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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]
by Archon on July 5th, 2011, 7:25 pm
Season of Summer, Day 18, 511 AV Syna was beginning her decent down from the high point in the sky, and out in the Main Gate section of Syliras many people were going about their business and dealings for the day. This included Jokor, and as he made his way through the various crowds he started to hear a bit of a commotion. Something was agitating a couple groups of people nearby, but thanks to Jokor's height he couldn't see over the crowd to find out what it was. One group, older women in plain dresses, gave soft gasps and then whispered back and forth to each other. The other group, young men not much older than Jokor, were appreciatively chuckling and elbowing each other in the sides.
Finally the flow of people moved and Jokor got an eyeful of what was causing the reactions. There was the unmistakable form of Rachel, accompanied by a pair of other young women. The three all wore well crafted, tight fitting, clothes that showed off more skin than you would see most anywhere in Syliras outside of the Golden Dragon, and of course Rachel wore the most eye catching and revealing set. Judging from their slightly disheveled and sweaty state they seemed to have been recently doing some hard work, and they each carried a pack on their back.
Either oblivious or uncaring of the bits of attention they were gaining the trio was making their way towards the Soothing Waters. They chatted and giggled with each other, and after a little time it would be clear to Jokor that Rachel was clearly the head of the group from the way the other two seemed to defer to her. As the group made their way past Jokor he could hear a bit of their conversation.
"I swear his eyes were fit to pop out of his face when you bent over Rachel," the girl on Rachel's left, who had bright red hair, gave a giggle, "At first I wanted to punch him in the face for that comment, but it was so much better watching him stumble over his tongue like that."
"Definitely," the black haired woman on Rachel's right nodded in agreement, "It even made missing the extra time worth it seeing him made a fool like that."
"Yeah," Rachel agreed with a pleased grin, "Though I still wish I didn't have to deliver this package," she hefted her pack and gave a slightly dramatic sigh, "I could definitely use a good massage, and I hear they've got a new cute guy working there too..."
Their voices trailed off as they moved into the entrance of the Soothing Waters. From Jokor's previous experience with the place, he knew that if Rachel was going in for a bath then everything she had, including the mysterious delivery in her pack, would be sitting in an locker which had no lock in the changing room.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 12th, 2011, 5:15 pm
Jokor was happy that he had left his cloak at his appartement today, the summer heat was making itself know and even in the cooler insides of the syliran castle it was way to hot to wear his cloak let alone to wear it outside, not to mention how many atonished grins he would get if he still wore it, something he didn't need at all. The fact that he had to leave his war hammer at home didn't really bother him, he wasn't any good with it anyway. Besides he still had his daggers with him just in case.
As he was making his way through the crowd enjoying the fact that the sun was still high in the sky he was hearing some slight signs of commotion, he tried to get a look at what the heck was happening, snapping out some silent curses as he didn't see a damned thing with all those people in the way. Luckily for him after a few moments the crowd started to move and he finally saw the reason for the comotion. Rachel and two friends of hers wearing clothes that would have made a common whore to flustered to wear it. After a few moments of staring shook his head throwing those thoughts into the back of his and was about to walk away when he heard about the package they where supposed to deliver, the lockers at the soothing waters where as useful in stopping a thief as a rotten plank would stop a strong blow of a hammer of some sort. He wasn't about to let slip the chance to find out some info about rachel.
He slipped into the crowd and carefully followed them through it, briefly activating his auristics to get a feel for the 3 women's aura's. He probably wouldn't be able to keep his eyes on corridor as he was rooting through their stuff he would probably be able to fool other people into thinking it was his locker but if those woman saw him it wouldn't take to long for them to call the knights. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on July 15th, 2011, 2:53 pm
No one, especially not the three women, paid any attention to Jokor as he moved through the crowd and after Rachel. Using his Auristics Jokor was able to get a rough feel for the auras of the two girls, but he was too far away and there were too many people between them for him to get any sense of their possible feelings.
As expected the trio of girls made their way through the double doors leading to the courtyard above the Soothing Waters, still giggling and nattering away at each other, and then proceeded down the stairs and to the reception area. Their conversation didn't even pause as they handed over their money to Ivis Balak, and then made their way into the woman's changing room. Ivis simply smiled and nodded at them as they passed by, and then gathered up their coin and deposited it behind the counter.
The fact that the three woman had gone into the woman's changing room, opposite of the men's one, revealed a slight flaw in Jokor's plan to snoop in the locker. It seemed unlikely that Ivis would just remain quiet and let Jokor into the changing room, especially without paying.
The room itself was longer than it was wide, and fairly simple in its layout. The stairs that led back up were on the end where Jokor currently stood, and Ivis' desk sat on the opposite end. Just about 10 feet in front of the desk were the entrances to the two changing rooms, and about midway between Jokor and the changing rooms were two hallways heading off in opposite directions. At the moment Jokor was the only one in the room, but judging by the sound of voices and what he had seen in the courtyard there would be another group of people coming down soon.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 19th, 2011, 2:39 pm
As soon as jokor entered the soothing waters he couldn't help but curse inwardly as he saw that besides him and the receptionist there wasn't anybody in the room and he highly doubted that the guy would let him enter the woman's restroom even if he did pay for going inside and he doubted that he could sneak over there when the guy didn't have anybody else to distract him. He gritted his teeth in annoyance at the fact that such a simple fact would be in his way of finding out what the heck that package was.
