[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Archon on August 2nd, 2011, 5:17 pm

Season of Summer, Day 89 (Evening), 511 AV

Inside the Golden Dragon it was a pretty typical night. Patrons and employees alike were enjoying themselves as afternoon turned to evening and many began to finish their work for the day. The drinks were flowing freely, the food was delicious, clothing was practically optional, and even Tyras seemed to be in especially high spirits, laughing joyfully as he talked with a group of friends. The lazy days of summer were quickly coming to an end, and it seemed everyone inside the building was determined to have as much fun as they could before Fall came and began the approach towards the busy harvest time.

The courtyard outside of the Golden Dragon held much the same atmosphere as inside, though much more decent in appearance, as people moved this way or that towards their evening destination. Some were heading towards Stormhold and their homes for the night while others were heading towards the taverns for food and company. Even if they were tired most everyone was in high spirits after a day well spent.

One figure stood out from the groups of people hustling about the courtyard; a lone young girl, only 13 or 14 by her appearance, who looked as if she was a pillar of displeasure amongst all the other pleasant faces. With her brown hair done in an elaborate bun, pale skin that seemed to rarely see the sun, and chocolate brown eyes many would probably have called her cute or pretty. It was her expression and bearing that gave her such an unsettling appearance. Her lips were curled into a grimace that vaguely resembled a grin, without any mirth, and her eyes stared with an unnatural fixation upon the door that led into the Golden Dragon towards which she proceeded with a slow, almost reluctant seeming, pace.

Most people paid little attention to the girl, to wound up in their own activities and concerns, and the few who did notice her quickly gave her a wide berth. Something seemed very wrong with the girl, and they wanted no part in it if she caused trouble and drew the attention of the Knights. Unhindered she proceeded into the Golden Dragon itself, and turned her unnerving gaze on the unaware Tyras. With most everyone in the establishment more distracted than those outside most didn't notice a child where one should not be, and the girl continued her halting pace towards Tyras.

This modded thread is open to anyone and everyone, but one thing to be aware of before you join is that this will be a HARD level adventure. That means that by participating you are risking major or permanent injuries/consequences to your character, but the rewards are much greater than just a XP and Lore. Unless things go way off course (i.e. someone is incredibly stupid with their actions) no PCs will die in this thread, but no complaining if things don't go exactly as you like. You have been warned. :)
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Xalet on August 2nd, 2011, 9:27 pm

Often Xalet found himself tasked with little jobs or missions that he could never fully comprehend. He imagined it to be the difference between a master and an apprentice, or in his case, a Knight and a squire. There were times when it involved going places or doing things, much like that eighty ninth day of Summer. Xalet found himself pulling a cart filled with large chunks of what seemed to be rock, or perhaps pieces of broken architecture. Normally one would have probably found an ox or some other beast powering the large two wheeled contraption, but clearly someone felt a akalak would make an appropriate substitute. His Patron had everything planned out, at least that was what Xalet wished to believe. There was a method to all this.

Xalet just about lived in his uniform, as his days usually began and ended with it on. His uniform was not a breathable set of soft linens, but his somewhat rickety platemail, held together by straps and the determination of the metal to stay in existence. If metal had a willpower of it's own, Xalet would have said his old armor shared the same determination he had to continue his training each day with his Patron.

The squire was coming upon the Golden Dragon as he moved with his heavy load behind him, although if one asked him he wouldn't have known it. Constantly drops of sweat got into his eyes as they rolled down his brow, blurring his vision and stinging them from the salt of his own body. Regrettably he had to remove his helm and place it into his pack, if nothing else than to allow him enough perception to keep from trudging into others as he pulled the weight of his cart along. Just a bit further he thought as his jaw clenched from the exertion of his body.
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Rezin Luce on August 6th, 2011, 12:17 am

89th day of Summer, 511 VA, mid-evening

Rezin was tired. It was her third day here, and she already wanted to leave to search along the lands again. Would she ever have everything she needed to travel again? Would she even leave? She wasn't sure. She walked her horse along, looking for a small tavern to stop at. As she huffed along, she caught site of the Golden Dragon. For a second, something seemed off about the place, but she shook it off. It was a place of drunkards, so of course something was off. She quickly tied Rosen's reigns to the nearest thing she could find, and grabbed her black leather pack from the saddle, and gave the horse a pat. Her boots kicked up a little dust and she made her way inside the building.

