by Tulapa on July 12th, 2011, 8:56 pm
She tilted her head when he spoke of the city and it's violence. Strange that a city would strive on violence, her people were a peaceful kind...and they were quite happy. This city strived on violence, and not a soul seemed anywhere near happiness. "Also the only thing to smile about is money. And because I don’t have lots of that, I don’t smile. Now if you really wanted me to smile, you would give me some.” said the boy. She didn't really understand how money could bring happiness to somebody. The only money she ever carried was the bits her parents had given her on her journeys in case of emergency. Money was not something of greater value to Tulapa, nor was any material thing really.
The boy went and sat at the table after mentioning she could buy him a drink. She wasn't sure what to get him, but she heard what the woman had bought before...and also drunk in mere minutes. So, she copied the Konti woman, and ordered the same thing. She took her spear she had thrown across her back, and took out the money pouch that was attached to it and handed the barkeep the money. She walked quite slowly back to the boy, making sure she didn't trip..wouldn't want to waste a precious drink. She sat down across with him still a smile across her face, she really didn't know how to be anything but pleasant. She put the drinks in the middle of the table more towards the boy while she spoke "You should journey with me, maybe the beauty of the world can enlighten you. I can pay for food when needed, although I'd be fine fetching us some food as well...I do not believe this sort of place is suitable for you".
She twiddled her fingers around while she spoke, she didn't want to make it sound like she was forcing the boy to come with her. She was genuinely concerned, a boy at his age, cursed and living in such a harsh environment was just not right.