Nira Curare
"Moz seh krevas dav'ene obris zhevat."
Race: Symenestra
Gender: Female
Birthday: 64 Day of Winter 491
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Birthday: 64 Day of Winter 491
Age: 19
Physical Description
A strange woman walks into an inn, at first glance she appears to be a child, standing maybe five feet tall, but the unnerving grace in which she moves discounts that theory right away. A hand slightly too large for the body pulls back the hood of her charcoal colored robe, revealing a dolls faces, void of color. Her skin as eerily white as a corpse and her hair the same silver-white of the unmarred snow outside. With full red lips and a quiet voice she asks if for a room, her violet melancholy eyes fixed on the innkeeper, making sure he did not see her incredibly poisonous fangs.
Five minutes later she sit on a bed pulling her off her gloves to reveal her long pitch black nails and then her cloak, under which she wore a simple woolen dress, which displayed her subtle curves and longs limbs a little better. This was on top of her omnipresent light armor, designed to protect her too fragile body. Finally she took off her sturdy boots, displaying a second set of sharp black nails. Shaking out her long wavy hair, she laid down to sleep.
Character Concept
Soon after leaving home, Nira learned that she must learn to be discreet about her race. Symenestras were not beloved by humans and their reactions to her ranged from simple wariness to outright violence. The passionate, outspoken, stupidly brave girl that left Kalinor still existed, but to strangers she was mysterious, quiet, melancholy, and helpful. If there was any sick or wounded that had not been tended to, Nira would do her best to help, but would say a little as possible, and most would never even get a look at her face. To say she distrusts humans in general would be inaccurate, to say she distrusts them around Symenstras would not be.
Everything Nira does is self justified. She will do her best to heal a person, and will kill another in same day. She sees the world in black and white. If they needs to be healed, she will use her knowledge of medicine to help. If they threaten her, she would kill and probably feed on them before they knew what was going on. Some may say this make her evil, this isn't true. In the eyes of the world, she is neither good nor evil, but she does do her best to serve her god, Viratas. So from her point of view, she does nothing wrong.
Nira prefers live animals to fruit when it is feeding time. She loves heights, they remind her of home. Her favorite seasons are fall and winter, even if she does have to travel in the cold. She likes to know how things work, specifically how beings work. This is probably how she ended up learning about medicine.
Nira doesn't like judgmental people, she doesn't like healers that much, but thats mostly from jealousy. She is not fond of boats, hot days, or really curious people.
About 19 Years Ago, A small Symenestra child was born to Vaderon Curare and a surrogate mother. Naturally moments after birth Nira poisoned her nameless mother and so she could feed on her. Nira was a happy child raised by an adoptive matriarch, who was equally loving. Since Nira was a second daughter, she didn't have as many responsibilities as her sister, instead focusing on the learning of religion. She memorized the Viratassa at a young age, and took from that, that everything that bleeds is sacred. When she was old enough, she began an apprenticeship in the Place of Purging where she learned actual medicine from one of the few healers there. At the age of 17 she saw her first birth, and was horrified. Up until then, she believed the practice of using surrogate mothers was just a way of life, but after witnessing what the doomed mothers had to go through, Nira tried to speak out against it. When no one would listen to the teen, she packed some clothes to travel in, a cloak, all her money, and her fathers throwing knives which at the time she did not know how to use, and left.
She had never been outside Kalinor alone before, it was not as much fun as she thought is was going to be. Strangers would run in terror when they found out what she was, whether it was a glimpse of her fangs, or sharp black nails. Some would be worse, even trying to attack her, so Nira took to speaking little, and wearing gloves. She even wore her cloak to conceal her face, just in case someone would guess. This was also why she practiced with her father's knives every night, even if they didn't know what she was, Nira was a young woman travelling alone, and she was not stupid.
From village to village she wandered, growing disheartened with each place and beginning to miss home. Soon she ran out of money completely. Sitting in an inn, she wondered what to do, when conveniently she heard talk of a dying man. Her faith in Viratas would not let her ignore such a plea so she asked the locals where he was and went to his cottage. He had an infection, but with her small knowledge of medicine, she was able to save him. His family gave her some coins, and that was how to began to earn a living. For about a year and a half she traveled, until she finally made it to Syliras. Here she decided that she was going to stay awhile.