A Thief in the Night (Darik)

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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Fallon Dawn on July 15th, 2011, 1:51 pm

Walking along the streets of Sunberth at night was very risky, especially if you were alone, but Fallon didn’t really care. She more than willing to face the danger than be cooped up in her empty house. However, she was out later than she usually was and was feeling a bit uneasy.

To calm her nerves, she slipped off the gold band she always wore on her right ring finger and started fiddling with it, turning it, flipping it, and rubbing it with her thumbs. It was a habit of hers. Whenever she would feel upset or nervous, she would play with the ring. It was her mother’s, which she had given to Fallon a few years ago when she was about to do her first major job. “Keep this with you.” She had whispered softly to her as she pressed the jewelry into her daughter’s palm. “This is what I stole for my first big job. Maybe it will bring you some luck.” Fallon liked to think it had, as the job gone almost perfectly.

Lost in the memories, she didn’t feel the cool weight of the ring disappearing, nor did she see it fall to ground and roll a few feet away, coming to a stop and gleaming in a patch of moonlight. No, instead, she kept on walking.
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Darik on July 15th, 2011, 5:24 pm

OCC: You forgot to timestamp it. I think this is the correct timestamp, or did we decide on a different one?
15th Summer 511(at Night)

Darik happened to be taking a late night stroll. His day hadn’t gone well, another failed robbery. It seemed like everyone in Sunberth was a better thief than him. It wasn’t that he was bad at his trade, everyone just had an edge on him. He sighed as he realized it was going to be another night without a good meal. Darik needed money but he wouldn’t even consider getting a job. Honest work wasn’t for him. No matter how bad he was at thieving, he was even worst at everything else. Dwelling on these thoughts, his shoe kicked something. It sounded metallic in nature. Deciding to check it out, he realized it was like finding a needle in a haystack. It was dark out, making it very hard to see. His head almost touched the ground as he looked for the rouge miza he had heard. After a few minutes of frantic searching, he just gave up. He thought his hunger was making him hallucinate. When he headed in the direction of his house, something got caught under his foot. He was tired but he decided it was worth a look. He lifted his foot up and something circular appeared on the ground. He picked up the unknown object to inspect it.

It was smooth and felt hard. Hadn’t he felt thing like this before? Wait mizas felt like this, and Mizas were made of gold! It was gold, he couldn’t tell if it was pure or not, but all that mattered was it contained gold. You know what gold means? Money, glorious money. No owner was stupid enough to lose an heirloom this valuable. They must have dropped it during the day accidentally. So he had to act fast before they came looking for it. No shops were open at this time so he couldn’t cash it in now. He had to wait for sunrise tomorrow to get his money. He wasn’t afraid though, there was ten thousand inhabitants of Sunberth. There was a one in a million chance that he would meet the owner before he could get his money. Nothing that lucky had ever happened to him before so he doubted anyone else could get that lucky. As he walked home he slipped the ring onto his right Index finger. He didn’t want to lose his month’s worth of meals.
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Fallon Dawn on July 24th, 2011, 6:18 pm

Fallon froze when she registered the fact that her ring was no longer in her hands. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she stared down at her empty palms. “No…” she whispered. “No. No. No. No. Oh, gods no!” she cried as she spun in a circle, trying to locate her beloved piece of jewelry. Panic bubbled inside her when she couldn’t find it. “This can’t be happening.” She swiftly turned around and started retracing her footsteps, her eyes scanning the area for the familiar glimmer of gold. The farther she walked, the more despair she felt. She couldn’t believe that it was gone. Tears started to blur her vision, but she quickly swiped them away.

Then she noticed a man headed her way. Fallon ducked her head, not wanting some stranger to see her crying. But before she turned away, she noticed something gleam on the man’s right hand. Curious, she dried her eyes and focused intently on the object as he approached. She could tell it was a gold band, and she could just barely make out small engravings etched into the surface. Very familiar ones. Hope filled her and she stepped in front of the man, blocking his path.

