"The Guild," she said, clinking her glass to his and downing it in one, long swallow, her neck as graceful as a swan's, "has already chosen you." She set the empty glass aside and smiled at him, her eyes a touch watery for the fire of the drink. "We want you to stay in Denval, so we will help you become Denvali. It
is the Dandy Guild of Swordsmen, though, so we will be training you with weapons. You won't find a Denvali citizen who isn't
somewhat trained to fight. We are all of us the scions of soldiers. If you look at Jarl, you probably think... well, a dandy. Useless dilettante, womanizer, gadabout. But look at him
move." There was a touch of awe in her voice. "His cape is more effective than a shield in the hands of a competent soldier, and while his rapier can't cut through armor, he is so good that he can find the weak points and pierce them."
She turned an appreciative, but critical eye on Sitkanis.
"The world is dangerous, and you will have a doubled challenge, learning to fight in this form with its strength and your other form, which is no doubt quicker. Whether you learn different weapons or just different styles, I think the dual-training will make you better in each one individually. You'll know your weapons twice as well."
This time when she looked him up and down, her bold gaze was more pointed.
"The Guild is for our amusement and entertainment, but not a person here is not a master with their chosen weapon. It's also a study in subterfuge. If your enemy judges you as ineffectual, they won't see your sword until their head is spinning to the floor." Her smile was ruthless for a moment, but she was not bloodthirsty, merely focused on protecting her people. The mother of Denval was sharp as a blade.
She led him away from the fight then, the deadly dance of steel and silk. Grabbing an unopened bottle of
degtine, she led him up the stairs.
"There was so little to enjoy for so many years in Denval after the Valterrian, Sitkanis. Surviving is not the same as living, and the Guildsmen
live. Survival is a last resort. To live is the goal. And that is why we're going to find a room and I am going to be Astrid and you are going to be Sitkanis, and we are going to get to know each other. Would you like that?"