Xalet While most in Syliras were accustomed to seeing the armored figures of Knights going about their business, even towering Akalak ones, few if any had seen a sight quite like the one that Xalet was currently presenting. Even some of the most determined to get somewhere in a hurry seemed unable to contain the desire to stare for even just a moment, and several of the crowd stopped and openly gawked at the laboring Squire.
Xalet's focus and determination was to his credit, and something his Patron had praised him on previously, but it also kept him from noticing the small details that indicated something was wrong this evening. Slowly the signs started to stack up. The decrease of jovial sounds from the open building, and even through his sweat blurred eyes it seemed that the flow of people leaving the building had increased slightly.
Rezin Luce It was hardly a chime after Rezin sat down at the empty table with the small roaring hearth that a handsome man approached her with a warm smile. The features of his face were smooth and rounded, giving him a soft appearance despite his tall, well toned, and hairless body, and his brilliantly violet eyes seemed to shine in the firelight. His straight black hair, which fell loosely about his shoulders, appeared to have faint violet highlights that caught in the light of the fire as well. Clothing wise there was nothing covering his golden brown skin save for a golden bracelet upon his wrist and a band of crimson fabric around his waist that draped a couple small squares of fabric over his front and back to cover the barest of necessities.
"Welcome to the Golden Dragon, Madam" his baritone voice was smooth and pleasant, like warm honey, and it cut smoothly through the noise of the Golden Dragon for her to hear, "My name is Pladryi, and it will be my pleasure to provide you anything you wish for this evening," he bowed deeply before her and reached to take her hand and place a gentle kiss upon it, "Might I be graced by your sweet voice, and be honored to know your name?"
Even as Pladryi spoke Rezin felt a slight change in the atmosphere of the common room. It wasn't blatantly obvious, but there was a faint change in the tone of the overall noise, a tense undertone to the conversation, bits of music, and more sensual noises that could be heard.
Andresciel Even before Andresciel took up position in a nearby corner of the common room he found himself approached by a four armed woman about a foot shorter than himself. Despite her height she was definitely a woman, judging by her soft and curved body that was barely covered by a V shaped piece of cloth that could barely be described as clothing. Glittering gold encircled both her neck and wrist, a pleasant contrast against her olive skin, and her dark red hair flowed freely around her and down to her waist.
"Evening, Ser Knight," her words held a definitely foreign accent to them, and she smiled warmly as she gazed up at him with her emerald eyes, offering him her upper right hand in greeting, "Welcome to the Golden Dragon. I am Tahera. Might I know your name, Ser?"
As Tahera waited for Andresciel's answer the Mage Knight noticed a slight change in the atmosphere of the common room. The faint change in the tone of the overall noise, a tense undertone to the conversation, bits of music, and more sensual noises that could be heard was typically a good warning sign that something unpleasant was going to happen soon. From his vantage he couldn't see the source of the anxiousness, but it had to be somewhere in the common room.
Erzotol Silverden Erzotol's position in the back of the Golden Dragon did little to help him hear the conversations going on, as the privacy walls that separated the tables from each other muffled and rebounded the voices and noises from further away into one muddled mess. It only mildly muffled the sounds from those tables, but judging by the various moans and grunts he heard there wasn't much in the way of conversation happening nearby.
It certainly did keep him from being bothered though, as it was several chimes until he saw anyone even remotely resembling a server. It was a young man, probably around 16 or so by his appearance, with soft and pale skin that didn't look like it saw much sun. He wore only a brown over-sized tunic, which fell to the middle of his thighs, and a simple golden bracelet upon his left wrist.
"Do you need something mister?" his soft voice, combined with his wide blue eyes and curly blond hair, gave him an air of innocence that seemed at odds with a place like the Golden Dragon, "Would you like something to eat or drink, or are you looking for someone?"
Zarek Not long after Zarek moved stopped in the Golden Dragon he found himself approached by a pair of identical appearing young women. They were about half a foot shorter than him with soft and youthful features of girls of 15 or 16. The wore no clothing over their upper torso, instead their long and plentiful white hair fell down and covered their chests to give them a semblance of decency, and this gave a clear view of their pale iridescent scales that wound their way around their entire bodies in pleasing swirling patterns.
"Welcome to the Golden Dragon Sir," the two spoke at the same time, their soft voices creating a musical harmony together, and their fingers lightly touched their mid-thigh length blue skirts as they curtsied together, their golden bracelets seeming to glow in the firelight, "How may we help you this evening?" two pairs of deep blue eyes gazed up at Zarek as the young women gave him the same warm smile.
Even as the two waited for Zarek's response his eyes caught sight of a strange sight not far away. A young girl, far to young looking to be somewhere like the Golden Dragon, was talking with Tyras, the owner of the Golden Dragon. The people around Tyras seemed to be backing away slowly, and a few had turned and started to make their way towards the exit of the building.
It didn't take much for Zarek to see why they were uncomfortable. From the girl's hands drizzled a translucent and strange looking liquid that was falling towards the wooden floor seemingly without end. It was like the girl had recently dunked her hands in water and was letting them drip dry, but her hands did not appear wet and the stream of liquid falling down didn't slow or decrease.