(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forums. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)
The player scrapbooks forum is literally a place for writers to warm-up, brainstorm, keep little scraps of notes, or just post things to encourage themselves and each other. Each player can feel free to create their own thread - one per account - and use them accordingly.
...... The Tenth Kingdom is like, the best movie ever.
I've watched it....more than.... five times....you're not going to get an exact number out of me, considering how long it is...let's not calculate how much time I've spent sitting in front of the tv.
This is how Fela is feeling about her current situation. For some reason this song really speaks to me about her mental state. Both in dealing with her past love, and recent developments in building new relationships. I'll let the song speak for itself.
(on a side note: I had forgotten how much I loved Songs About Jane till I listened to this today. )
After school Walking home Fresh dirt under my fingernails And I can smell hot asphalt Cars screech to a halt to let me pass And I cannot remember What life was like through photographs Trying to recreate images life gives us from our past
And sometimes it’s a sad song
But I cannot forget Refuse to regret So glad I met you Take my breath away Make everyday Worth all of the pain that I have Gone through And mama I’ve been cryin’ Cause things ain’t how they used to be She said the battles almost won And we’re only several miles from the sun
Moving on down the street I see people I won’t ever meet Think of her, take a breath Feel the beat in the rhythm of my steps And sometimes it’s a sad song
But I cannot forget Refuse to regret So glad I met you Take my breath away Make everyday Worth all of the pain that I have Gone through And mama I’ve been cryin’ Cause things ain’t how they used to be She said the battles almost won And we’re only several miles from the sun
The rhythm of her conversation The perfection of her creation The sex she slipped into my coffee The way she felt when she first saw me Hate to love and love to hate her Like a broken record player Back and forth and here and gone And on and on and on and on
This is Fela talking, This is Fela thinking,This is text, and This is someone else talking.
Yes, I shouted it. I wont harp on about this, since there isn't anything I can say that Goss and many others have not already said in much prettier words, but really people. It's not hard.
I'm only in a funk because I have been wading through CS's all morning and writing an essay on human stupidity at the same time. I think my perspective of the world is a bit tilted at the moment.
We all them. I think it's time we all come clean! Come clean and purge those bad habits. Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery.
Too many, Commas, in your text. (Yes I am very guilty of this. Not the exaggerated version you see there, but It is an awful habit of mine. I abuse those poor little marks.)
Breaking the fourth wall. (I have a bad habit of addressing the reader directly when writing in third person. So could also be written as "the over use of 'you' in narrative passages.")
Flesh memory. (This sounds more like an illicit sex act than a bad habit...well maybe a bad habit. You never know. What I mean though is the habit of typing too fast and not going back to edit and typing the wrong word entirely. Not just a typo, a couple letters out of place, but a full blown different word. Like meaning to type donkeys and typing dough because your fingers know how to write that word. I do this all the time and don't catch it.)
Who’s vs. whose. (sounds like an easy one right? Easy to avoid. Right? Nope, not for me. Goes back to muscle memory. I type who's more than whose so I always type the wrong one.)
Making lists. (I'm not the worse at this, but sometimes when talking about a sequence of events it's very easy to fall into list format and say "this happened...then this happened...next this happened." Big no no.)
Changing tenses. (Within the same sentence sometimes. If it's all in past tense don't jump to active tenses or past perfect...just don't do it.)
Over use of ellipses. (Yeah...last but not least is the one I am the worse to do. Seriously, just check out this blog and count how many their are. I know for dramatic effect or to show a pause it's fine to use them but I enjoy them a bit too much, I tend to try and write how I speak and those little buggers just punctuate my writing far too often)
Yep and yep. I am in a love/hate relationship with capital letters. I either capitalize the wrong ones or don't even bother with the ones I should. I'm also notoriously bad with tense changing. My run on sentences could be entered in marathons. And the worst of my offenses is to write out my stream of consciousness by making a dreadful combo of incomplete, short choppy sentences paired with almost no attempt at punctuation. *hangs head in shame with Liz* On the up side, I have a darn good vocabulary! What's your writing strength Liz?
I've got a couple of those of those habits myself, and one that's similar. The overuse of elipses and commas is something I tend to do, which leads into the third bad habit of run on sentances. My other really bad habit is typing too quickly and skipping out words. What's really annoying is that I know the word should be there so my mind automatically fills it in when I try and proof read things.
Heh we've all got our bad habits, but like you say as long as we're aware of them we can try and fix them, right?
Elisabeth Gann - Book Corner 3, a trip to the library. Or: My adventure with Books
So while I am behind and extremely busy with everything going on in my life I still try to read at least a novel every 1-2 days and a non fiction book every 2-3 days. Lately I have been a bit behind in my reading but building up steam again.
Only I think I might have gone a little over board at the library this time. So even though these aren't books I have read (well some of them) I just thought I would put my addiction to reading in perspective.
So without further ado: What Liz's Library Card Looks Like at this Moment.
So, I don't acually have all of them checked out right now but I am re-reading them all. I just finished number one last night and returned it and just started number two today.
A very interesting read on both the lore behind runes and how they are used in modern practices along with the history and ability to use them for communication. Great starting place.
From what I have read so far it seems to be a great guide to integrating your spiritual life with your home life. Great for those of us with little free time.
Ok, people can laugh at me. I kinda like the complete idiot guide books. Mostly because they are a place to start and the resources in the back are pretty decent for further deeper study. They wont make you an expert but will give you a nice overview of the subject.
Just a silly little light read. I keep manga around for when I don't feel like anything too heavy. Also I really freaking love manga...a bit a weakness for me.
Well I think that is the lot of them. I bet I am forgetting some. So I have over 20 books checked out and I am determined to read them all. Thank the gods for being able to renew a book is all I have to say! This is going to be a fun week!
My roommate had a fun week too. Here she is with all of her readings and what not.
and last but not least. Here is most of them stacked! (My books lol)
Love - Liz
This is Fela talking, This is Fela thinking,This is text, and This is someone else talking.