After spending approximately four solid hours cleaning my room last night, I
decided I should do another scrapbook entry. Haha, I like the leisure of being
able to just ramble and post pictures and share stuff that makes me happy.

I think today, I'll be a little mushy and tell my story about my boyfriend, Bryan.
He's been on my mind a lot so far today... I'll start from the beginning.

I'm passionate about theatre. I love to sing, act, and dance (even though I'm a
terrible dancer.) Where I'm from, we have what's called the Carrollton
Cultural Arts Center (CCAC) where every summer they do three programs
known as Primary Theatre, Children's Theatre, and Teen Theatre.
Teen Theatre is exclusive to kids ages 13-19, and around the time school lets
out, they hold two days of auditions. The summer just after my sophomore
year of high school, I auditioned for a small cast part in the show Once Upon A
Mattress. I wanted to do a lot that summer, and I knew if I had a huge role, I
would be required to spend a vast majority of my summer at rehearsals three
nights a week.
When I was cast in the show, I noticed my part was labeled as Sir Luce's Lady
Lucy. I wondered, "Oh geez, that means I have a set partner for all the dances
and scenes already...." I hate it when they do that. I like to pick someone I'm
comfortable with, someone I know I'll get along with so as to eliminate any
stress factors. Stress makes a shitty show, I'll just tell you. So I searched the
cast list. I found this:
Sir Luce - Bryan Hendren
Bryan WHO? Who the heck is this kid? I just knew he was one of the little
newbie guys. Had to be. It was always my luck.
That's another thing I hate. When they pair veteran actors with kiddies. If
you're exceptionally good, it's one thing but.... Makes me wanna rage.

