Reaver on July 2nd, 2011, 6:30 am

Timestamp: [Summer 1, 511 AV]

Ledger AdjustmentGained: Set of Bone Dice
Lost: 5 cm

Reaver found himself once again along the outskirts of town, with a recently completed set of animation circles dug into the dirt. It took him a lot longer then usual, due to the limited morning light. He filled them with the sand he had collected before-hand. In the center of the other circle, he set a bone die. It was one of the the six-sided ones he bought in his dice set. He needed income, and it was time he collected... as in style for Ravok.

Reaver started with the simplest part, the Life Principle. Given the size of the object, that was a cakewalk. Next, directives.

"Primed," "Roll" "On" "Match" "Side."

Easy enough. Now, to teach it those things. Reaver went over the list in his mind.

"Djed," Reaver focused on the very magical power he was using to transfer this process.

"Pressure," force. This one did not have a visualization, but wasn't hard to convey at all.

"Shape," he pictured a square, circle, his palms, a rectangle. All two-dimensional.

"Side," he pictured the side of the die. He recalled the feeling of the side, and conveyed that feeling, along with a few other visualizations and feelings of a side as well, just to be sure.

"On," Reaver pictured in his mind something sitting ON something. The die on the ground, as it was. Reaver, sitting ON a chair. He conveyed the idea through feeling as well, the feeling his bottom felt against the gauze under his armor.

"Rest," He imagined the die as it was, not moving. ...Not just the visualization, but the very feeling of not moving. The pressure of the object being forced on one side.

"Match," Reaver focused on two things that were the same. Two squares, to be exact. He thought of what the square would feel like against another square. He left another example, his thumbs pressed together, or his palms. Even pressure from both sides, of the same shape.

"Primed," Reaver focused hard, he imagined the two forces pushing against the die, both on a "Side" of the die furthest from the other. One of the opposing forces was to be a Match of the Side it was pressuring. The other force, any other pressure against it. While this pressure was in place, the other pressure would push Djed onto it. He took these two concepts, and imagined them opposing one another, at the same time. Djed and pressure on one side, match and pressure on the other.

"Push," Reaver pictured himself using his astral body out and back in again... slightly, but quickly. He imagined the die doing the same thing.

"Roll," Reaver thought of the die rolling. He thought of his own rolling, movement continued by shifting momentum, and an occasional push. He imagined the die rolling on something. Then his own rolling, stopping on something. He imagined it rolling onto one of it's sides, coupled with Reaver rolling onto one of his sides. Coming to a stop being a critical part of every roll, with each visualization being tied to the end of the roll as well. Not only that, he visualized the same side each time.

With this, he built the object's astral body. However, he didn't make it perfect. The die had no way to distinguish which side was which, and was not a perfectly rigid, but mailable, movable. Though the die itself cannot move, perhaps it could adjust its movement by using it's astral body a bit. Quite a risk, but perhaps his knowledge in projection would do him some good this day.

He finished his work, and broke the chain. It was not even half done, and he knew it.

((OOC Explanation: How the dice are 'supposed' to work. To prime it, you hold the two dice against one another and force Djed onto both sides. Once primed, the dice will attempt to start rolling onto the side that the other die had set against it. The dice would need to be lined up, however. As the astral body can't tell one side from another, they could be different numbers, and the effect would still work. As soon as the dice are primed, they will start trying to roll themselves. That's when you'd start shaking them for effect, then roll them yourself to hide their magical nature. They would attempt to roll onto the side that the other die was set against, leaving it's opposite side (which had your finger on it) face up. (I doubt with 100% success, either.) Once the dice are done rolling, their lack of memory would end the effect until they were primed again. (I suspect a golem can remember how to do an action until it's done trying.) I hope this explanation helps.))
Last edited by Reaver on July 2nd, 2011, 6:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Loaded Bones: Looking into 'fair' income options.

Postby Reaver on July 2nd, 2011, 6:41 am

With his animation done, it was time to work on the next part... his animated die couldn't move, but he knew a way to fix that. Reaver was nervous, he hadn't ever done such a thing before. He focused, hard. He took the little die, and caged it between his hands... and then shifted it to one hand. He slowly, slowly removed his right hand's astral form. He knew this wasn't to be done by someone his level, but couldn't bring himself to stop now. A Life Principle couldn't be nearly as difficult as a real soul, especially one so small and simple.

He used his left hand to form a cup, which would double as a cage. He carefully cupped his astral hand over the top, with his fingers on the inside. The roof complete, he worked very slowly, very carefully, to push out the Life Principle he worked so hard to create. He worked hard, not to disrupt all his careful work, keeping it intact. He spent the better part of two, or was it four hours? No matter, a very long time on this project.

Once it was removed, he got to turn around, and spend the same time, if not more, attaching it. He slowly took his time, shaped its form into place, and let it set. Once completed, he let out a heavy sigh of relief, and set it down. NOW his work was half done.

He moved his astral hand back into place. He set the die back into his leather cup. He looked up, it was noon already? He sighed, and pulled out the other bone die of the same shape. Setting it into the animation circle, he began once again... from scratch.


The crows were calling out to him, as if checking for life. A few of them were rather close, as he must have been set like a statue. The last of the sunlight he had available was fading into darkness. He took his set of dice, and was saddened it took him far too long to complete to even test them. He would need to wait for the moon to rise in order to even find out if they worked. He grudgingly made his way back to his waiting home, perhaps it would be light enough by the time he got there.

OOCI couldn't even ATTEMPT to contemplate the odds of success here. The important thing was he TRIED. So, I leave the results of his efforts to the grading storyteller. I hope you enjoyed the thought of what he tried to do.
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Loaded Bones: Looking into 'fair' income options.

Postby Verilian on July 15th, 2011, 2:02 pm



  • +1 Animation
  • +1 Projecton

You Question My Logic? :
I think the xp was pretty self explanatory.

Lores: Making a Cheat, Detaching a Life Principal

Notes: Okay, first off I thought it was an interesting idea. But I am going to have to say the process was a technical failure. Two main reasons, the first being the Reaver only has 5 in projection, and would not have the necessary skill to properly detach/reattach even a false soul. However, that is not the main reason. In your animation post you failed to explain to the dice what an astral body was, how to use it, ect. If the dice is going to be using projection to move itself, it would need to know how to use itself. That being said, you have successfully animated dice capable of using projection, but having no idea how to use it. Thus.. technical failure. But again, it's nothing against you. I loved the idea, and it may work in the future if Reaver tried again.
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