Timestamp 13th of Summer Clarity stood at one of the entrances to the accursed maze. She was cautious as to not enter though in fear of not being able to come back out. It seemed as if she was in a lethargic mood, being perfectly content with staring inside the hedge all day. Sitting down carefully on the grass she removed the leather pouch attached to her waist belt. It was a small holder, rectangle in shape, and the span of the tip of one’s longest finger to a little past their wrist. On the bottom of the pouch lay a thin plank of wood for stability and inside the leather binding, a kitten. Maya’s head peeked out from the flap, mewling and taking in her new surroundings she squirmed her way out. The kitten then proceeded to chew on a piece of grass and bat lightly at it until it broke. Laughing softly Clarity reminisced in her home life before her sister went to join the Rhysol followers. She remembered when her father would come home after a day or so, covered in dirt and grinning like a mad man, having just gotten out of the maze. Her father was always in the garden and whenever he was asked why, he would simply smile and give a little wink. Sighing softly she pondered if she should go inside. What would await her? She didn’t know, but as of this moment Clarity was satisfied to teeter on the edge. |