Summer day 15 of 511 Rykker was staying in the Savintar Warrens as a guest. He felt like a guest since the last few days as the dark skinned grayish furred young half Vantha half Zith walked through the snowy streets of Avanthal he got stares. They weren’t mean stares just shocked, curious, sometimes fearful stares. He knew that he was something of an oddity but he couldn’t help it. He wished he wasn’t with the hair, eyes, and facial features of his mother and the body, skin, and fur of his father he was intimidating. He tried to smile, but it was hard, he wasn’t the friendliest of people, he had only known for most his life of hard work, people having little too no respect for him, and being unacceptable of his heritage. He himself if truth were told hated half himself. He had resentment of his father’s family for keeping him and his mother as slaves. He kept that buried deep inside though. He walked the street, his golden red eyes scanning the things around him, it was everything his mother had told him and more. It was beautiful, even though the cold was hard for him to handle, he hoped that maybe if he got in his mother’s hold that he would be blessed with Morwen’s gift to be resistant to the cold. He was used to the warm weather of Cyphrus and he still had not got any other warm clothes, one because he hadn’t found a job yet. He was hoping if he got into Whitevine hold that maybe if anything he could become a vet, he knew he wouldn’t be compassionate enough to those of his fellow humans. Why? Because he had his inner demons that were angry at his fellow humans at times that had ostracized him all his life, even though he knew he couldn’t be like that. He had to give this new place, these new people a chance, but it was hard not to brace himself for rejection like he had most his life. He would just have to wait and see what his life would bring next, hope for the best, and look on to the brighter things; this was a new life he was seeking after all. The past was the past, and this was a new future of freedom, among a new people his mother’s people, who through her were also his people. However, would they accept the fact that while his mother had been captured she had fallen in love or maybe only thought she had with one of her captors? In which case he was part also of a race that was not trusted, and sometimes hated throughout Mizahar? He didn’t know, but he would have to have faith in Morwen, and the goddess Rak'keli, which reminded him maybe he should pay a visit to the temple he had heard about that, was here for Morwen and pay his respects, and pray also to Rak’keli for guidance in what to do for a job. If he should try to follow in his mother’s foot steps to at least be a doctor to animals if not humans. He wondered if healing was healing and if Rak’keli would bless him for healing animals just as much as humans? There was so much he still didn’t know, or understand. |