Negotiations Timestamp: Winter 18, 494 AV Location: Along the North Kabrin Road It had been a harsh year for Massacre and his tribe and their numbers had dwindled lower than he could ever remember. Totaling at only 18, including six children, things were looking bad. Their best warriors were down to two with most of them having been killed off during a conflict with human warriors several days back. To top it all off, food was even proving scarce and the Zith were forced to choose between venturing deeper into human territory or further into the wilds. Despite all that, they held on, and luck proved to be with them when one of the younger Zith came flying into the tribe shouting about a group of humans heading their way. They only had two guards, several horses, and even a few children with them. Scouts were sent out to verify the claim and as soon as they returned plans were made. "Okay, Cairn and I will take out the guards," The Zith who went by the name of Shade directed. "Massacre, you take Arri and Razor. Take out the dog and grab any children you can. Leave the adults for negotiations." The plan was set. Cairn and Shade, the tribes two best warriors, would lead the attack and take out the guards. Massacre, who was the most experienced of the hunters, would take out the dog while his partners would try to grab two of the children. Simple enough, but things could always go wrong so the tribe had to be careful. With their numbers so low they couldn't risk losing anyone else. The rest of the tribe would wait until all the threats were eliminated, and then they would begin negotiations. |