Jamisia Abijah ![]() Basic Information Race: Human, mixed ethnicity Birthday & Age :21 (Born Winter of 490) Gender: female Height: 5'10'' Weight: 158 lbs Eye Color: hazel Hair: Auburn, kept long Build: Not very thin. More on the fleshy side. Physical Description Her features are not ones of a classical beauty. Interesting maybe, but not breathtaking. Wide cheekbones, small chin and perky nose give off a vibe of sweet girl next door than true beauty. Many would call her average just by looking at her features, however what she looses there, makes up with her frame as a tall, shapely woman with ample curves and firm musculature on her legs. Her waist is trimmed just enough to lend an hourglass shape to her torso. The fair complexion of her skin is a shade of darker tan thanks to a touch of Ahnatep sun with a set of tattoos arching down her sides. Jamisia is a creature of grace and elegance, despite her upbringing in poverty she is not simple. Adena taught her manners, as she herself was a lady long before being a doctor for poor and turned tomboiysh Jam into a woman who takes of her femininity, including how to dress and do make up. Therefore if not working, Jam's clothes consist of dresses and jewelry she can afford. Personality Jamisia is like a an active volcano. Fiery, moody, prone to sudden surges of anger. Her temperament is very lively and it can be seen in how she walks, dances, even laughs. She does everything briskly, impatiently. The Ephyrian notion of striving for perfection, present everywhere in Ahnatep is alien to her. Instead of perfect, Jam is chaotic, but there is beauty in that spontaneity. The girl hot-hotheadedness more than once got her into troubles. Jamisia is a racist or more likely a speciest. She dislikes everything that isn't human, especially Dhani and Ephyrians, blaming them for a misery of all the humans living in Ahnatep. However, Jamisia knows that open aggression toward them would end tragically and restrains herself to a very passive aggressive approach and keeps her resentment locked up inside her, ready to blow up if pushed far enough. History Born to former slaves, Jamisia and her parents belong to the minority of free humans in the city of Ahnatep and by definition it place them on one of the lowest tiers in the Ephyrian society. Her parents were freed after their master, an old Ephyrian died. No one came to reclaim the two slaves, which her father, a Benshira by birth named Yeohava Abijah, took as a sign that they can go. The life later showed that sometimes a life as a, hungry, free man is not better than a satiated slave. With no place they could call home, Capra family found themselves living in the poorest district of the Ephyrian city. Both her parents were working night and day, doing the most ungrateful jobs so that Jamisia always had something to eat. They loved her more than everything in the world and always highlighted, especially her father, that she is destined to much more than this life in a gutter. Her childhood was poor, but good, both her parents sheltering her from the dangers of Ahnatep, until one day her mother didn't come back from her daily chores. They looked for her everywhere, asked whoever was around but she just vanished. There were many ways to die in Ahnatep, because after few months there was no doubt something tragic had happened to Eila Capra. Jamisia was thirteen at that time and the loss of mother at this age was very hard on her. Even harder on her father who got very ill. Yeohava, knew that in case of his death Jamisia, still a child would be condemned to death or even some worse fate. He made the arrangements and paid all the money he could gather to a local human doctor who tended to him. The elder woman at first scoffed at the proposal but she had a good heart under this shell of a body and no children of her own. She agreed to take Jamisia in as her intern and helper. Jamisias' father died soon after, but leaving this world knowing he did everything he could to secure Jam's future. The girl didn't even have time for grieving, because 'aunt Adena' as she called her caretaker, always found something to do. Adena was harsh, blunt woman but not cruel and she kept her promises, always. After a while Jamisia grew even fond of her, with eagerness learning about human anatomy, herbs and procedures as well as about various diseases that struck humans in these harsh lands. But there was also other side to the young Jamisia, the side the old Adena didn't know. Jam grew very bitter watching how Ephyrians were treated, how many chances they got and she was bound to stay at the lowest of low just because she had two arms and no golden hue to her skin. For people like Adena it was normal, it was something as natural as sand in the desert but not for Jamisia. The girl recognized it was unjust. She just didn't agree to it which made her to resent Ephyrians and Dhani equally. Especially Ahnatep nobility. Her passive aggressive behavior toward Ephyrians always got her in troubles and once she was close to become a slave but Adena's intervention saved her from this. All the time she tries to prove she is equal to or better than everyone, especially Ephyrians. It was what pushed her to try dancing in her free time. Adena didn't approve of the girl's interests, they brought too much attention. She often repeated that everyone should know what their place are to stay safe. This attitude of hers was bound to get her in troubles and one day, after particularly unpleasant encounter with the guards, Jamisia had to flee from Ahnatep. Her foster mother didn't want to stop her although her heart was hurting, seeing Jam packing her things. The destination was Alvadas, because this was the only place caravan would take her in nearest few days. A random choice, but every place was better than this racist hell hole. Jamisia arrived to Alvadas in Summer of 510 and by then she already was vaguely aware that maybe leaving a place she had known all her life was not such a good call. Misc WIP Training Skills Seduction 15 Dance 5 Medicine 10 (+ 15 racial bonus) = 25 (+4) = 29 Acrobatics 5 Persuasion 5 Herbalism 5 (+3) = 8 Philosophy- 2 Weapons: Dagger /small blades 5 (+1) = 6 Lores Lore of Human Anatomy Lore of How to Tend to a Tendon Rupture Here Kitty, Kitty Saved by a Dhani Not all Dhani are the same Helped by Bones When Rats Attack Pity for Bones Languages Fluent - Common Basic - Shiber Poor – Arumenic Religion No Gods she would pray to, but because of her father's beliefs she has a fondness of Yahal. Equipment and Possessions Basic 1 Set of Clothing (cloak, leather trousers, vest and a simple shirt, all in black-green color) 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack with: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Food for a week 1 eating knife Flint & Steel Family Heirloom Ephyrian's comb, Jamisia's mother took from the Ephyrian who owned her. Weapons A simple dagger Ledger 600 gm (no housing of her own) - 200 gm surgeon's tool kit - 15 gm dancing shoes - 4 sm stockings - 20 gm fine dress -15 gm dagger - 10 gm journey to Alvadas (she paid majority with her skills as a doctor) - 7 sm for damages in Cubacious Inn - 5 gm for lamb back -3 sm for a straw mattress - 2 sm per day for a place to sleep = 334,88 gm Finished Threads List 4th day of Summer 511 AV, Through the Looking Glass (Bones) |