[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Anjalena Palla on August 4th, 2011, 5:52 am

Okay everyone. For those of you who don't know, I now have 5 PC's and a CS Liaison Account. To further dispel any complications in name callings, you may either call me


Embrace this offer to call me my real name. The latter has been appointed to me via Tyler, and I choose to cherish it. :3 Besides... I like these names. :) Hahaha. Please. Do this for me. And post silly nonsense in my scrapbook. Because I love you all so dearly. :D
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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Avant Garde on August 5th, 2011, 4:08 am

Honestly, this is going to be a long, boring scrap, but I strongly feel the need to rant. I will warn you before hand, that this is going to be a strong post, so if you think you may get irked over it easily, don't read it. If you can't handle a rated M movie, don't read it. If you think you may even POSSIBLY be offended by this, (as Jen says) GTFO because it's MY scrapbook.

I know there has been a lot of controversy lately over Jen's scrapbook entry. It's been a troublesome topic for some people, and a lot of people have been strongly offended by it. The last thing I felt like we needed was another dispute. Well, sure enough, I got exactly what I hoped I wouldn't. ANOTHER dispute.

If you weren't there, and you didn't see what happened, too bad. Get over it, it's done with and gone. Most importantly, it isn't any of your business who was and wasn't involved.

If you WERE there, and you think you know what happened, you're wrong. The conversation with the main people concerned was carried out mostly in whispers.

Here's where I stand on the subject:

Let's say Johnny likes the band Say Anything.

Christina doesn't. In fact, she hates them.

Christina begins talking about how much she hates Say Anything, and how gay and stupid and retarded and awful they are. Johnny gets offended by this, and asks his friend Mary to say something to Christina because in the past she has come off as rude and having a serious attitude problem. Mary offers to Christina to please be more considerate, as someone in the room is offended by her vocalization of her hatred for the band. Christina proceeds to say that they can get over it because it's their problem, not her's, and continues to diss on Say Anything to seemingly get back at both of them.

What's the problem here? I'll freakin tell you:

Some people don't have respect for ANYONE. Legit. Like, in my opinion, if you have done something to upset another person, and it's pointed out to you, take it with a grain of salt, grow up, and drop it. If your freaking mother had cancer, and I walked around her making cancer jokes, which in turn caused her to cry, it'd piss you off, wouldn't it? Heck yes it would. What would be the healthy alternative? To take it somewhere else, or shut your mouth. Why? Because it's RESPECTFUL.

You want respect? GIVE SOME FIRST. It isn't a luxury, it's a privilege. Figure it out.

As for cursing.... If you've read this far, you know I curse occasionally. Usually only when I'm really mad, or upset... And I especially don't go out of my way to do it if I know without a doubt in my mind that it offends someone nearby. I mean, come on. Talk about being a mean.

Look everyone, I'm a really nice person. It honestly doesn't take a lot to upset me. But this... today... Really really upset me. Like, I don't even know where to go with what I'm trying to say, except that I truly will never understand why people get so perversely defensive, and go out of their way to hurt others.

On another note, I'd really just like to mention a couple of people...

First of all is Tyler... Dear sweet Tyler, I just want to thank you for this wonderful opportunity to work with you here at Miza. So far you have had my back, and have been pushing me to be the best I can be as a CS Liaison. You're a heck of a lot of fun to talk with!

Drew... Thank you for being so precious! :) I have really enjoyed our silly conversations, and getting to know each other a little more. Thank you for your encouragement, and for giving me something to smile about, even on the days that just haven't quite been enjoyable. You're a smart, creative person, and I have enjoyed threading with you! I hope to do it some more! (Insert "That's what he said" joke here.)

Michael... I missed you today! D:

That is all.
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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Avant Garde on August 5th, 2011, 5:12 am

I welcome this pain beating down on me. Is it your eyes that choose not to see all I would do? If only you knew all of my trust was given to you. Oh, please, this is what I can give! What else do you need from me? I might be sick, broken, torn to pieces. So, whatever this is, this thing that now I've become, you hate it so much, you keep on running from it, no matter the distance, no matter how, no matter how far.

I buried this hurt, concealed in this heart. Go lock all your doors, these cold steps will warm.

Oh, please, this is what I can give! What else do you need from me? I might be sick, broken, torn to pieces. So, whatever this is, this thing that now I've become, you hate it so much, you keep on running from it, no matter the distance, no matter how, no matter how far. No matter how far.

