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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Kikue on August 2nd, 2011, 1:07 pm

Character's Name

Pronounced: KEE koo eh

Otherwise use google translate and type in 菊絵, it might sound fast but that's it.


Basic Information

Race: Inarta
Birthday & Age : 1st day of spring 490, 21 years old.
Gender: Female

Physical Description

Short for an Inarta at only 4 feet 8, she's build slender and looks physically weak. Her arms are skinny and don't show much muscular structure. Her legs are a bit on the skiny side, but have a distinct muscular structure upon closer inspection. Her skin is on the pale side. She wears simple high leather boots on her feet, fit for travel. Her hair is brightred and short. Her eyes are skyblue. Her face is soft and seems as if she is easy to talk to.
She wears a simple black Bryda and a simple red Vinati that wraps around the neck. She has no jewelry or piercings as they would only hinder her during the hunt. Because she's a hunter, her clothing style is simple. She prefers efficient clothing over exquisite clothing, though usually she has them made out of better grade material. And she hates to stand out because of her small posture.

Character Concept

Kikue is a hot-tempered, yet easy going lady. She cares alot for others and she's a bit of slow at understanding 'moods'. Her reactions tend to be a bit slow to other people, but once she starts hunting, this completely changes.
Once she starts hunting, she's sharp, quickwitted and a perfectionist. She doesn't allow herself to make even one mistake and learns quick. Making a mistake is a grave error in her eyes, no matter how petty it was. She can easily become really depressed over this.
Patience is something she lacks gravely and she can't stand it when people use too many words to express something that could easily be expressed with only a few words in her eyes.
She's a quick learner, but it's hard for her to truly master something.
Even though she dislikes to be in Wind Reach, she does in fact care for her people. She doesn't know how to show this and it often leads to her getting pissed off.

Kikue is something that holds justice in high regard. It's a fact that when she gets wrongly accused, she can be seriously offended. On the other hand, she doesn't accuse people quick. She rather collects all the evidence first, before making an accusation.
Animal abuse is a no-no for her. She hates it when people don't pay respect for animals. Even though she is a hunter, she hates it to kill animals. Once she has shot an animal, she usually prays for them and thanks them for becoming her meal.

Kikue is someone who loves to train her skills. She could spend a full day only practicing her marksmanship.
She also loves to solve riddles and all sorts of other stuff that requires logic.

Murder, bribery, and the rest of the 'underword' tricks to rip off other people.
Tyranny. If there is one thing she truly detests, it's the extortion of hardworking people so they cant live normally. Whenever she can, she'd help people who have a hard time handling high taxes.

Character History
Kikue was raised in a nursery and thus had never known her parents. Though most kids always thought of becoming an Endal, Kikue only thought of the open world. She wanted to travel once she came of age. At the age of 8 she was sent of to the youth section. She followed the classes like everyone else, but didn't care for most of them, except for archery and hunting. This is also where her talent shone. She was quickly recognized by one of the artistisians, a hunter, as an excellent marksman.
Taking her in, he showed her the traits of his profession. Kikue was an eager student and the two of them built up a close Master - apprentice bond.
It became clear to her master soon that Kikue had no interest in handling a bird. This because she never even looked a little expectandly at his small hawk. She never asked for one for herself, nor even asked for knowledge about it. After her 14th birthday, her master sent her off to the Valintar to get herself appointed to a caste. It appeared that she became an Avora hunter.
At her 19th birthday, she got a camouflage armor from her master to aid her in the hunting. Kikue was overjoyed with it and promised him she'd always treasure it.
The mountain confined her, she wanted to be out in the wild. She hadn't ever felt comfortable around her kinsmen. It could be because she, unlike everyone else, never even wanted to take care of a bird. She was just not interested at all by them.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore]

Shortbow: 25(15 SP + 10 racial)
Weapon (Talon sword): 20 (15SP) (+5)
Stealth: 10 (10SP)
Hunting: 5 (5SP)
Wilderness Survival: 5(SP)
Teaching 5: (+5)
Socialization: 5 (+5)
Camping: 1 (+1)
Introspection: 1(+1)
Gossiping: 2(+2)
Individualism: 5(+5)

Game around Wind Reach. (SP)
Finding one's profession. (SP)
Lazy days by the water.
Being surprised by Rista.
Lacking in tact.
Teaching a Yasi manners and then speaking badly about ones superiors.
Teaching Rista how to swing a sword.
Giving too many helpful tips at once.
Seeing promise in Rista.
Offering Rista an apprenticeship.
Having Rista as an Apprentice.
Mooching off of a Yasi
Treating a Yasi like an adult
Idle gossip, Ignorance of your own Caste
Wind Reach faux pas
Allowing a child to boss you
Learning how to be an adult from a Yasi
Wasting a Yasi's time



    Fluent - Nari
    Basic - Common

    Simple Black Bryda (SP)
    Simple Red Vinata (SP)
    Pair of mittens(SP)
    Pair of knee length boots(SP)
    Mountain sheep-skin Katinu(SP)
    Camp Items
    Set of toiletries (Comb, brush, soap) (SP)
    Eating knife (SP)
    Flint & Steel (SP)
    Axe, Woodsman's
    Tent, one person
    Blanket, winter
    Rope, hemp(50ft.)
    Travel Items
    1 large set of saddle bags
    Mountain Pony
    Saddle, Riding
    Bit and Bridle
    1 week worth of dried meat and seven edible roots. (SP)
    Talon sword (bought in Wind Reach)
    Shortbow, composite (bought in Wind Reach)
    Shortbow Arrow: 40 (bought in Wind Reach)
Family Heirloom
    Camouflage armor

    600 Gold Mizas (starting package)
    -22.5 GM (Talon Sword)
    -2 GM (Shortbow arrows)
    -75 GM (Shortbow, composite)
    -2 GM (Tent one person)
    -1 SM (Bedroll)
    -5 SM (Blanket, winter)
    -8 GM (Set of Large saddlebags)
    -50 GM (Mountain Pony)
    -10 GM (Saddle, Riding)
    -2 GM (Bit and Bridle)
    -1 SM (Halter)
    -1 GM (Rope, hemp(50ft.))
    -4 GM (Axe, woodman's)
    422 Gold, 78 Silver, 0 Copper Pinions

Thread List

511 AV
6th day, Wind Reach; Unexpected Meeting (Rista)Graded
63rd day, Wind Reach; Letting the wrong things slip(Sairque)
85th day, Wind Reach twin lakes; New Meetings (open)

When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons! What the hell am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
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Avora Huntress
Posts: 74
Words: 42025
Joined roleplay: August 1st, 2011, 7:35 pm
Location: Wind Reach.
Race: Human, Inarta
Character sheet

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