“Excuse me, sir. I was just wondering where you got that ring of yours.” She inquired politely, gesturing to the item in question, despite wanting to just beat him down and grab her ring. That was her backup plan if this didn’t work.
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Darik on July 26th, 2011, 7:29 pm

Darik took a step back when a young girl approached him. His first reaction was turn tail and run. He resisted his nature and further inspected the figure. She looked eight. No use running from something that is completely harmless. Yes, girls are harmless. Especially when they are the size of a pipsqueak. Another reason he didn’t run was because he man. Real men don’t run.

The girl was in front of him blocking his way. He couldn’t get past her without her permission. Of course he could push her over but that isn’t very manly. He was quite pissed at the delay the girl was going to cause him. He wanted to get home as fast as possible so he could hide the ring. The ring was very important and each second he wasted could be fatal. The owner might start backtracking looking for their lost heirloom! That would be disastrous if they met, Darik wasn’t the best fighter. Even though he was annoyed, he still answered the girl’s questions in a fake, polite tone. “What ring?” He pretended to search his fingers for some object of great importance. He looked over them a few times before his eyes focused on the ring. When he saw the ring he over exaggerated his reaction. Acting was all about the delivery, the more emotion the better. “Ohh, you mean this ring!” He held up his index finger pretending to inspect it. ”Sorry, sometimes I forget that’s what people call it. Back home we call them Molds.” Were did the part about Molds come from? Darik had no idea but he hoped he sounded convincing. “Mold’s cost a lot of money and only the richest families own them.” He retracted his finger from view trying to stop the girl’s curious eyes. Then as another measure he put his right hand into his left completely obstructing the girl’s view of the ring. He doubted she would try to steal it but even nice gals need to eat.

“This ring has been in my family for generations.” It wasn’t that big of deal what he was saying, it was just a little white lie. It wasn’t like the girl could call him a liar or anything. She probably knew nothing of the real world. ” Mold’s are considered the families greatest treasure. If I lost it I would die within a few days. My family would hire assassins to kill me because I lost their greatest treasure.” The best lies have a grain of truth in them. He needed the ring to live, because meals nourished his body. He wasn’t a weirdo like Nuits. “If you really want to know the origin of its metal, I have no idea. I was handed this by my father, who was handed it by his father. It’s a male tradition that is considered sacred. If someone stole this ring my whole family would wage war on the thief. Wow that was a huge slip of the tongue. Didn’t he just say, his family would kill him if he lost it? No matter, the girl probably didn’t notice. “Now can you please get out of my way? I need to get back to my house.” He peered over the girl’s head looking for a good escape plan. You never know when you might need one. The girl was innocent but if she was the forerunner of a gang of heavily armed men, Darik would need to disappear fast.

OocSorry its not as good as yours, I am not a very good writer. Also I tried to make it so he made new ideas constanely, not caring about what he said previously.
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Fallon Dawn on August 11th, 2011, 8:11 pm

The man looked annoyed when Fallon stopped him, but she didn’t care. She wanted her ring back. Crossing her arms, she raised an eyebrow and gave him a flat look as he pretended to not know about what she was talking about, unimpressed. The corner of her lips quirked up at how horrible his acting was, but she quickly wiped it away and listened to him rattle off lies, some even contradicting the others. Fallon was torn between whether she should be angry or amused. What he was telling her was so out there. It didn’t help she knew the truth.

“So you’re telling me that your parents would kill you, and the thief?” A look of disbelief crossed her face as her eyes sparkled with amusement. "Harsh family." She muttered, just loud enough for the man to hear. Then Fallon titled her head slightly to the side, eyes hardening a little. “What would they do to liars?” She took a step forward, ignoring the fact he was a good measure taller, and met his eyes challengingly. We both know that story was false. I especially know. You see, that ring on your finger.” She nodded to the piece of jewelry. “Resided right here up until a few moments ago.” She finished, raising her hands and pointing to her right ring finger, which was currently bare. Her anger flared, but she managed to keep it contained. There was no reason for her to explode. Not yet, anyhow.