--Coheed and Cambria, Far

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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Avant Garde on August 5th, 2011, 9:48 pm

If you were in chat today, and were confused about what I was so upset about, here's the story...

Ahem. Bryan and I came into possession of a puppy. We decided to sell her since we really only have the means to take care of one dog right now. I put her online, and a guy whose daughter's birthday was July 31st decided that he wanted her, and was willing to give me extra money for holding her for him.

For those of you who don't know, I work my tail off, and live paycheck to paycheck, paying rent and tuition. It's hard... REALLY hard. And I REALLY needed the money this month. So this seemed like a great idea, especially when the guy was willing to give me extra for holding the pup and for the shipping to Pennsylvania. Naturally, I jumped all over this. He sent me two $995 money orders, and then I was supposed to keep $600, and send the other like, $1390 to the "private shipping agent" in South Carolina via Western Union and the agent was to come pick the puppy up. Part of the circumstances is that he was supposed to call me so I could talk to him about the puppy and all, because I mean, come on. I'm not sending this poor baby off with some jerk who won't take care of her. Geez.

Well, I did everything I was supposed to... And then earlier today, as I was getting ready to pay my rent, my card wouldn't read. On my way to get a money order instead, I got a mobile banking text saying I had -$1388.90. Well, I FREAKED OUT. Actually, I had been telling Mike about everything, and as I was about to leave, and I found this out, I went nuts, and told him what was up. In my flustered state of mind, I forgot to click whisper and accidentally spewed profanities everywhere... /: I was COMPLETELY umiliated, considering the incident in chat yesterday. I mean, ughhh.... Yes okay, I cuss when I'm angry, but I don't deliberately do it to hurt other's, you know? We discussed this. ANYWAY...

I went up to the bank and told this lady that I always talk to up there, and she just kinda looked at me like her heart was broken. She said, "I mean, there could be a slim chance that the money is just on hold because it's suspicious since you never deposit or remove that much at once, you know? But I'm about 99% positive that it is fraud."

FRAUD?! WHAT?! Yeah, I was pissed. On top of this, my financial aid didn't come though today like the office swore it would, and now they're gonna drop all of my classes. I went up there and talked to them, and apparently that can all be solved by simply adding them back, and within 3-5 business days, the financial aid would process and disburse. Until then, I have to email my would-be professors and ask them to hold me a spot. HOPEFULLY, this will work.

As for my account? I have to wait until tomorrow morning. If the funds haven't been put back, it's pretty much a fraud.

I'm so livid right now, it's just not okay. Like, seriously. If this is fraud, my plan is to report him, get my
money back, and sue this bastard. And no, the puppy will not be going to him.

Here's what I'm worried about though:

Who is really coming to pick this puppy up...? Doubt I will be opening my door for anyone wanting a puppy. Would you? Probably not. Who could it REALLY be?

I mean, like, the more I look at all his emails (yes I saved them, yes I am
printing them), the fishier they look. Let me give you a list.

1. He was eager to give me $100 extra dollars for holding the puppy.

2. SPECIFICALLY lined out how he wanted this done.

3. "Private shipping agent" that he "does business with often"? Uh huh.

4. Overnighted two $995 money orders to me, and wanted me to send $1390 to the "private shipping agent" for the shipping of the puppy.

5. At first called the shipping agent a "she/her." Then he started calling it a "him/Michael/Mr.Michael." Hm.

6. I constantly reminded him that I wouldn't send the puppy unless he called me. His excuse is that his phone "actually hasn't been working lately" so he "called from a payphone" but my phone "was on voicemail." Uhm, I call BS because I'm one of those crazy people who always has their phone in hand,
and never ever lets it die. EVER.

7. I informed him I would be out of town one day for a family emergency, and wouldn't be able to reply to his emails.When I really didn't reply, he freaked, wanting to know what happened to his money before he reported me to the authorities.

8. The name on the money orders didn't match his (David Clarke) or the shipping agent.

9. His email address is ClarkeDave01@______com. Does that look thrown together to you? Idk about you guys, but my parents always told me never to put my full name in my email.

