[flashback]These ghostly hands of mine.(solo)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[flashback]These ghostly hands of mine.(solo)

Postby Coren on July 30th, 2011, 7:03 pm

5th Winter 505

Coren was sitting in his room, lounging on his bed seemingly without a care in the world. If somebody had come into his room right now they would never have guessed that he just had gotten in a serious argument with both his parents that almost the entire hold could have heard.

After a few more moments of just laying around his bed he lazily pulled himself out of the bed and care fully walked towards the door opening just enough so that he could poke his head through the gap, quickly looking if there was anybody in the hall before pulling his head back inside and silently closing the door grabbing the chair and putting it underneath the handle of the door and double checking if it closed of the door well. He didn't need anybody walking in with what he was doing.

When he was done testing how well the chair blocked the entrance he just grabbed the inkwell resting on his desk and sat down on the ground, carefully screwing off the lip. Making sure that he didn't spill anything. Before rolling up his right sleeve and dipping one of his fingers of the left hand into the ink. carefully beginning to draw a focusing glyph on the inside of his elbow, drawing it with your finger wasn't that easy, but a quill didn't do a good job, not to mention he broke his one a few weeks earlier and still hadn't got around the task of replacing it. Still it was good enough to see what it looked like, a crude cricle with an octagon inside, all of its corners touching the circle and a line leading from each of the corners towards the middle. Carefully attempting to paint the same rune on the palm of his hand before closing of his inkwell again. He didn't want it to accidentally knock it over and spill over the entire floor.

As soon as he had put the inkwell safely out of harms reach he sat back down on the floor and carefully began concentrating. Slowly beginning to disconnect his astral body from his real body with his djed. Starting with his elbow, a frown came on his face as he didn't feel his astral body slipping out any easier at his elbow at all. Didn't his glyph work? had he screwed up with a few lines or was it just to smudged to let it work? Just ignoring that minor setback he continued to push out his astral body, his face scrunched up in concentration. When he finally arrived at his hand and suddenly felt the process of pushing out his astral body become a bit more easier.
Well it seemed he just screwed up on his first glyph then. Mentally resolving to practice a bit more with his glyph's later he continued and a few moments later he successfully pushed out the remainder of the astral body, his arm just falling towards the ground as if it was a puppet and somebody just cut its strings.

Coren just barely kept a shout of victory inside at his success. The first time he actually pulled out such a large part of his astral body. At least on his own, he still vividly remembered the time his teacher pulled out his entire soul and then shoved it back in. You didn't forget such things easily.
He moved his now ghostly limb towards the vial of ink and reached out to it. His detached limb stretching out, easily bridging the distance. but when he wanted to grasp it he instead clumsily knocked it over. A few swears escaping his lips as he tried again, this time a bit more carefully and the fingers did close around the vial and he slowly began to lift it in the air.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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[flashback]These ghostly hands of mine.(solo)

Postby Coren on August 17th, 2011, 12:06 am

Coren's entire face was twisted into a look of concentration as he slowly lifted up the vial of ink with his projected right hand and carefully dropped it in his open left hand. A small smile working his way up his face, he really was getting the hang of this form of magic. Just like his teacher told he would if he kept working at him. Carefully listening for a few moments if he didn't hear anybody coming down the corridor. He didn't want anybody knowing that he was able to use magic, with his luck he would probably be caught red handed by the hold gossip and his mom would then find out within a few minutes. If that happened he could better go and piss of one of the icewatch's polar bears. Being brutally ripped apart by them would probably be more humane then what his mom and dad had in store for him.

