Rista ![]() Yasi of the Inarta ![]() The Basics
.. .. What do you see when you gaze at me? ![]() Race: Human Mix (Inarta/Chaktawe) Birthday & Age : Born 16th of Spring 497 AV (14 years) Gender: Female Height: 4'6'' Weight: 90 lbs Hair: Mixed black and dark red Eyes: Solid jet black Skin: Copper toned The Body
.. .. This is but a shell, hiding who I really am. ![]() She has a sturdy constitution; while she is short she is far from delicate or fragile, her shoulders are quite wide and she gives off a steady impression. While she is still growing her frame varies quite a lot, ranging from a childish chubbieness to an almost skinny look; her height is still not fixed, and there are times when she suddenly notices that an inch or two has to be added to her bryda. She is unlikely to become much taller though; a good final length estimation could land on around 4'9'' to 5 feet at best. Beneath the chubbiness she is quite well trained, with good lungs and plenty of endurance. Enjoying a life outdoors, the short girl usually spends her time tracking animals over the ground and has learned to walk silently with smooth gait; despite short legs she is rather quick, without really being a sprinter. She tire quickly when running fast, but if allowed to keep a steady, somewhat slower pace she can travel long distances without much effort. Having long, sleek muscles she is stronger than she looks, and can put quite a force behind blows if so inclined. She has not inherited the Chactawe organ that allows for going without water for days on end, and neither does she have the webbing between the toes or the thick soles on the feet. Not quite aware of it herself, Rista does have a portion of the Chactawe ability to sense pressure with her palms; it is dormant and not as sharp as with a full blood Chactawe, but with training it could still become functional on shorter distances. The Mind
.. .. This is me. I can only be who I am Personality: Rista is a hot-headed person with a lot to say about a lot of things. At times she is both loud and rowdy, at a first glance she looks like a person that enjoys being the center of everyones attention. It's never really on puropse though. She never intentionally get herself into trouble, it's just that she hates to be told what to do and she can't stand people who think that they are better than her. Both her hot temper and a fierce sense of pride , paired with an bull-headed stubbornness just makes it impossible for her to swallow any insults of any kind. Most of the time she shouts back, and if that doesn't help then she uses her fists. She wouldn't say that she is violent, but then again she never considers herself easily agitated either... ![]() Like all teenagers she thinks that adults are among the more thickheaded animals out there, since they always seem to bother her with unimportant things when the only thing she wants to do is hang around the aviaries and tend to whatever wounded animal she has rescued. If it was up to Rista, she would spend her days practicing archery, exploring the steep mountainsides or hunt for wild birds around the lakes. Her highest wish is to become an Endal and bond with one of the giant Eagles that live alongside the Inarta. Though, due to the fact that she is a half breed with blood mixed with that of a Chactawe she doesn't truy believe that she has any chance of finding such a bond. The further one looks into her soul, however, the more one will find that the first impression, that of a hot-headed and not too bright person, might not be entirely accurate. Much of it is really a facade to hide the fact that she is both young and vulnerable, susceptible to praise as much as she is to stinging blows. Used to be alone as she is, people that approach her are met with equal parts happiness and suspicion; she will always wonder what their purpose in greeting her will be and how high the price for their attention is going to get. A brave and honest soul, innocence and even naivety is well hidden behind that rough wall of violence and pride, so much that even Rista herself sometimes get surprised when she notices her softer sides. Ethics: Rista will act before she thinks. This trait often tends to get her in trouble, because the thought that something she perceives as right and just could be both wrong and unfair to someone else has never occurred to her. Because of this, people tend to think that she is both selfish and a bit dangerous. She is often left alone by others and doesn't have a lot of friends; among the yasi she is taunted and used as scapegoat for most things, looked down on as someone allowed to peck on. She isn't very fond of people anyway, so it doesn't seem bother her all that much at a first glance. She often come off as wary or distrustful when around others, tense and withdrawn unless she is forced to step up and speak. Those that she do care about though, and manage to gain her trust have a very loyal friend in her, a friend that wouldn't hesitate to set the world on fire in order to help them out. Lately she has begun to doubt her own use of violence, since it has hurt not only herself but others as well. Finding it difficult to make herself heard however, she has yet to find a good substitute or outlet for her strong emotions. Likes: There are only one thing that Rista truly likes, and that is animals. Birds are of course a favorite, but she adores all kind of living, non-talking animal, from the skittish mountain sheep to the rare horses in the stables, along with rats, lizards, cats and whatever other creatures that dwell within the Wind Reach. She will play with them A few other things also catches her interest. ![]() ![]() She has problems with many things. She doesn't like foreigners, she hates that she looks different from the rest of her people, she doesn't like being made fun of, she hates sitting still. The list goes on. Overall there are few things that she actually likes. Most of all she dislikes being told what to do; she is very independent and prefers to choose on her own how to spend her time. Of course she also has her fears. Beyond an irrational fear of water that comes from a childhood accident, Rista also harbors a fear of darkness, loneliness and pain. The last one might seem illogical because of her tendency to get into fights, but it is as much a part of her as her temper. Fighting has been a way for her to acknowledge this weakness and to some extent overcome it; she is far from freed of it though, and constantly has to battle it along with any opponents. History