Just as he was about to step towards the man and try to bribe him into letting him into the woman's lockers room he heard some voices from coming from the stairs he halted himself a small smile coming on his face. He could just use those guy's as cover for sneaking towards the door when they distracted the receptionist, as long as there weren't any women with them at least, otherwise he would just sneak in the guy's locker room and try and get to the women's locker room from the other side. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on July 20th, 2011, 3:40 pm
It seemed that Yshul was either taunting or testing Jokor, as the group that descended down the stairs after him was composed of two women and two men. They were laughing and chatting with each other, and hardly paid Jokor any attention as they walked past him and up to Ivis at the counter.
From the sound and antics of the group they seemed to be a bit drunk. Not enough to truly cause problems and draw the attention of the Knights, but enough that the normally simple act of paying and entering the Soothing Waters was taking longer than it would normally as their words meandered in various directions and the simplest things made them chuckle with amusement. Ivis at least seemed unfazed by the slightly rowdy group, and did his best to try and keep them on track.
There was a brief chance for Jokor to try and sneak into the women's changing room quickly while the four worked out payment with Ivis. He would have to be quick to escape both Ivis and the women's notice, but it was certainly a possibility. But maybe it would just be easier to wait and head in normally, and then try to come in from the other side.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 21st, 2011, 5:27 pm
Jokor scowled as there where two women in the group that had come down the stairs and just walked after the fairly drunk group without trying to draw any attention to himself hoping to use the drunk males as cover to slip into the males locker room without paying, when it seemed that the drunk group was a bit to drunk to keep their action's and thoughts on the task at hand and even though the man behind the reception tried to keep them on track they still delayed the simple progress of paying for a simple bath.
It was during that time that jokor noticed a breef chance to sneak into the woman's changing room while ivis was distracted. He didn't think twice about if he should take it or not and just quickly snuck towards the door, taking care that nobody was paying attention to him as he did so. If he managed to get to the door without being seen he quickly would take a look around and find a less conspicuous place in the changing room where he could keep out of sight of the women that where already in there or those that are coming inside in probably a few moments. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on July 23rd, 2011, 9:18 pm
The pair of couples proved plenty of distraction to keep Ivis from noticing Jokor's entrance into the female changing room. Inside it seemed Jokor had a bit of luck, as no one was present at the moment, but there was also very few places to stay out of sight in the room. Much like the guy's changing room there were the groups of simple lockers against the far wall, and the two doorways at opposite ends, the one he had just come through and the one that led to the public pool. There was also a third door set against the wall to his left, but this one had an actual wooden door closing it off.
It seemed the little rogue had few options where to hide. He probably could squeeze into one of the lockers, go through the closed door, or out through the door towards the pool. Judging by the giggling words coming through the door behind him he had to move quickly or be caught by the women on their way in.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 24th, 2011, 10:41 pm
Jokor felt a bit of relief as he made it into the locker room without ivis noticing him, even better the room was completely empty. Just as he was about to go and look through the lockers he heard the giggling and a bit of drunken conversation coming from the entrance. Quickly taking In the few options that he had to avoid those woman he made a decision and quickly went towards one of the lockers, there was no way he wouldn't be noticed if he went to the bath still wearing clothes. Not to mention from the woman's side and he didn't even know if that door to the side was locked or not. Let alone that he would know what would behind it. Still he might check it out later, he doubted he could get out from where he came from unless he had a lot of luck, it might lead towards another exit if he was lucky.
Quickly squeezing himself into the small locker, happy for the fact that he was a small kid and that he left his cloak at home, at least now he didn't have to keep an eye on it so that it wouldn't peek outside the locker. He quickly closed the door of the locker and focused djed, letting the world of aura's slip into his vision again and he tried to peek through the wood to keep an eye on the drunk women. Saying a small prayer towards yshul and kelwyn, in his mind, hoping that they didn't decide to use his locker. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on July 26th, 2011, 5:54 pm
Crammed inside the small locker Jokor could hear the two women before he saw any hint of them through his auristics. They giggled and talked with each other as they moved past, Jokor barely able to make out their auras through the aura of the locker door.
After some time he heard two lockers shut forcefully, and then the slightly slurred voices of the women faded off. He could not see or hear any movement from outside the locker, and it was starting to get a bit stuffy in there anyways. Just as he was about to leave he heard a faint noise. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but it wasn't a typical one for an empty room. Perhaps someone else was out in the room? He couldn't see anyone with his auristics, but that strange little sound repeated itself again. It almost sounded like a door opening, but was much softer and slower. |
Last edited by
Archon on August 1st, 2011, 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 30th, 2011, 10:21 pm
Jokor let out a small sigh of relief as the women used another locker, though mentally cursed when the aura of the wood right in front of him obscured their auras so much that he could barely make them out. At least with his level of skill. After waiting for what seemed an eternity for the boy that had crammed himself into the locker he finally heard the women leave the room. Just about as he was going to leave the locker a faint noise made it into his ears. Stopping him in his tracks? What the heck was that. He leaned closer towards the door with his ear trying to figure out what the heck it was. His auristics still wasn't picking up anything and after the second time he heard the sound, now identifying it vaguely as a door being opened very very carefully. He contemplated what the heck he should do. Stay inside or just come out and face whatever was out there.
Knowing that he was on a time limit, one that he didn't even know how long it would be. He just gathered his withs and slowly opened his locker peeking outside and keeping his auristic vision primed for anything. Hoping there was nobody there right now, he didn't want to use voilence since it probably would alert everybody in the building. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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