As she stepped inside the door, blasts of noise hit her ears, and she winced. Why am I here again, she asked herself. Dusting off her clothing, she looked around. There were many people here, all together, drinking and laughing to themselves. She bit her lip. Of course, why didn't she think about it? She'd be alone, as usual. Mixed blood, she thought, why must you be so difficult? Biting her lip again, she made her way to a table to rest her tired body. She picked what looked like the only table in a small corner, and plopped down in one of the chairs, tired and aching from her travels. She groaned quietly, stretching out her legs underneath the table.
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Andresciel on August 7th, 2011, 8:18 am

The Mage Knights armor was missing, replaced by a set of normal leathers that adorned his six foot form, as well as a pair of gauntlets, his personal weapons. His sapphire eyes searched the tavern as he stepped in, his head ducking to clear the door, as he took in the scent of the ale and drink. He could almost feel himself getting queasy, unsettled. What am I doing here? The Magus asked himself, looking to and fro as he sighed, Keeping the peace, of course.

He could hardly believe he was convinced by that other Knight to take up the duty here, but he had. He had lost the heavy Full Plate for a more preferred Leather armor suit to help his speedy movements. For a Knight, he had chosen magic instead of swords, and so, this crowd would be difficult to handle if things got out of hand. He stepped past the crowd, settling in the corner, his arms moving up to cross over his chest, "Nice and slow Andresciel. Remember, your a disciplined Knight."
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Erzotol Silverden on August 7th, 2011, 9:26 pm

His white leather armor stuck to his body uncomfortably, and his body ached in a dozen places he did not know it could, but it had been a good day, not so much unlike one on the sea of grass. It had its difference though like living in a city that did not move, that was booming with a large population of entire strangers, and not to mention the subtle differences in weather as summer started to shift into fall. Keeping in relatively warm climbs all of his life, it was not easy to adjust to all this change, but he meant to, and would weather any challenges in his path. The long day, full of work, and training had drummed up quite the thirst, and despite his distaste for large crowds, he felt drawn to the temptation of a cold drink to wash the day away, and maybe some amusing chatter, for which he had grown accustomed to in these public taverns.

Hesitantly, he crossed the threshold into the Golden Dragon, and immediately cut his way to a table in the back where he would be least likely to be disturbed, but could hear any of the conversations bantered about. The wood creaked as he leaned against the table, and pulled a stool underneath him, sitting down quietly as he could. A spike of pain flared from his back, but it was only the bruises his sustained during practices, and he regarded it as more of a trophy than anything else, but it was good that he had chosen a seat with no back to it, or the pain really would have came. Now where is the server?
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Zarek on August 8th, 2011, 12:58 am

As Zarek slowly walked down the streets of Sylairs, his head turned from left to right as he observed every building he passed. He was unfamiliar with his current location for he had only arrived at Syliras just Yesterday. As he continued to walk down the streets. He faintly heard the sound of cheers and laughter off in the distance, curious, he continued his way down the street. The sound became louder and louder from his left, in between the alleyway. Hmmm, If I'm not mistaken...I believe I left my horse at the Stables close by this area. He thought to himself as he walked between the ally, vaguely recalling this part of town.

Once he exited the ally he was instantly greeted by a wave of cheers and laughter. Men and women alike, all standing inside and outside of the building. It was like some type of celebration was happening as everyone had smiles on their faces, drinks in their hand, and some with 'company' in the other. A light Smirk came across Zarek's face as he walked towards the building. He looked up to see what the name of this establishment was, The Golden Dragon...? Well, what better place to be inconspicuous, than a building such as this. He thought to himself, as he tried to squeeze his way through the group of people.

His Garb consisted of a Armored robe, which gave Zarek a bulkier appearance than he actually was. The robe was black, as it covered his entire body. So none could see what he wore underneath it. He had Teethed Gauntlets on both arms, the gauntlets had a fairly plane design, as it covered his fingers, knuckles, wrist, and forearms with metal plates. Underneath his armored robe was a Slender Isurian chainmil shirt. That was made in a way that would allow him to move about without it making any sound. However, with all the music, laughter, and shouts from everyone having a jolly good time in The Golden Dragon. Even if it had made noise, none could tell.