So.... yeah, now I see what a big fat stupidface I made. Please, if you're going to comment on this post, awesome. If you're gonna berate me and ask me wtf I was thinking, don't bother. I'll probably cry again. /:

Biggest FML EVER.
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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Gossamer on August 6th, 2011, 2:12 am

Just so you know, you can fly a puppy anywhere in the US for about $350 in a climate controlled airplane where they get fed, the royal treatment, and fussed about by dog crazed stewardess'.

I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'd never ever ever ever go along with that. Its completely and utterly fraudulent. I hope you can get your money back if you indeed sent any to an agent. Dogs aren't transported via shipping agents in the US. We just send them on planes and they do fabulously well.
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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Merenwen on August 6th, 2011, 4:08 am

Yeah, well, like I said... I know all of this now.
Basically, it sucks. And it's going to be sorted out.
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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Dra-Nivias on August 9th, 2011, 12:18 pm

That's terrible. I can't believe that happened to you!
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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Merenwen on August 10th, 2011, 2:05 am

For anyone who read my previous scrap about the jackass who scammed me, here is an update for you:

I spent all day this past Monday morning at the bank trying to figure out what I should do. The bank had advised me on Friday, to just be warned, because it was most likely a fraud. Well, they explained it to me something along the lines of this..... The guy (allegedly "David Clarke") sent me two money orders. Well, the money orders were fake. So when I deposited them, they never cleared because, well, they were fake. So when I sent them via Western Union to this guy (the alleged "private shipping agent, Michael"), I sent money that I didn't really have. Basically it's equal to if I had just decided to send this guy money because I simply felt like it. Does that make sense? Like, it's as if I said, "Dude, I have $1.10 in my bank account. I think I'll send this random guy in _____ about $2000."

In any case, the bank went on to tell me that because the money wasn't STOLEN from me, per say, because the money never existed, I will be held accountable for the -$1388.90 in my bank account. Yep, folks. That's right. My bank doesn't look like they are going to cover me. And yes, I'm pissed. I'm trying everything I can do to figure out how to either get them to pay this for me, or to find a way to come up with the money to pay the bank.

So far, I'm not sure... I applied for what my sorority calls the SIS Grant. Basically, you've probably heard this stuff about how we "buy our friends" or whatever. No, actually, we don't. The dues we pay in our sorority go to three major things. One is a reserve fund that is used to provide scholarships and grants to sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta. Another is funding for Diabetes research. And the last goes to things that help our chapters out around the country. In applying for the SIS Grant, I could be awarded a grant of up to $2000, which would, needless to say, cover my balance at the bank, if it's still deemed mandatory that I pay it off.

I also took all of the information I had on this jerk and took it to the police station in my city. I took the FEDEX packaging the money orders came in, the receipts of the Western Union transfer, a transcript of all the emails, etc. The detective told me it was most likely a person in either the UK, Germany, or Nigeria, and in that case, there would be nothing I could do to prosecute him without involving Interpol. Which costs a LOT of money. Yes, I cried. I cried a lot.

Well get this.... A couple of days ago a received a couple of emails from this guy.

The first one he said that the money for the shipping agent wasn't enough for the private plane ticket to get the puppy from my home, and he informed me that he was sending more money orders, that would come out to equal approximately $2995.

I never replied.

The second one, he asked me if I got his email, and sent me the tracking info for the money order. As I read the email, the FEDEX package came to my door.

I took it straight to the police station.

THEN, this past weekend, the guy called me! He called me, and I traced the country code.... Guess where it's based out of?

Nigeria. Yeah, no kidding. So there you have it, people. Nigerians. Don't trust 'em. (not to offend anyone of Nigerian descent, I'm sure you're nice and all, but this guy is a real ass.) AND THEN, somehow, he managed to find Bryan's number, though I don't ever recall giving it to him. He called Bryan from a number based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Hmmm.... So, what the heck is going on here? Is he from Nigeria, or Atlanta? Because he's allegedly from Pennsylvania. Who knows...

But there you go. The current update.

I just wanna thank all of you, though. Being able to come on to chat and see how everyone is pulling for me and believes in me... I really really appreciate it. You guys don't even really know me, and yet you're all so caring and thoughtful towards me in this situation. I love you guys, and thank you so much. If there is anything I can ever do to support you, please let me know.

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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Anjalena Palla on August 12th, 2011, 4:45 pm

Closed Eyes Still Look Forward...

When you know that you finally made it,
Can you make your way back, make your way back home?