When he was pretty sure nobody was in the corridor, well at least as far as he knew, he turned his attention back to practice. Setting down the inkwell on the ground he looked around in his room, hoping to find something else he could use to practice. The chair of his desk? He might be able to pull it over towards him, the mage that thought him did tell him that training projection worked a lot like training your muscles. Still he didn't dare to take it away from the door, if somebody heard him screw around in his room and decided to take a look, his secret would be out of the bag. And being mauled by a polar bear would probably be more humane then whatever his parents would do to him if they found out he was a mage.
As he continued looking around the room his gaze fell on his desk, bringing to mind the few scrolls and other trinkets he had left there, while they weren't heavy, he could use them to get some more dexterity in his projected body parts.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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[flashback]These ghostly hands of mine.(solo)

Postby Coren on August 20th, 2011, 11:09 pm

Coren stood up so that he had a better view of his desk, using his left arm to make sure his right arm didn't flop around to much as he did so. He didn't want to accidentally damage it in some way, especially now that he didn't feel anything with it. As soon as he had a good View of the mess that was lying on top of his desk and stretched out his projected right arm towards the mess, picking up one of his empty scrolls and carefully lifting it up towards his eyelevel. Letting out an annoyed sigh as it went almost without a problem. He really should get something more heavy or at least a ball of some sort to practice with or he if he finally got off his ass to get a new quill try to write with his projected hand, it did require a lot of dexterity to get something legible on paper.

Just as he was putting the scroll back in the pile of disorganized paper and other trinkets somebody tried to open his door, the chair making a scraping noise as it blocked entrance to whoever wanted to enter.
“Coren? Why is your door locked? What are you doing in there?” the gentile, but now rather confused, voice of his mother asked him a bit muffled thanks to the door. Coren dropped the scroll on the ground in shock at the idea he could be found out.
“No reason at all mom, just wanted some privacy!” Coren quickly responded, knowing that she wouldn't buy that explanation. Having no time to carefully guide his projected right arm back into his body and having a limp arm would probably tip of his mother that something wasn't right. So against the advice of his teacher he just shoved his astral body back inside of his limb. As he was doing that his mother just impatiently knocked on his blocked door.
“Coren! What in the name of morwin are you doing In there!? And how did block the door!? It doesn't even have a lock anymore!”Ignoring the faint tingling feeling and the fact his arm felt a bit number then normal he quickly went towards the door, kicking the chair out of the way and nearly getting the door into his face as his mother swung it open.
“Eh, hi mom?” Coren said, an innocent smile on his face as he stared into his mom's furious face.
“So? Any explanation coming for why you had a chair blocking your door?” Coren wracked his brain for any explanation that would get his mom out of his hair anything at all. When he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.
“It was... private stuff ma.” Coren reluctantly said a look of embarrassment on his face. His mom just continued to stare at him with a stern look on his face. Prompting a sigh from coren.
“you know, something young boy's of my age do sometimes.” When his mom didn't show any signs of understanding what he was steering towards he let out a tortured sigh and buried his face into his hands.
“Mom think about it, something teenage boy's do in PRIVATE.” As he said those words together his mother looked at him with slight confusion on her face, not getting why he just wasn't telling what he was, before she finally made the connection. Shaking her head in embarrassment.
“Right... well, just.... oh morwen.” his mother just settled for shaking her head in embarrassment and quickly walked away. Coren on the hand just closed the door and let out a sigh of relief as he slowly slid towards the ground. Well he might probably be looked at strangely for a few day's if his mom let that slip. Which was fairly likely knowing how much of a gossip she was. But everything was better then letting his family know that he was able of utilizing magic. He probably would be kicked out of the family, if not his hold if that happened. He slowly began to clench and unclench his right fist, trying to get rid off that numb feeling in his arm, hoping that it would stop as soon as possible. Still it probably wasn't smart to continue to practice in his room. He would have to find some other place to practice his magic.

Still having some evidence of his amatuerishly painted glyphing marks on his arm he walked over towards his window, opened it and grabbed a few handfuls of snow and began rubbing it over the marks, tapping his gnosis to melt it down to water. After his arm was mostly clean again he closed the window and dropped down on his bed, beginning to think about where exactly he was going to train now.


"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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[flashback]These ghostly hands of mine.(solo)

Postby Cheshire on August 24th, 2011, 12:52 am


Character: Coren
Experience: Observation +1, Glyphing +1, Drawing +1, Projection +2, Acting +1
Lore: Alternative Ways to Lock a Door, Using Projected Limbs, Forcing a Projected Limb Back Into the Body

Additional Note: Great thread!! PM me with concerns.
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