actions speak louder than words
actions speak louder than words

Name: Dra-Nivias
Nicknames: Nivi, Nivias, Niv Niv
Age&Birthdate: 52st of Spring, 492AV (19 years old)
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 95lbs
Dra-Nivias has long ashy-blonde hair and very pale amethyst eyes. She has bright white teeth, and if she smiles or speaks you would be able to see fangs. But since she does neither, you wouldn't even know she was half a Symenestra. She also keeps the black 'claws' common to her race filed down, as she sees no need of them. With her long limbs and slight build you would think she would be clumsy and awkward, but she is actually quite graceful in her movements. If you look closely at her hands you would see very faint burns from her endlessly playing with fire.
Dra-Nivias is very reclusive and shy, and she almost never speaks. Most people who come across her think she's a mute, and she might as well be. She has a very active imagination, though, and she's whimsical but quiet. She's always in her own little world, away from everyone and everything else. Perhaps this is why she seldom speaks. When she does speak, it's usually not very nice and you would probably not want to hear her speak as she tends to be very harsh. She communicates with her actions, usually using dance to convey her emotions. The few people who have heard her speak normally and nicely say she has a beautiful voice, that she she should be a singer. Nivias hates talking, she thinks that the time wasted talking should be spent thinking or listening. She's easily startled, but she is typically left alone because most see her as 'the worthless mute' and Nivias doesn't mind. She also has an unhealthy fascination with fire. She could be endlessly amused by a burning building...she wouldn't care for the people inside. She enjoys the way the fire almost dances, flickering and changing always.

Dra-Nivias grew up with her mother, Sasnia Durian, with the Symenestra. She was the only one who really understood Nivias, and her mother accepted her as the memory of her father, whom Nivias never met and never missed. Her mother taught her stories and the history of Symenestra, and always told her she would grow up to be something amazing.
Unlike most mixed-blood Symenestra, Nivias' name has three syllables, because her mother wanted her to feel more accepted despite being half human. That didn't make her automatically accepted into Symenestra society, though. In fact, people looked at her with less acceptance then they probably would have with a two syllable name.
When Nivias turned 9, she started talking less and less. On her 11th birthday, she stopped talking all together, except to her mother. Her mother taught her to dance to express her emotion, and other body language when dancing would be inconvinient. Nivias spent a lot of time alone practicing her dance, growing more and more recluse from other people. She fell in love with the Aerial Dance style, but her being only a half-Symenestra they wouldn't allow her to learn it, forcing Nivias to come up with her own dance style. Her dances usually remind people of the flickering flames of a fire, ever changing and moving around.
When she turned 16 her mother gave her a delicate anklet with almost lifelike spiders dangling off of it. Nivias has never removed it since she put it on 3 years ago. She hopes to travel away from Kalinor someday, but not today.

Skills & Lores
Dance - 30/100 - Competent - (10RB, 20SP)
Acrobatics - 15/100 - Novice - (15SP)
Climbing - 10/100 - Novice - (10SP)
Unarmed Combat - 5/100 - Novice - (5SP)
Lore of the History of Symenestra
Lore of Viratas
[fluent] Symenos
[basic] Common
[poor] ---
1 Set of Clothing (black cotton leggings [when it's cold only], black cotton long-sleeved shirt, short red linen dress layered over that, no shoes, black wool cloak[only for going outside of Kalinor]) 1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
--Food for a week
--1 eating knife
--Flint & Steel
A delicate metal anklet with spider charms hanging off of it.
1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.