I ventured into the dark to search for a torch
That would light the path ahead.
Over mountains so high, far and wide,
Searching for a place to rest my head.

On different roads I traveled, but I remained the same.
Facing fears with no fear on my face.
Through all the roads I traveled, I remained the same.
Facing my fear.

When you know that you finally made it,
Can you make your way back, make your way back home?

You're on your own, you're all alone out here.
Find your way back home... (find your way back home)

From the darkness I came,
In my hand was a torch that I found along the way.
And in the distance, I saw a house with a light that lit the porch.
I found a place to rest my head.

On different roads I traveled, but I remained the same.
Facing fears with no fear on my face.
Through all the roads I traveled, I remained the same.
Facing my fear.

When you know that you finally made it,
Can you make your way back, make your way back home?
You're on your own, you're all alone out here.
Find your way back home... (find your way back home)
You're on your own, you're all alone out here.
Find your way back home.
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[Merenwen's Scrapbook] The Willing Well

Postby Jalen Cleardawn on August 18th, 2011, 7:45 pm

Okay, so I guess I'm just gonna share a few things since chat just completely disowned me. I lagged really hard, and now the silly page won't load! ): just.... awesome. Haha. Before I left, Valmont and I were having a conversation about anti-BME, and I was ragging on Michael for being illiterate. Baha. In any case, I said something about hiding my 8 piercings and 3 tattoos, and I think Valmont said something along the lines of, "Even if that was true, just don't wear 4 inch hoop earrings around me and we'll be fine." In response to that, I was prepared to say, "But it's true! I really do have 8 piercings and 3 tattoos!" I get questions about them a lot, so I figured I would make a scrap about them. (:

Well first of all, I dyed my hair. XD Hahaha. No, I really did. For anyone who doesn't remember, I was blonde with a pink streak to remember a friend who died of breast cancer. I decided that since I have to get rid of the pink for recruitment coming up next week, I might as well try something new. The idea I had in mind was to go brunette, but I wound up going darker that I thought. Apparently it doesn't wash me out as bad... At least, that's according to everyone who likes my new hair. (: I rather like it.




Earlobes. You'll notice there are three holes. It's like that on each side, but I only use two holes.


Cartilage. I have one of these, and it's definitely the most painful one of them all! ><


Tongue (: for the SECOND time. XD The following pictures are of my two microdermals. Please ignore the fact that I'm completely sunburned in some of the pictures... I went to Destin, Florida to take Bryan parasailing for his 20th birthday and our 1 year, and we fell asleep on the beach. Yes. Those are second degree burns. Yes. It hurt. Yes. I went to the doctor. No. They didn't do anything about it. Yes. I will never do it again.

I actually peeled about 4 times. My skin was raw, and I looked like someone tried to scrub me with a Brillo pad. If you don't know what a Brillo pad is, I'm probably spelling it wrong. It's a steel wool pad for cleaning. Like, can you imagine? It felt that way too, believe me. I don't think I have ever been in so much pain. Maybe I will do a scrap about that whole trip and include all of the pictures. Anyway. Microdermals...





Okay, I don't wish to put my first tattoo on here, because I can't get a good picture. But it's the outline of five stars. Blue, green, pink, purple, and orange, in a cluster on my right hip bone. It's cute, but not on camera. Just saying. ANYWAY, this is my second tattoo. I got it right before I went through recruitment. I got it in white so my parents wouldn't notice it (lololol). It's Greek for hope, because I hoped to find my home at the sorority that was right for me. I never went to have it touched up, but when I do, it will bright bright white, and you'll be able to see it more. (:


This next one is my most recent, but certainly not my last... >< Hahaha. Bryan and I got the same thing this summer. I drew it up and took it, and we got it done. A word of advice... if you want a really small, cute tattoo just to get one, and you KNOW you have low pain tolerance, don't get it on your foot. It hurts like biotch. Just saying. Anyway, it's a green infinity sign that curls up to say love.


I plan to get at least one more tattoo. I want the Greek letters Epsilon Pi on my wrist. It has to do with my sorority. (:

And while I'm at it, I figure I'll share this... My best guy friend, Dustan, went into the Navy. He asked me to sketch him something up so he could get it done... I did. (:

Step one, the Anchor.


Step two, Under the Skin.


The Final Product


And yeah. Just in case you're having a bad day, there's this:


The End. (:
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