It was so very eerie, even to a man as courageous as tuic, to be in the Doctors Clinic. The darkness of the building was so strong it felt almost magical, since it was a cloudy daylight just outside that front uneven door. The sheet on the Surgical Table, unlike usual, had something underneath it, the curvaceous shape of a human body, female at that, and she wasn't moving. Probably dead, a common occurrence in the Doctor's Madhouse of a Clinic.
The room felt still, almost as if it settled in a different dimension where time nor motion existed, but rather existence was no more than a series of pictures wherever you looked. Nothing, except Tuic, made any movement or sound in that dark silent eerie room. That is until a good moment after he beat on the Basement door and called for the doctor, then he heard the distinct sounds of screaming outside the clinic. It was right outside. Tuic hadn't even the time to barge out the door before the Doctor burst in, kicking the door open violently as he half-carried a man on his shoulder, who was obviously bleeding from his stomach and pale from pain and loss of blood. Doctor Petricious guided the man over to the surgical table and again kicked out, knocking the sheet-wrapped corpse-woman from the table to the floor with a disrespectful *thump!*
Petricious helped the man onto the table and hastily moved around the room, gathering various tools to fix this man up, which would require fast and skilled work. This obviously wasn't the time for Tuic to learn on the job.
But that's exactly what Doctor Petricious expected.
He stormed over to Tuic and handed him a scalpel and a small pair of what looked like fancy pliers. Tuic was going to dig into the man's stomach. "Good day Mr. Tuic. I'm glad you could make it. I apologize for that errand I made you run, I know it's not what you expected, but it is highly necessary I assure. Today, it's more like you signed up for. Medical healing."
"Let's be quick. He has an arrow in his abdomen and like the sailor-reject he is, thought it was better to snap off the arrow rather than pull it out whole, which also would have been bad because of the arrow's shape. I'm going to sedate him with a strong herbal concoction, then you are going to pull this arrow from his wound and we'll dress him up. Let's move quickly." Petricious seemed in a good mood, despite being pushy and eager to get this done. The man was probably dying. As promised, the doctor retrieved a bottle remedy of unknown substance that, when consumed, knocked the man out in a matter of minutes. Cold, almost lifeless, and his blood even flowed slower, partial coagulation.
"So, get in there." There was no coaching, it was a trial and error, learn as you go process. Doctor Petricious, of course, wasn't really worried about casualties. He dealt in casualties daily. |