Anyway, a week later we began rehearsals. I went in feeling confident and
excited about seeing all my theatre friends. Being from a tiny town with no
performing arts program, I had often made the 15 minute drive up the road
to participate at the arts center. There were always opportunities, as the
three kid's programs were just summer activities.
As I looked around, I noticed some of the people there. Friends. People I
hadn't seen in a while. A girl that was labeled as my "rival." People I had never
seen before. A guy that I had never seen before, a CUTE guy, sitting in the
middle of all my friends.... Peculiar.
A couple of weeks into rehearsals, I stood at the piano with the accompanist
with a girl I wasn't quite friends with, but I was familiar with from doing
shows in the past. The dance coordinator was beginning to teach the first
dance, which happened to be heavily male-based. This girl (whose name is
Ciara) and I were talking, and I finally said, "So, I noticed you hang out with
that guy in the blue shirt a lot. Is he from Carrollton, too? I've never seen him
She replied, "Oh yeah, that's Bryan Hendren, he plays Sir Luce. We, uhhh, just
broke up... Things are awkward right now."
Turns out they dated about two months, and she just wasn't feeling it. I
confessed, "Man, he's cute."
“Yeah he is! I just want us to be friends though. You should totally talk to
him. He’s really nice.”
Yes. Yes, I think I will.
And I did. He WAS nice! He was funny. And man, was he cute... Awesome for
me, he turned out to be my dance partner! He was my Sir Luce! But as the
weeks passed, I noticed he had taken a liking to this other girl.... my “rival.”
Go figure. Now, this “rival,” Samantha, wasn’t labeled my rival without
reason. I had been taking voice lessons for nearly three years at this point. My
mentor was not only my coach, but a very close friend. She’s an amazing
woman who is still to this very day very supportive to me. I learned quickly
from her, and took any constructive criticism she had to offer as a blessing. I
used everything she threw at me to my advantage, and with it came constant
positive reinforcement.
This other girl, Samantha, had been taking lessons approximately a year
longer than I had, but we were the same age. She’s one of those “Yeah baby,
I’m gonna be a star! I’m going to New York one day and I’m gonna be a
star!” If you don’t believe me, I will be MORE than happy to direct you to her
Facebook page. Samantha’s mother is the same way. She pushes Samantha
to be this fake shell of a person, and fills her with this nonsense that she is
and always will be the best at everything she does. Filled her full of hot air.
Now, Tracey, our vocal coach, would always express to me how frustrated she
would get at Samantha, because she would never take Tracey’s advice. She
would say, “Oh okay.” and then continue doing things her way. I just wanted
to get better. I wanted to do well and make her proud and show off her hard
work through my voice.
Back to rehearsal... It really effing irked me to death that he liked her cocky,
self-righteous attitude... I mean... I don’t know. Still, to this day, when I ask
him, his reply is “I have NO idea what I was thinking.”
Much to my dismay, they started dating, and I even warned him (because I
knew of her reputation) “She WILL cheat on you.” Well, this pissed Bryan off
and he stopped talking to me for the rest of the year....
UNTIL, I saw him at an FBLA competition. He just walks up to me and starts
talking to me like we’re best friends. I looked at him kinda funny and decided
to just go with it. Eventually his face turned red and he says, “I have to tell
you, Katie. You were right about Samantha. She cheated on me.”
Immediately, I felt awful for him. I knew how much he put into making a
girlfriend happy. Ciara and I had become close friends over the summer and
during that school year, and she told me about all the wonderful things he did
for her. She said he was really nice, and deserved a sweet girl, but couldn’t
for the life of her understand why when he knew I liked him that he would
pick Samantha. I didn’t either! Man, I just realized how naive and selfish this
is making me sound.... Oh well.
So we talked and talked throughout the competition, and finally he asked me
if I wanted to go to a movie that weekend. My reply? I had to turn him down;
I had plans with my boyfriend.
Yes, that’s right. When Bryan started dating Samantha, I started dating a guy
named Zach. Interesting guy, but way on the immature side. Eventually,
after a year and a half of dating, he couldn’t take the separation when I
changed schools my senior year. I was devastated. I put everything into that
relationship and I felt like it was all for nothing. How stupid. But I told myself,
boys come and go, don’t worry.
Bryan, having graduated a year before me from the high school transferred
to, had a bit more free time than I did, being in college right up the road.
Because he was still in the Carrollton area, we started hanging out and doing
stuff together. In the way I was there for him, he was there for me. Ciara
kept insisting it was deeper, that he liked me. But naaaahhhh, we were just
friends! We wouldn’t date, and I knew it. My mom also insisted he liked me. I
told her the same thing, but more along the lines of, “EWWW MOM! NO!
Bryan and I are friends! JUST friends!!”
Bryan, Ciara, and I spent a lot of time together during the summer after my
sophomore and junior years, and during this time, I got to know Bryan’s
younger brother, Matthew. So when I transferred to Carrollton, and Ciara and
Bryan graduated and went of to their respective colleges, I started hanging
out with Matthew some. Matthew was the same age as me, and also really
into theatre and music. Eventually.... we dated....
Two weeks passed, we broke up. He was immature and annoyed the hell outta
me. Bryan started acting funny, and when I asked him what his deal was, he
confessed to me that we had kinda liked me, but I dated his brother instead!
WHAT?! Are you being serious?! Yes. Yes I am.
Blew it. Man, I couldn’t believe it. I called Ciara and we met up for lunch and a
movie and to spend the night at her house and she said, “If he doesn’t like
you now, he will one day.”
Yeah yeah, I’d heard her say that so many times I could call it out before she
could get it out of her mouth. I was annoyed. I finally made up my mind,
okay, whatever, you know what? I hate boys. All boys. They were all stupid
and I didn’t want to be a part of any more of their silly antics. Never. Never
EVER again.
Bryan called me with, “Hey, wanna go see Ironman 2 and get dinner?”
“Sure, meet you in Carrollton.” Click!
And we did. And he bought my dinner AND the movie. Huh. That was nice. I’d
have to return the favor for him next time.
Next time came. He paid for dinner and a movie, again.
I finally called him and asked if he wanted to go on a bike ride with me. We
did, and man did we have fun. The next time he called, we went and road
bikes over at his neighborhood, a gated living community on a lake. It was
nice. We went out to where it had flooded earlier in the year and played
Indiana Jones in the mud, swung from tree limbs, climbed some rocks and
whatnot. Got really dirty and had some fun.
Graduation finally rolled around, and I was sitting in my chair out in the
football stadium, texting Ciara, who had come to see me and a few others
graduate. Graduation was long, grueling, boring. I got up, walked across the
stage, got my diploma, sat back down. Waited. Waited. Waited. Faked
throwing my cap. Ran towards the stands to see my family so they knew
where I’d be when they finally made it out.
My dad was... doing the chicken dance?
“Daddy, what the heck are you doing?!” I yelled.
He pointed and shook his head and pointed and waved and pointed and shook
and yelled.
“Here!” He yelled. “HERE!!!”
When I finally realized he wasn’t talking to me, it was too late. I turned to
meet a flash of pastel green, swooping me up into the air, off my feet,
around in circles. I laughed and hugged Bryan’s neck. He’d come! He’d come
to see his brother graduate and came straight to me! Wow, and right behind
him came Ciara, looking lovely in a pretty long, blue dress. My parents tried to
snap pictures of us, but we were bouncing all over the place. They all came
out blurry!
As the crowd slowly dispersed, Ciara left, and Bryan stayed to take pictures
with me and my family. Bryan instructed me firmly NOT to leave until he got
back from visiting his parents and brother. He did finally come back, and I
followed him out to his car. He unlocked and opened the door for me, and
when I got in, there was an envelope on the seat. In it was a little card,
congratulating me on graduating.
Two days later, I had some friends over to my house to swim, and Bryan asked
me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes.

