41st day of the winter of 509 AV |
Secret :
Day 1
The cobalt mountains, as they were called, were right outside the city of Syliras. While farther out it was as dangerous as any other wild untamed area, the people Jaq had talked to had said that close to the city was as safe as it was going to get outside the walls. Apparently the local kelvic population took a care to keeping what they deemed there territory relatively predator free. Taking a deep breath Jaq slowly and calmly drew his katana. If there was one thing Jaq hated about being a mercenary, it was the constant practice he needed to do to maintain and improve his abilities. Normally it was simple for him to practice his sword skills, all mercenaries enjoyed a good sparring match. He had not come to Syliras with any group though, and was essentially alone. That it was an important trip for him didn't change the fact that Jaq didn't like not having a drinking buddy or two. With no one to spar against though, that meant solo practice sessions. More of an exercise then any real training, Jaq didn't use dummies or trees or even imaginary enemies. In fact when practicing alone Jaq tended to block out the outside world, and focused on nothing at all. Since he was far to impatient to meditate with legs crossed and eyes closed, Jaq had taken to practicing some forms he had read up on for the blade he had chosen so long ago.
Taking the blade in both hands Jaq raised the handle to his waist, with the point going upward as high has his chest, and held it at this angle. Taking another deep breath Jaq picked his rearmost foot up and began taking a step forward, while at the same time raising the kattana over his head. Just as he completed the step Jaq brought the blade down in a motion reminiscent of someone cutting wood with an axe. Then, moving the same foot, Jaq twisted around while swinging his sword in manner parallel with the ground, only to end up facing right behind him. Jaq went on like this for about an hour before he began to repeat himself. It was the same form he had used to empty his mind for voiding. It no longer held any meaning to him. Where once he would have seen a sword to block, or a guard to break, now there was simple motion, movement. So it was that his thoughts were also focused on the emptiness of it. Another swing, another parry, another step. Another swing, another parry, another step. A swing, followed by a second swing, no parry and a step. A parry, a step then a swing.
When he had finished the form for a third time, Jaq sheathed the blade. He was sweating a little now, though the chill winter air kept him from being drenched in it. His breathing was little faster then it was normally, and he was taking deeper breaths. While his body seemed to have gone out of its normal rhythm, his mind seemed to have found its. Jaq's normal turbulence of thought was quiet now, the river of images nothing more then a trickle. He was focused, he was calm, and he was ready.
Now came the time for him to practice the most dangerous of his skills, reimnanacy. Jaq began an incantation that was a combination of gibberish, a recounting of the form he had just finished practicing, and a drunken tune he favored on nights when the sky was clear. The product was both odd and oddly rythmatic.
Stretching his arms out in front of him, Jaq thought about the ethereal bluish white substance that was his res, and slowly a small ball began forming in his palm. Jaq let it continue growing for a few more seconds then stopped. Slowly, Jaq had it moved from his outstretched palm and begin circling around his hand. When it was set in that motion, Jaq created another solid ball of res, the same size as the first one. He waited a moment had it follow the path of the first ball, making it sure it was on the opposite side of his hand. Next, Jaq began to spin both of them, as one would a top, while still keeping them on the same path orbiting the opposite sides of his hand. With them spinning, Jaq put more will into the working and forced them to circle his hand at a faster rate, one that was a great deal more difficult to hold. Then, when was satisfied with the speed in which everything was moving, he willed both of the ethereal spinning forms to begin gathering air from around him. They did so fervently. Then Jaq made another ethereal ball of res, this one he set to spinning in the same direction the other two forms were orbiting his hand. Finally, Jaq began converting the res in the center of his palm into air, as opposed to simply drawing it from his surroundings. To try and do that would leave it lacking since the other two bits of res were circling at a speed that would take any air before in reached his palm.
It was the most difficult working Jaq could think of that allowed him to practice the essentials of reimnancy, res control, element manipulation, and element creation. It was three spells in one, and something Jaq would never have tried to do without a great deal of preparation. Even now he was still chanting.
Now came the hardest part of the spell, holding it until it was ready. In the same way one tried to build up endurance by lifting weights slowly, Jaq willed this working to gather at a slow pace. It was a strain, and it took all of Jaq's concentration to manage. A minute passed, then another. Finally the workings was ready. The two balls of air circling his hands were like mini cyclones. There spinning had sped up the air in the center of his palm, which was a great deal stronger then those circling his hand. Jaq set himself into a ready stance and then willed the small amount of res left in the center of each ball to shoot forward. It did so in a spectacular fashion. When released, the ball in the center gained size and speed, and simply seemed to absorb the two circling it. 5 feet away from Jaq, it was as large as his head. 8 feet away it was twice that. At 10 feet it hit a tree, and a concussion nearly as strong as the kick from launching the spell hit Jaq in the chest and tore away his breath and stopped his chanting. Bark was torn from the tree, and the snow on the ground was swept away in an increasing large path from Jaq to the tree itself. The tree itself seemed to bend for a moment before snapping back to its original
Now it was time for Jaq to sit down and meditate some more. This time though his thoughts would be focused on the workings, as he played each part over in his mind. Later he would think about what he could to improve it. Now he just simply let his mind play it over. For another hour he sat there, calming his mind and meditating over his spell.