After Zarek squeezed into The Golden Dragon, he had anticipated a large room to be filled with people dancing and drinking. But instead he was greeted with a long hallway that branched out into many other rooms and hallways like some giant maze. People ran and pushed as they tripped over themselves or others from trying to get from one area to the next. The odor of booze, cheap perfume, and the gods know what else overwhelmed Zarek for a minute. As he looked around him, lost at where he should go from here.
Last edited by Zarek on August 13th, 2011, 3:50 am, edited 4 times in total.
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Archon on August 11th, 2011, 3:10 pm


While most in Syliras were accustomed to seeing the armored figures of Knights going about their business, even towering Akalak ones, few if any had seen a sight quite like the one that Xalet was currently presenting. Even some of the most determined to get somewhere in a hurry seemed unable to contain the desire to stare for even just a moment, and several of the crowd stopped and openly gawked at the laboring Squire.

Xalet's focus and determination was to his credit, and something his Patron had praised him on previously, but it also kept him from noticing the small details that indicated something was wrong this evening. Slowly the signs started to stack up. The decrease of jovial sounds from the open building, and even through his sweat blurred eyes it seemed that the flow of people leaving the building had increased slightly.

Rezin Luce

It was hardly a chime after Rezin sat down at the empty table with the small roaring hearth that a handsome man approached her with a warm smile. The features of his face were smooth and rounded, giving him a soft appearance despite his tall, well toned, and hairless body, and his brilliantly violet eyes seemed to shine in the firelight. His straight black hair, which fell loosely about his shoulders, appeared to have faint violet highlights that caught in the light of the fire as well. Clothing wise there was nothing covering his golden brown skin save for a golden bracelet upon his wrist and a band of crimson fabric around his waist that draped a couple small squares of fabric over his front and back to cover the barest of necessities.

"Welcome to the Golden Dragon, Madam" his baritone voice was smooth and pleasant, like warm honey, and it cut smoothly through the noise of the Golden Dragon for her to hear, "My name is Pladryi, and it will be my pleasure to provide you anything you wish for this evening," he bowed deeply before her and reached to take her hand and place a gentle kiss upon it, "Might I be graced by your sweet voice, and be honored to know your name?"

Even as Pladryi spoke Rezin felt a slight change in the atmosphere of the common room. It wasn't blatantly obvious, but there was a faint change in the tone of the overall noise, a tense undertone to the conversation, bits of music, and more sensual noises that could be heard.


Even before Andresciel took up position in a nearby corner of the common room he found himself approached by a four armed woman about a foot shorter than himself. Despite her height she was definitely a woman, judging by her soft and curved body that was barely covered by a V shaped piece of cloth that could barely be described as clothing. Glittering gold encircled both her neck and wrist, a pleasant contrast against her olive skin, and her dark red hair flowed freely around her and down to her waist.

"Evening, Ser Knight," her words held a definitely foreign accent to them, and she smiled warmly as she gazed up at him with her emerald eyes, offering him her upper right hand in greeting, "Welcome to the Golden Dragon. I am Tahera. Might I know your name, Ser?"

As Tahera waited for Andresciel's answer the Mage Knight noticed a slight change in the atmosphere of the common room. The faint change in the tone of the overall noise, a tense undertone to the conversation, bits of music, and more sensual noises that could be heard was typically a good warning sign that something unpleasant was going to happen soon. From his vantage he couldn't see the source of the anxiousness, but it had to be somewhere in the common room.

Erzotol Silverden

Erzotol's position in the back of the Golden Dragon did little to help him hear the conversations going on, as the privacy walls that separated the tables from each other muffled and rebounded the voices and noises from further away into one muddled mess. It only mildly muffled the sounds from those tables, but judging by the various moans and grunts he heard there wasn't much in the way of conversation happening nearby.

It certainly did keep him from being bothered though, as it was several chimes until he saw anyone even remotely resembling a server. It was a young man, probably around 16 or so by his appearance, with soft and pale skin that didn't look like it saw much sun. He wore only a brown over-sized tunic, which fell to the middle of his thighs, and a simple golden bracelet upon his left wrist.

"Do you need something mister?" his soft voice, combined with his wide blue eyes and curly blond hair, gave him an air of innocence that seemed at odds with a place like the Golden Dragon, "Would you like something to eat or drink, or are you looking for someone?"


Not long after Zarek moved stopped in the Golden Dragon he found himself approached by a pair of identical appearing young women. They were about half a foot shorter than him with soft and youthful features of girls of 15 or 16. The wore no clothing over their upper torso, instead their long and plentiful white hair fell down and covered their chests to give them a semblance of decency, and this gave a clear view of their pale iridescent scales that wound their way around their entire bodies in pleasing swirling patterns.