.. If you like a sappy story, go read a book ![]() Rista and her twin brother, Karva, was born as the unwanted result of a brief connection between an Inartan Dek - a woman with more looks than brains - and a traveling man of the Chaktawe race. He was far from his home, she was pretty and unable to say no. It is a story that is often repeated within Inarta society. Like most children of a Dek, Rista and her brother was sent to one of the nurseries to be raised there. Their mother didn't have time to look after them, nor any means to do so, neither mentally nor materially. They were taken good care of, didn't miss anything when it came to food or loving attention. Many people always doubted whether the two children had the same father. While Rista was dark in skin and hair, with eyes black like those of an animal, her brother looked like any other Inarta with red hair and and the characteristic pale skin that freckled under the sun; only the color of his eyes, a beady black color, hinted that he wasn't of pure blood. Their temperaments were different too, with her being the more wild one, always prone on adventure and mischief. When they were five years old, Karva caught an illness and despite many efforts to save him he passed away. Rista took it hard at first, but as she grew the sorrow faded away. Loosing a twin was like loosing a part of oneself, but as the years pass you can live on even if you are only half of what you should have been. She didn't look like the other children. Rista had dark skin and strange, black eyes where no whites showed, and for that she was teased, bullied and tormented. Some children might have been pushed to the ground, others might have withdrawn from their tormentors. Rista threw it back, every insult, every punch that was thrown at her. She said that she wasn't any different from them, who were they to comment on her when they were just as different from each other as she was from them? On the surface she was cool, tough-skinned and unaffected. But there aren't many people who can live with taunts and not become affected by it. After all, she did look different, she could see it for herself. And she knew that she was only half what they were; only half Inarta, only half as much family with the wonderful eagles. It was a source of constant doubt, and as she grew her temper became hotter, her pride fiercer, as if she thought that she had to live twice as much as everyone else to make up for the things she surely lacked. She was only a half, but she was determined to prove that she was just as good anyway. Unknown to Rista, she actually has living family aside from her ignored mother. On her fathers side she has a cousin, but whether he knows about her existence as well is unknown. I wonder where this road will take me ![]() The Summer of 511 AV, her last as a yasi, turns out to be quite eventful. 6th - Escaping from Wind Reach to spend some quality time with herself, Rista meets Kikue and receives an offer to get training with the Talon when time allows! Rista accepts, and they part in what seems to be mutual understanding. 14th-24th - Going on a ten day trip with Sairque and five other yasi, the girl is put in charge over the group to her own horror and the others dismay. Sensing trouble on the horizon, will the trip go well at all? A good start on the day doesn't prove much as Rista remains tense and worried, dreading the time when the other yasi will cease to listen to her. 30th - Meets Eoin on Marker Day and befriends him for a bit, as they squabble over the right to a journal that Rista bought. A After being asked to leave, Rista roams the warrens and ends up at the baths; trying to calm herself down and think, she is found by some yasi who decides to mess with her, tearing at her shoulder and pouring soap into it... Unexpectedly, she receives help from Eoin who happens to come into the baths at just the right time; together they drive the yasi away. After examining the injury on her shoulder, the man gifts a bottle of ointment to Rista.. All seems to take a turn for the better, but what are these strange sensations that begins to awaken within the young girl? 39th - Having a lesson in Archery, Rista meets Kovac, another half-blood Inarta, and gets some thorough instructions in the use of the bow. The man chasing away a few glaring yasi (who doesn't take well to being chased off), he then questions Rista about what she'd like to do for a living. Is he planning on taking her in as apprentice, and can she really trust him, even without that sarcastic smile? The lesson ends without any answers being found, but none the less Rista begins to feel a bit more hopeful about her future. 40th - Late at night the following day, Rista finds Taln, a dek that has been wounded by a Talon sword. Against her better judgment she decides to help him and takes him back to her room to try and stitch him up; they end up talking, and after finishing, the man tucks her to bed and decides to sleep in her room over the night. 41st - The following day Rista is pounded by rumors as someone saw the (in)famous dek leave her room at dawn. Outraged, she tries to hit one of the boys during bendi in the stables but is stopped by Taln. Going off to take out some pent up anger on hay, Rista mopes a bit and talks about her outcast position. Trying to help better her reputation among her own caste, Taln taunts her into a rage, and blinded by wounded feelings and anger she strikes at the man, beating him to the ground as she didn't know what he was planning. Upon realizing, the girl gets furious over the idea that she needed protection and orders him not to get close to her for a while. Then she walks away, leaving him on the ground with feelings of hurt and betrayal. 