Fallon pasted on a fake sweet smile, a hint of malice shining in her eyes.
“Now, if you could ever so nicely hand it back, it would be greatly appreciated.” Her voice was sickeningly sweet, even to her own ears. “Then you can be on your way again.”

OOCSorry if this sucks. It feels like it does, but I couldn't think of anything better. My creativity level is extremely low lately.
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Darik on August 13th, 2011, 1:26 pm

oocThat’s your low! 0_o Don’t doubt your posts, because they are infallible! :D
The girl was accusing Darik of lying! She must be smarter than she looked. Being the master of deception he could easily escape her accusation with his cleverly worded sentences. “If you’re talking about another ring, I saw a completely cloaked figure bend over something gold a day ago. He departed in the opposite direction as I. Maybe that’s your ring?” Darik stay level headed giving the girl a chance to back down. If she didn’t things could get ugly. To her, Darik was invincible in a fight. I mean he didn’t look like much, but in Sunberth everyone hid something.

Now back to his escape route. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his supposed exit. Behind the girl there was a decrepit alley. It turned sharply to the side leaving Darik to wonder. Was it a hidden hideout or a dead in? At first glance it looked like it just curved in and stopped, but both sides curved. If both of them did that, it meant that they kept their consistency, at least as far as Darik could see. So all he had to do was push the girl then run into the alley. Easy Peasey.

“Now are you going to step out of my way, or will I be forced to use force. In nature I am a peaceful man, but when threatened I can sure roar.” He tried to talk from an animal’s point of view. They’re fine with you, till you threaten something of theirs. Their nest, their young, or them are all precise. A ring doesn’t fall under any of those categories. So here’s another category, food, a necessity to live. Darik was lying for a food source. Do you really blame him? Poor starved boy in a city that robs you of everything you own. Even your innocence.
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Fallon Dawn on September 5th, 2011, 5:14 am

This man obviously wasn’t the best liar. Completely cloaked figure? What? But Fallon had seen far stranger things, so it wasn’t that far out there. It was Sunberth, after all. She nodded at the man, looking thoughtful. “Huh. But I lost my ring today, so that couldn’t have possibly been it.” She replied, trying to call his bluff. He seemed to be too busy scouting the area for an escape to be listening to her talk, though.

She almost laughed out loud at his next words. “Oh, I'm sure you can roar.” She said condescendingly, laughter in her voice as she exaggerated looking him up and down. The man didn’t have the physique of a fighter. But Fallon was no longer in the mood for a fight and let out a sigh. “Look, I know that is my ring. I don’t know how you got it, and I don’t really care. Just please give it back.” She muttered tiredly, giving him her best puppy dog eyes. She was not in the mood to beg two nights in a row.

He looked like he was ready to bolt, so she placed a hand on his chest to stop him. “If you don’t, I will hunt you down and kill you. You understand?” she threatened. Then curiosity got the better of her. “Why are you so desperate to hold onto the ring?” she blurted out before she could stop herself, then groaned silently when she realized she did. She needed to control her tongue better. But it was too late now.

OOCThank you! That means a lot to me :) Darik cracks me up. I just realized how cold and mean Fallon was in this thread... LOL! I tried to soften her up a bit.
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Darik on September 24th, 2011, 11:53 pm

FallonSorry for the late post
Ohh snap, she got him in the act. He didn’t say recently, he said a day ago. Darnit! He wouldn’t make the same mistake again… hopefully. At least she didn’t call him out on it. She actually ended up taking a very serious sentence and putting it in humorous terms. Dam women, why don’t they actually listen to what their counterparts say? It isn’t hard, its not like Darik speaks gibberish or even another language!