"Welcome to the Golden Dragon Sir," the two spoke at the same time, their soft voices creating a musical harmony together, and their fingers lightly touched their mid-thigh length blue skirts as they curtsied together, their golden bracelets seeming to glow in the firelight, "How may we help you this evening?" two pairs of deep blue eyes gazed up at Zarek as the young women gave him the same warm smile.

Even as the two waited for Zarek's response his eyes caught sight of a strange sight not far away. A young girl, far to young looking to be somewhere like the Golden Dragon, was talking with Tyras, the owner of the Golden Dragon. The people around Tyras seemed to be backing away slowly, and a few had turned and started to make their way towards the exit of the building.

It didn't take much for Zarek to see why they were uncomfortable. From the girl's hands drizzled a translucent and strange looking liquid that was falling towards the wooden floor seemingly without end. It was like the girl had recently dunked her hands in water and was letting them drip dry, but her hands did not appear wet and the stream of liquid falling down didn't slow or decrease.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Golden Dragon you might want to read over the Location thread, located here, in order to get an idea of what the common area is like. For those of you wanting a quick and simple explanation, think of the common room much like a modern cubicle farm, but way more comfortable and sexier. ;)
Last edited by Archon on August 12th, 2011, 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Xalet on August 12th, 2011, 4:06 am

Even akalak's had their limits and Xalet still had a long distance to travel toward physical perfection. Feeling something in his shoulder tighten up he released his grip upon the handles of the cart, leaving the large wooden studs on the front to drop the ground. The contents within the cart shifted noisily as he rubbed his shoulder, attempting as best he could to work the kink out of his muscles. Throwing his hair back sent a salty rainstorm of sweat backwards, but gave him enough freedom to finally see the world unobstructed.

The brilliance of the infrared spectrum illuminated everything he viewed. Catching his breath his good arm moved toward his water-skin, slipping the mouthpiece up between his lips so that he could suck out some of the refreshing liquid within, though it had long since become the same ambient temperature as the surrounding air.

It was then that he noticed several members of the city filing from the Golden Dragon. It seemed a bit early to have so many exiting the establishment. Although it was far beyond anything Xalet could ever afford, as well as having a certain clientele that the akalak could never dream of fitting in with, he knew it to be a popular place that kept busy far beyond the evening. Still, nothing seemed too greatly out of the ordinary, so he stood regaining his strength, watching the people move along.
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Erzotol Silverden on August 16th, 2011, 10:19 pm

The sea of talking in the place he sat was incomprehensible, but it did not matter, he hadn't come to the place solely to hear people talk. It was difficult to remind himself that this was not the same place as the city of tents with only but a canvass wall at most at times to separate patrons if someone felt so inclined to host a feasting hall. Here no such voices came to him, and the noises that did where all nonsense sounding more like animal noises than sentient speech. In its own way, the area he had claimed as his own for the night was peaceful. On the other hand he hadn't seen a server for quite some time, forcing his parched throat to wait for succor.

Finally after what had seemed forever in his own boredom a young man approached him and he listened to what he asked, thoughts swirling on what he desired to slake his thirst. " A pitcher of water would be nice " he said, producing two gold rimmed mizas from the pouch on his hip, and placing it on the table, hoping it was the right amount. He was yet learning about this city and wasn't exactly sure of how this place charged its customers, but he suspected that would suffice for the time being. Looking back in front of him, he settled into his seat, and started to relax.
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[Golden Dragon] Hot Knight on the Town (Open)

Postby Andresciel on August 17th, 2011, 10:35 am

Andresciel's sapphire eyes opened as he blinked up at the female calling herself Tahera. Though he wore the light armor of the Mages, he was still identified as a Knight by this female. He supposed that it was quite obvious, and decided to answer her harmless question. "I am Andresciel, Knight Magus." He stated softly, offering his hand to her. It was rare for one to be able to touch his hand outside the gauntlet. "A pleasure, Miss Tahera."

The Knight felt the atmosphere change, his ears picking up the deft changes of the noise and the tense tone. He quickly darted his eyes about, waiting for the thing that might come. He spotted one of the squires, Xalet, nearby. But thats all he could see from his corner of the room, beyond the beautiful female creature before him. He couldn't even begin to tell what she was, but she was beyond beautiful, a creature that was rare to Andresciel's eyes.

Trouble. Andresciel thought, Yahal be with me. I may need you this day, My Lord. The Male stated as he sighs, taking a deep breath, seemingly relaxed to all but the most trained eyes.
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