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Empty spaces fill me up with holes. Distant faces with no place left to go. Without you... I can’t find no rest. Where I’m going is anybody’s guess.
General Information
Name: Mella --pronounced (May-la) Race: Kelvic –Black Panther (otherwise known as a Black Leopard) Gender: Female Height: 5'8" Weight: 118 pounds Age: 2 years –appears to be about 19 Birthday: Season of Fall, Day 17, 507 AV Present Location: Sylerias
Last edited by Mella on February 20th, 2010, 2:13 am, edited 5 times in total.
Mella is a mysterious looking girl. She has sun-defying pale skin that to her annoyance seems to emit a pale glow in the shadows. Her hair is a dark brunette with a mahogany sheen that falls in soft waves below her shoulders. She is taller than average and her frame is lithe and muscular from living in the wilderness most of her life. Her hands are small and dainty, but the cracked and dirty fingernails tell a different story. Her feet, also like her hands, are small. However, the soles are calloused and rough from running barefoot her whole life.
Mella also has various scars which is only expected from her lifestyle. The most prominent scar, a series of long, jagged, diagonal scratches stretching from her right shoulder to left hip, is hidden beneath her clothes and fur as it is located on her back. The next is a particularly large bite mark on her right bicep. Various other smaller, fainter bite marks cover her arms and legs and there is also one that rests on her left collarbone just below her neck.
Animal Characteristics:
Mella appears normal at first since she mostly keeps her face in shadow, but her unmistakably feral eyes are something no one could mistake as normal. They are a deep gold, rimmed in black and flecked with a darker goldenrod color. The pupils, although round, are always smaller than the average humans giving a strange and mesmerizing look. If that was not enough, her eyes glow in the dark from the tapetum lucidum positioned behind her retina (characteristic of cats) that reflects the light back out as if from a mirror.
Along with her feral eyes, Mella’s canine teeth are elongated and sharp though they are hidden unless she smiles or speaks scaring off the many weary persons.
Mella's race very much influences her gait. She is able to run faster than humans though not as fast as in her animal form, and she possesses a grace that could only originate from the wild. Her walk is decidedly smooth and predatory and she easily stands out from the crowd.
Animal Form:
Mella's animal form is a Black Panther or, using the more correct term, a Black Leopard. She is 2 feet and 2 inches at the shoulder and is 6 feet long including her tail. She weighs the same amount as in her human form and is therefore about average size for a panther. Her fur is silky and is a dark brunette color with a mahogany sheen--the exact shade as her human hair. Also if you look closely, you'll be able to see faint dark spotted markings similar to a leopard, since her species of black panther is a melanistic color variant of the animal.
Typical Clothing:
Because of Mella’s need to be able to shape-shift quickly, she has loose flowing clothes that are easy to slip on and off in emergency situations and are colored in earth tones to blend in with her surroundings. In the warmer seasons, she wears a loose, brown, sleeveless dress. The straps are thin and on the looser side. The dress does not have a waist so she can easily slide the straps off and remove the dress. Over this she wears a dark green shawl that she wears over her shoulders and head casting her eyes in shadow. She is always barefoot.
In the winter, Mella wears the same style dress only instead of thin straps, the dress has loose sleeves with a wide neck line. She also wears her dark green cloak with a hood that remains up so as to hide her eyes. Since she cannot go barefoot in snow no matter how much she would want to, she has soft leather moccasin boots lined with rabbit hair with no restraining ties so they may slip off whenever necessary.
Last edited by Mella on March 8th, 2010, 2:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
I'll be what you need. I'll kill myself to make everything perfect for you.
Growing up in a wolf pack greatly defined Mella as a person. She highly regards independence and freedom. The amount of liberty you received in a pack was exponential when compared to others of the Kelvic race. You were allowed to run, hunt, transform at will, and just live. Having fellow animals as your family made all that possible, and while Mella highly reveres her independence she knows the importance of finding a bondmate for her is crucial for her mentality and peace of mind. Felines are especially susceptible to the need of having a bondmate, and so she made a covenant with herself that she would find one. However, she decided she would be the one to choose whom it was she bonded to (though her actual amount of sway in this decision is unknown) making herself feel as if she had freely chosen her destiny and was not forced into it.