44th - After completing another bendi at the Stables, Rista is on her way back to the Reach when she is stopped by Valtrrik Imsun, the gatekeeper. He asks her to take up lessons in Tawna, the language of her father, but the girl is reluctant. only after a severe scolding does she give in, and then mostly because he bribed her with sharing his food. 47th - Disturbed by a dream, Rista goes upp early and spends some time at the Archery range, practicing with her shortbow. Upon taking a break she meets Vala, a chiet who asks for her help with the bow. 52nd - Finally going off to take her lesson, Rista questions her Val about the reason for his persistence in wanting to teach her. Somewhat satisfied with his explanation, she slowly becomes more interested in the things he tells her, and begins to pay closer attention. Taking a slight break to talk about her reluctance in learning about her heritage as a half-blood Chaktawe, they are interrupted by the arrival of a second student. It turns out to be none less than Taln! Rista struggles with finding a way to face him after the events that passed between them, and resorts to a strict businesslike attitude as she is charged with the task of repeating the things she learned to the dek. Her lack of proficiency draws the ire of the tall man, and after a while he snaps and accuses her of trying to ruin his chances in rising from the status of drudge. Before the girl has a chance to retort, the Gatekeeper steps in and answers back, after which he gives a paper containing phonetic guides to the Tawna language to Rista. She states herself willing to continue the lesson, provided that Taln apologizes for his accusations. 53rd - After dinner the following day, Rista is called off by some yasi, who 60th - Having healed quite well, Rista spends some time herding goats when Risa, a foreigner Svefra, accidentally throws a rock that scatters the animals all around. Having to climb a steep rock-face and almost falling down to bring the critters back, they eventually gather the adventurous animals together and settles down for a bit of chatting. 87th - Once more coming across a foreigner, Rista begins talking to Darren, a Vantha, and finds out that he can use hand-to hand combat. Trying to persuade him into teaching her, he eventually asks for a mock fight, though seemingly lacking a clear purpose with it all. After taking several hits and managing to land one strike, Rista backs off and demands that he explains the purpose of the fight before they continue. Later that night, the girl has a bad dream, ending with a string of words that unsettles her. Waking up in cold sweat, she feels scared and in need of help. 88th - Deciding that she needs to talk to someone about the dream, the following morning Rista gets up before dawn and heads for the Dreaming Lady, hoping to catch one of the Dreamwalkers to share her vivid dream and possibly get an explanation for the meaning of it. 89th - Trying her best not to think of the events the past day, Rista performs cleaning as bendi when she is found by Fois and ordered to clean out the nesting chamber of his eagle, Seleer. While she starts to clean, her mind is invaded by the voice of the eagle, who questions her about her dreams and strength of mind, as well as the worth of her existence in Wind Reach. Failing to prove herself worthy in his eyes she prepares to leave to fetch a dek to finish the job; her reflections brings her mind to nudge at the possibility of leaving Wind Reach to find out more about who she really is.. The thoughts are pushed to the back of her mind though and the girl is stopped in her track by the Endal that waits in the room outside. After asking some more questions from the downed girl, he surprises her by telling her to come hunting with him the following day! Rista happily accepts, thrilled by the thought not only of getting to prove herself, but also over the thought of spending the day with the handsome young man... 90th - On time as always and ready to go off for the hunt, Rista has taken unusual care in her appearance and waits eagerly for the Endal to appear at the Gates. Fall year 511 AV 1st of Fall - As promised, Rista meets up with Kikue again at the beginning of Fall to talk Talon training. Upon hearing that the Avora too is in need of some guidance, Rista suggests that they should train together, rather than Kikue teaching the little she knows. Taking up on an offer to join the hunter for dinner, Rista agrees to let the woman sleep in her room for the duration of her stay in Wind Reach. 5th - A party is held at the Courtyard of the Skye to celebrate the pregnancy of Sira, and it seems that half of Wind Reach is attending! Rista thought that her only part in it would be to serve food, but is surprised when one of the hostesses, Aidara, invites everyone, dek and endal alike, to let loose on equal terms. Rista is stumbled upon by Sairque and told to dump her duties on someone else and then join the Endal and her sisters; surprised, the girl slowly does as she is told, though rather nervous at the thought of socializing so freely with the highest caste. Belongings
1 gold Miza - 10 silver miza - 100 copper miza 1 pinion - 1 gold Miza
Notes: - Journal bought was gifted to Eoin. - Housing cash in is lesser than normal due to having lived in the room for a while. - The horse with equipment was 'borrowed' from Skyhigh stables, using 75 pinions as safety. The harness is payed for separately anyway. Companions
Sissy ![]() Sissy is a Chocolate Silver Dapple mare of mixed blood. App. 15 hh, she has a slightly round built with sturdy legs, good hooves and an overall good constitution. Slightly old at 14 years, she has a mild temper and appreciates human contact. Has a sweet tooth, loves apples and is deathly scared of water puddles (rivers are fine, and creeks and lakes and rain too, but puddles are a terror beyond belief), hence the name. She misses her right eye, after an incident with an angry hawk as a foal, though it doesn't affect her ability to move through terrain. Has a smooth gait, slightly bouncy trot and isn't very fast. Moves with ease through rough terrain, sure-footed on mountains. Milk ![]() Milk is a white raven fledgling that Rista caught in the Sanikas Valley. She is currently trying to train him, hoping to be able to keep him as company. He has completely white feathers, pale milky colored beak and feet, as well as almost translucent white claws. The eyes are pale blue. The white coloration of his feathers are due to leucism, a genetic mutation that reduces all types of skin pigmentation - unlike albinism, that only affects melanin production. |