"Why, thank you," Roghon grinned and bowed, still a little uncoordinated, "I was a favorite student of Master Aelobius the Voider, after all." The wizard took his piece of charcoal and began drawing a circle on the floor. His Familiar was by now reforming itself from the myriad droplets that it had broken into upon hitting the wall. And apparently, the little creature was not too happy with Jaquise's choice.
"Ewwwwww a Darkfacer they are ugly cold heartless monsters who eat children trust me sir you are better off with someone dependable who will be there for you like a good honest Lightfacer like ME and I just happen to have a few cousins twice removed who are most likely still on Fyrden and would be more than happy to…"
"As you can see, Lightfacers and Darkfacers are very prejudiced against one another," Roghon said, not lifting his head from the circle-drawing effort. He had divided the area into sixteen slices, marking each intersection with special Summoning glyphs. He also traced a second inner circle within the first, adding yet more glyphs along its circumference.
"It is not prejudice Master Roghon it is fact pure simple fact nothing but fact," the Familiar talked back, showing a less submissive side for the very first time, "those conceived of darkness and born in darkness can only think and do dark things like the one Master Jom had or Mistress Iphne and they are both dead."
"And so are a lot of other people," the wizard sighed, and produced a sharp knife from his robes. "It sucks to have to hurt this body so soon." He made a tiny cut on his finger, and a drop of white ichor collected on the dead skin. He pressed the wound onto the surface of the circle, which began to glow softly at first, and then brighter and brighter. A peculiar oily smell, familiar to Summoners, invaded the place. The outer circle was now pulsing with blue, glowing energy.
"Stand back, we are casting our line into the Darkface." Indeed, a feeling of intense cold emanated from the portal. It was not long before a creature became visible. It wasn't on Mizahar just yet… it appeared to be under the circle, as if its surface had turned reflective like water. Its shape changed gently with the rippling waves in the blue energy, but it was pitch black, like a shadow in the darkest of nights.
"Your Darkfacer," Roghon smiled uncannily. The creature seemed to touch the portal's entrance, but did not manage to come further. It had no solid or fixed shape.
"World of many things," it spoke, "I want."