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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Licendous Gestral on August 1st, 2011, 8:10 pm

Character's Name
Licendous Gestral

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Basic Information
Secret :
Mixed blood: Isur( sultros/bastard son father unknown) + vantha ( mother sasar dead.)
Birthday & Age :
55 winter 475AV ( 36, { about 17/18 in physical appearance})
Gender: Male
a dragon's head one side and a bears had facing the other way on the other side, sort of like this 3E.


Language 1: Common Fluent
Language 2: Vani Basic
Language 3: Isur Poor

Physical Description
Secret :
a tall young man for his age standing 6'2, his eyes a deep thoughtful emerald green when sedate though his eye colour tends to fluctuate with his emotions going a flaming and easily spot-able red when angered. Often turning a saddened blue when in sorrowful mood, and a deep pink when in love and a still white when thinking. though his eyes are hidden by his long hair which dangled in-front of his eyes when it was not tied back, into the pony tail which it was normally worn. His soft face came to an abrupt end with a square but pointed jaw, with smaller features his eyes larger in size an attribute he owe to his mother. Her light face mostly mimicked his own but a few features he inherited from his father one such feature, was the bony ridges across his brow and down his nose which seemed to frame his deep eyes, making them look like gemstones set in solid stone. Other such features gained from his fathers side were the paleness of his skin, and the deep imperial red of his left arm. Weight a hefty weight of 250lbs, he is a large lad for his age looking like a less than regal sort.

Character Concept
Secret :
he is a thoughtful person who taking after his mother is more likened to the friendly nature, although he may not make friends easily he will protect his friends with a deep seeded and fierce courage. He tends to have an icy manor about him, which makes him hard to approach. However once you get pat his icy exterior, you meet the fiery person that lives within.

Licen a simple man with simple tastes he likes to think that. He's never wanted more than he has needed. Growing up with this in mind he tries to keep it that simple

Licendous has only one rule "never kill an innocent" as long as he never attacks first he believes he follows this rule. it's simple and effective, and it has saved his skin more often than not.

He loves the feel to fresh metal in his hands, the better the metal the more he loves the texture. he loves to craft things with the tools of a work man doing so ever since he was old enough to walk into an smithy.

He has never been one to boast and has an aversion to those who do such. Those who boast are compensating for the skills they lack in other areas instead of working to make those skills better.

Character History

Secret :
In his youth and younger years he was rarely out of a smithy, since the age of 10, he had learned a great deal but he avoided other children, as they avoided him. The only person who really knew him was the one who he spent most of his life with, his mother.

Time in a forge{flashback} (495AV)

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Secret :

Combat skills
Long sword 16/100 (15pts - starting package) +1

crafting skills
Metal smithing 15/100 (15 pts - starting package)
Black smithing 20/100 (20pts - starting package)
Weapon smithing 12/100 (10pts racial bonus) +2
Carving 1/100 +1

survival skills

Mental skills
Observation 1/100 +1

Physical skills

Lore of metal forging (secrets of the structure of metal and how it changes with heat),
Lore of weapon-craft (importance of a strong core for a strong blade),
Lore of Following Orders
Lore of Receiving Praise
Lore of Metal Appraising {Basic}
Lore of Proper swordsman's stance

Racial Abilities
Dense skin and bones ( Isur )
Night vision ( Isur )
Eye colour shift ( Vantha )


Equipment and Possessions

Secret :
A long sleeve loose black cotton tunic shirt, black leather gloves, a small leather vest dark brown, loose black pants, a brown leather belt, black boots

1 Water skin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel

his heirloom is the first weapon he ever crafted, a little shoddy but very functional long-sword suitable for hunting and fighting all the same, the guard of which bends down around the hand as if it were there to guard the knuckles. a core of forged iron with a folded iron casing which is sharpened to a razor's edge, and well maintained, thought it is some what bulky.

1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a frostmarch horse (dull grey) , a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags.

Secret :
100 gold mizas
copper necklace -5sm
cloak wool -5sm
scythe -18gm
9 shuriken -9gm
10 throwing knives -10gm
glaive -8gm
dagger -2gm
kama -2gm
procured here :3

50 gold mizas left

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User avatar
Licendous Gestral
Man of ice, Soul of fire
Posts: 44
Words: 28525
Joined roleplay: August 1st, 2011, 5:01 pm
Race: Mixed blood
Character sheet

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