Since we’ve been together, Bryan and I have been on an abundance of
adventures. We went to the north Georgia mountains to stay in a cabin with a
couple friends and go horseback riding. We’ve been white water rafting, and
for his birthday and our one year, I took him parasailing in Florida. He’s been
beside me in everything, and he spoils the living daylights out of me!
For one of our dates, he took me to a restaurant in Atlanta called Fogo de
Chao. It’s a Brazilian steakhouse, I believe. It’s very formal, and the waiters
walk around with every kind of meat you can think of impaled on steel spikes.
There’s a round card on your table, and it’s red on one side, and green on
the other. When you’re hungry, you flip the card over to be served. They
swarm your table with filet mignon, chicken, prime rib, ribs, sausage, etc!
You just tell them how you want it, and they cut it off and onto your plate!
There’s a massive salad bar, and side items they bring to your table. It’s $50
a person, but it’s ALL YOU CAN EAT!! Amazing? Yes. On top of it all, he also
bought us dessert and coffee. Mmmm.... White and milk chocolate mousse
cake with cappuccino!

I took him to my sorority’s formal this past year, for which he bought my
dress.... a $450 Betsey Johnson! It’s lovely, and I wish I could wear it more!

When I got my puppy, he surprised me and bought me most of the things I
would need for him! As we were leaving to shop for the necessities, he simply
opened his trunk and said, “Surprise!”
When I moved, he spent all day helping me hang my paintings and moving my
TV, etc. He put my curtains up, helped me organize everything, etc.
This summer when we went parasailing, I returned with TERRIBLE sunburn. He
helped me apply medicinal lotion, made sure I took my medicine for it,
painted my toenails, did all my laundry, walked my dog.... you name it!
He is SO supportive of my sorority life. He comes to as many of our events as
he possibly can.
My family ADORES him. He comes over to my parents house a lot, and they
always ask about him. He even helped my daddy lay concrete for an addition
onto our house! He's helpful and selfless.
He did “The Twelve Days of Valentines Day” and left me a gift corresponding
to the number each day. Let’s see if I can remember. A balloon in my car.
Two coupons to get him to cook dinner a night, and one to get him out of
work for myself for a day.... Ugh, I can’t remember! There were roses,
chocolates, poems, quotes, etc.
He puts me on scavenger hunts all the time... The latest one, I returned home
from getting a spray tan right before formal, and found him in my closet,
where he presented to me a promise ring.

It’s a lovely little thing, and I
don’t think I’ll ever take it off!
The list just goes on, and on, and on.... I love him so much, guys.

And so here is to all ye women in the world! GET A MAN LIKE MINE!!

then, be jealous. Muwahaha. <3
When I get some time to feel like fooling with resizing pictures, I will put some up!