Being a cat in the midst of dogs, also gave its own quirks to Mella’s personality. The wolf pack she was a member of was highly suspicious. This pack specifically viewed any outsider as a potential threat and dealt with the matter accordingly; her parents encouraged this attitude afraid they might be discovered and enslaved. This upbringing led Mella to view others with innate weariness and gives a degree of caution to everything she does. Mella was also most of the time excluded because of this and put down. She quickly became to hate looking weak and therefore put a stop to any tears that might have flowed and reigned in any emotions that would make her appear pathetic in an effort to appear ‘tough’. This attitude is still engrained in her personality and rarely if never will you see her shed a tear. This exclusion however also gave her a fear of being alone—of dying alone. She tends to gravitate towards large crowds to help contain her almost irrational fear despite her overall weariness of others. When necessary as in the wild, she can tolerate the loneliness, but at every possible opportunity she receives, she surrounds herself with people.
Her animal nature is one of intelligence, power, and sometimes aloofness. She walks with a confidence and stealth that is out of place anywhere other than the wild. Despite her efforts in concealing herself so as to avoid racial prejudices, her gait betrays her and she will be totally conspicuous in a crowd unless she moves to the shadows and out of sight.
Mella could be considered intelligent. While she is not ‘book smart’ (as she would never have the patients for such things), she has a street wise and logic that is based mostly on gut feelings, instinct, and common sense allowing her to inherently know when something is amiss. This intelligence is highly useful in not only the wild, but crowded paths where pick pockets abound and she does not hesitate to use it to her full advantage.
Aloofness is perhaps her most mentally useful tool when survival comes to mind. Her past had given her a tough mind-set, but her aloofness only adds to the distance she puts between herself and her emotions. She appears quite temperate and does not lose control easily. It is a handy tool when in a situation that is, shall we say, not so pleasant.
Mella has very little knowledge in what is right or wrong. She knows only what is beneficial to her and what is beneficial to others, or what could be called a “survival mind-set”. There is no evil in her mind. There are only advantages and disadvantages, and in the survival mind-set she will do whatever it takes to put her in an advantageous position even if that puts others at a disadvantage. However to balance this lack of conscience, she has compassion. For example, she may let you live not because it is the ‘right’ thing to do, but because she is merciful enough to do so. The same goes for everything else. If she feels her hunger is more than yours, she will guiltlessly steal a cooling loaf of bread off of your sill. However if your plight is worse, she may feel empathy towards you and leave your food alone but then again that would also be determined by how full her stomach was at the moment. In short, she has no morals and her survival comes first.
For the most part, Mella pays very little attention to anything of this sort. She finds the fact that there is another world where gods/goddesses rule them a difficult reality to wrap her mind around. So for the most part, she does not bother with the concept of religion. The only exception to this is the Demigod Navre. She heard mentioned on her travels that Navre was the Demigod of cats. Mella felt an instant kinship with this Demigod and though she does not necessarily know what power he wields, she offers up a prayer or thanks every now and then.
Last edited by Mella on February 6th, 2010, 11:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.
I live to be free to choose, and die freely for the one I chose.
The Past
Mella was born within one of the few roaming wolf packs. As the genetics of Kelvics are never certain, it wasn’t such a great surprise that a black panther was born from two wolves….it was more of a challenging revelation. Growing up as a cat in a pack of dogs wasn’t all that easy. It had even taken a couple months after her birth for the wolves to even accept her presence, however, grudgingly. She had her fair share of fights and experiences of being excluded. It could only be expected when the most rival of species are put together. The most prominent thing she took from those experiences would have to be never let them see your weakness. That had been her philosophy, and so she adopted the ‘tough’ girl attitude. Her inner animal would never allow anything less.
