INTERNATIONAL CENSUSI compiled the races of every CS currently in existence and will be showing you the results now!
1st Place: Humans, Human Mixed (817) 29%
2nd Place: Kelvics (440) 16%
3rd Place: Inarta (171) 6%
4th Place: Mixed Bloods (144) 5%
5th Place: Konti (132) 5%
6th Place: Drykas (121) 4%
7th Place: Vantha (116) 4%
8th Place: Symenestra (83) 3%
9th Place: Ethaefal (82) 3%
10th Place: Dhani (68) 2%
11th Place: Akalak (60) 2%
12th Place: Ghost (60) 2%
13th Place: Nuit (60) 2%
14th Place: Svefra (57) 2%
15th Place: Benshira (56) 2%
16th Place: Zith (50) 2%
17th Place: Isur (49) 2%
18th Place: Chaktawe (48) 2%
19th Place: Pycon (43) 2%
20th Place: Charoda (41) 1%
21st Place: Myrian (41) 1%
22nd Place: Eypharian (38) 1%
23rd Place: Jamoura (38) 1%
24th Place: Jake Gyllenhall (14) <1%
25th Place: Akvatari (13) <1%
Total: 2828