Then she tried to look at him with those large eyes of her. Those beautiful luscious eyes… Darik resisted the temptation to fall into their hold. It was one of his greatest struggles, one of his only weaknesses was women. Luckily his greed outweighs his attraction to women. He gave himself a quick shake to clear his mind and tried to view the girl as what she was, a thief, that was trying to steal his ring! ”No, you see this is my ring. Haven’t you’ve been listening to anything I have said? He threw in a insult so she would be thrown off guard. It didn’t matter if she got offended, what could she do about it?

Then she threatened to kill him. How dare she! “You kill me? Darik gave a fake pitiful laugh. ” I could beat you with both of my hands tied behind my back. Now, I will be going to my destination that you so rudely made me wait.” He used his arm to push her aside. He didn’t do ithard, it didn’t take much force to move the small woman.”Have a good day, and I hope you find your ring.” He gave a little courteous nod. Did Fallon follow or not? He really didn’t care. Whatever happened he would end up with the ring.
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Fallon Dawn on November 4th, 2011, 10:47 pm

Fallon flared up at his insult. “As a matter of fact, I’ve heard every word you’ve said, and none of them make sense.” She sneered, glaring hatefully at him. “And don’t you think I would know what my ring looks like?” Gods, how he was stubborn! Then the man just outright laughed in her face! A blush colored her cheeks lightly, a mix of both fury and embarrassment, and she swung her hair in front of her face in a pitiful attempt to hide the fact. But unfortunately, that also blocked her view of the man, causing her not to see his movements.

Suddenly, a force was moving her roughly to the side.

The small girl was easy to push around and stumbled back a few steps before losing her balance and toppling backwards. Her rear end collided painfully with the hard streets and the palms of her hands were scraped up, but it barely fazed her as she watched the other thief walk away. With her ring. There was no petching way she was about to let that happen!

Fallon blindly hauled herself to her feet and started searching around her wildly for any sort of weapon. There! A fair-sized rock sat a few yards away. Perfect. Hastily picking it up, she turned to find the man farther away than she had hoped for. But that barely fazed her. She sprinted towards him and closed on him a few yards before lobbing the stone at the back of his knees. “Just give the petching ring back!” she yelled as it soared through the air, sounding near hysteria. She couldn’t lose the only connection she had to her mother. She just couldn’t!

OOCOkay, so seeing as for some reason I cannot preview any of Fallon's post, I'm just going to assume the coding has worked. Anyway, I am back from the dead! Sorry about that. It shouldn't take two months or more for me to respond next time. Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors, and if it's not exactly worth the extremely long wait! :) Cheers!
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A Thief in the Night (Darik)

Postby Darik on November 9th, 2011, 10:59 pm

oocYep, it’s coded properly! :D Its fine that you took so much time, I was just getting scared you left the game. :/
Darik was unaware of what would happen next. It was stupid for him to be cautious right then, he had the ring fair and square. If it was her ring, and I say if because Darik thought it was impossible to meet the real owner, she should learn not to drop it. Seriously, how do you lose something that has sentimental value? If you actually cared about it, you wouldn’t have lost it!

The girls throw was lucky and hit were she intended too. Right were his knee bends. Usually getting a rock thrown at you wasn’t that big of a deal, Darik was a hardcore miscreant. But the place were she hit had a special property, a very annoying one. It caused people, like Darik, to buckle their leg for a second. Besides that annoyance, the rock she had thrown was going to leave a bruise. Hopefully not too bad, he was much too poor to afford medical bills.

He slowly twisted around facing the girl. ”Well I gave you a chance to run away and be a good little maiden.” He tried to make his voice deeper than normal and much more intimidating. ”But now we have to act like uncivilized animals. As you should know, I am perfectly capable of stooping to your level.” He took off the ring and laid it at his feet. As he took about ten steps back he withdrew his knife. He then issued a challenge to the girl. ”You can have your “ring” if you can take it from me. Are you just a kitty scared of the big mean bad dog?” He never got to use animal simile, so he tried out some now. It was enjoyable to the point he would try it out again at a later time. Time for witty remarks were done. He was serious; He would have to defend the ring till she was either dead or her spirit was broken.
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