However, her life in the wolf pack was not all fights and drama. One benefit with living alongside the wolves would be the fierce sense of independence she received. There was the alpha that you were fiercely loyal to, but the leader had earned his/her position by being the best fighter in the pack. It was not misplaced loyalty or trust; it was not a role given because of birth or politics. Mella not only received independence, but education. She received the knowledge she needed for survival and obtained the pertinent experience of hunting, tracking, and stealth from her parents and sometimes the odd wolf or two. In short, she had not received rudimentary instruction and grew exponentially in both physical and mental areas.
However, Mella was expected to leave when she came of age. It was only to be anticipated as no matter what circumstance a fully mature cat would never be able to run with wolves. However, this expectancy put a strain on her psyche and gave the message that she was unwanted. Therefore she has the severe desire to be accepted and loved –a thing all things need to grow, but was especially acute for Mella and only enhanced further by her race’s tendencies to be needed and wanted by their bondmates. At the ripe age of 2, Mella set out in the world searching for her missing piece. Whether be mistress or master, Mella searches tirelessly hoping to find the one who needs her. Choosing Sylrias as her first destination because of its reputation for its diverse population, she began her adventure eagerly all the while wondering if her bondmate would be just around the corner.
Last edited by Mella on February 6th, 2010, 11:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I have to fight just to make it through or else you'll be the death of me.
Skills: Hunting: [27/100|Competent] Mella has been hunting all her life. She was taught by her parents and the other wolves as it was one of their main ways attain food. Mella would not be able to call herself a true wild cat if she did not know this basic necessity for survival. [+10RB +17SP]
Tracking: [9/100|Novice] Mella was introduced to tracking when she was younger, but for the most part her teachers left her to learn this skill on her own. [+9SP]
Stealth: [8/100|Novice] Mella has always possessed the natural ability of stealth because of her inner animal. However while living in the pack, one wolf spent a little time with her to help enhance the ability. [+8SP]
Wilderness Survival: [7/100|Novice] Mella has learned the extreme basics of wilderness survival from scattered tips here and there given by others and growing up in it. [+7SP]
Cooking: [5/100|Novice] Mella’s mother was able to teach a tiny bit of cooking technique to her before she set off on her own. In short, she now knows enough to not give herself food poisoning. [+5SP]
Brawling: [5/100|Novice] Mella has been in a couple fights. All those fights had been in animal form where there is really no ‘set’ form of fighting. The only style this could transfer to would be brawling where anything goes to ensure your victory. [+5SP]
Interrogation: [3/100|Novice] Mella's curious nature has led her to refine her finesse of inquiring so as to extract as much information as possible.
Lore of Wilderness Survival – Forests
Mella learned this from just living her life in the forests. [SP]
Lore of Wolf Packs
Mella obtained the knowledge of the dynamics of wolf packs from growing up in one. [SP]
Languages: ~Common (Fluent)
~Feline (Fluent)
Racial Abilities: Heightened senses
Ability to transform into a Black Panther
Last edited by Mella on March 5th, 2010, 2:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
1 set of toiletries (including comb, brush, razor, soap)
1 eating knife
food for a week
1 large tent (4 person)
large tarp
100 ft of rope
flint & steel
2 torches
fishing tackle & hooks
Water additive [3 GM]
1 rucksack [1 GM]
Preserving kit [5 GM]
Sewing needle [5 SM]
2 spools of Thread [2 CM]
Pincushion with 100 pins [6 CM]
Sewing Scissors [12 SM]
1 brown, cotton summer dress* [8 SM]
1 brown, cotton winter dress*
1 dark green, cotton shawl [2 SM]
1 dark green, hooded, wool cloak
1 pair of fur-lined moccasin boots*
1 pair of leather gloves [5 SM]
*see appearance-typical clothing for further description
Sentimental Objects
A kukri blade with a sheath made for her by her father. She only uses this as a back-up weapon if she is not able to shift forms. For the most part, she uses it as multi-purpose tool in the wild much as one would use a machete.
Last edited by Mella on February 6th, 2010, 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Day 63 :: Entering Syliras' Main Gate Evening :: Day 63 :: Acquiring an Accommodation Day 67 :: [Syliras Quest]The Lost Necklace [Open] - ongoing Midday :: Day 72 :: A Sudden Encounter with a Predator [Open] +1 Hunting, +3 Interrogation