Dinnya Whitevine

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Dinnya Whitevine

Postby Dinnya on August 5th, 2011, 3:03 pm

(Just a Wanderer with a Temper)


Race: Mix Breed (Vantha/Chaktawe ; Whitevine/Suli)
Birthday & Age: 496 Fall, 15 years of age.
Birthplace: Avanthal, Taldera. The Whitevine Hold.
Gender: Female
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: Black, shimmery red hues pop up very lightly in the light.
Eyes: Initially a dull blue that flickers with color due to emotion.

Color Emotions
Teal - Normal, but dwelling on thoughts
Yellow - Scared/worried
Purple - Happy/excited
Red - Annoyed/angry

Language 1: Fluent Vani
Language 2: Basic Common
Language 3: Poor Tawna

Physical Description :
Straight and smooth silky black hair, not one or two but three braids weaved into the black strands, wrapped at the ends with green string. A single red highlight running behind her coppered ear. When the light shined upon the strands of pitch black, they would begin to shimmer a bloody red. As if the desert called out to her silently through its vibrant color. Her copper toned skin, would fool you into thinking she was a pure blood Chaktawe. Until that is, her father would stand next to her to show the pale comparison of a Mixed Blood to a Pure Blood. While her eyes, black like a crows feathers they would flicker and flash color for a few moments then be gone, in sync with her emotions.

Finally, a red long sleeved tunic that sleeves tie at the ends with dark brown leather string. A dark brown leather jerkin comfortably fits around her petite body then a leather belt wrapped around the jerkin and a black cloak with a felt lined hood encompasses her upper half- giving her easy stealth acess to the shadows of trees or buildings. Her black wool breeches tuck in comfortably to a pair of dark brown almost black colored riding boots, white cotton stockings underneath the boots as a protective covering to prevent the skin from blistering against the leather while running. Finally a pair of dark brown, fingerless leather gloves.

Personality :
Din is quiet and sort of shy around strangers, but crack a joke and you'll see her imeadetly lighten up and smile. Laugh perhaps and joke back. Essentially, Din is a very caring and thoughtful girl. Under her quiet exterior though, theres a rolling mass of uncertainty and paranoia of those around her. When she is pushed to the edge, or simply annoyed or angered, her mind blanks and she lashes out with an explosive and slightly uncontrolled temper. Typically it's her limbs that do the lashing instead of her mouth.

Her motives are to redeem herself of a sin she believes she committed and is constantly on the road to try and make things right for people despite her pent up emotion and growing paranoia. Even though she trys, sometimes she feels its just not enough and it begins to slowly tear her mental well being apart.

Likes :
Din is fond of seafood and meat, rather than plants. She does however enjoy a cup of tea once in awhile, but sees it as a luxury that she is unable to have while travelling and thus enjoys it deeply when she does aquire it. Din also enjoys being outside or people watching from the shadows.

Dislikes :
Din only has three great dislikes, one is talking about her past, the second one is being tailed by shady characters and then the third is where her mind blanks out, she really does not like that. As she tends to hurt those around her when she does.

Morals :
Din believes that even though she runs from most of her problems, that she can later deal with them in the future. Although this does not mean she will run from a fight, if she knows inwardly she could stop something terrible from happening- she will try hard to stop it.

Character History (Warning: Long) :
To give you a bit of understanding of where she comes from, I will speak a few paragraphs about her family. I also believe, that since the Suli are the more 'violent' Chaktawe that the trait would be more dominant in the children despite a Vanthas mellow nature.

Her mother, Crysali Whitevine (Vantha) had met her father Jakar (Chaktawe) in Syliras due to him needing immediate medical attention. They fall in love as he heals up, and begin working together. You know, a typical love story and all that. But the mother gets a message shortly after his marriage proposal to come back to Avanthal because her father had come down with some terrible illness and was to be there for his last moments. So they pack up and move back to Avanthal for her fathers last moments/funeral. After her fathers funeral they get married and have a child afterwards, to be exact, 3 children. Dinnyas oldest brother, Faitec, next was her 2nd oldest brother, Heran, and then finally Dinnya herself.

Faitec was born in the Summer of 490, while Heran was born in the Winter of 494, Dinnya herself being born in the Fall of 496. When Dinnya was born, Faitec had developed a fascination with hunting lore and stories and even had his own toy bow his father crafted for him. As time went on, Heran at age 7 had broke his arm from climbing up a tree. Dinnya being 5, and fascinated with her eldest brothers aim with a bow while she would scold her 2nd brother for his idiocy in climbing. After awhile, Dinnya was 9 and was just beginning to be able to feel the auras of life around her; a growing Djed. The two brothers were vying for their fathers attention in Archery and Hunting while their mother began to teach Dinnya the basics of medicine. While Jackar had taught Faitec and Heran about the art of hunting and bowsmanship, he would teach Dinnya on the sidelines about the secrets of remaining hidden or unseen to your target while out in the woods tracking animals. She would later apply these secrets to around the home, causing mischeif everywheres almost.

Not a year after that, Jaker took Faitec out for a hunting trip with a small group riding horses to hunt down wild muskoxen on the ice. Faitec had rode ahead, but didnt expect his Frostmarch, Periwie, to jerk him off his saddle as the mare fell fowards and down with its leg broken and caught in a crack of the ice. Sending Faitec flying and hitting the cold, cold ground, head denting fatally inwards, killing him instantly.

After the funeral, Dinnyas anger problems began to surface. She loved her eldest brother very much and for awhile she grieved for him like any sibling would. Heran was mind blown at the fact he wouldnt ever see his brother again, and thus took up archery as a skill in his brothers honor. The next year was very stressful, Heran and Dinnya would constantly argue on who was better at aiming a bow or tracking down small animals around the Hold. Dinnya would boast about her ability to see the auras of her targets around her while Heran relied mainly on physical evidence.

Tension between the two grew, until finally Dinnya let the first swing loose- pent up rage that had been simmering under a boiling pots lid for years now. Hitting Heran square in the face with a hard and quick fist. She hadn't meant to lash out, her body had moved on its own accord. Her parents scolded her severely for her attack on her brother, having of knocked out a few of his teeth and disfiguring his face slightly. What Din and her family didnt realize at the time was her Djed had travelled into her fist, giving it a flux of power she hadn't meant to release. When the problem was sorted on the outside, Dinnya began to slowly fold into her thick mental shell, keeping to herself. While her brother held a growing hatred and a inkling fear of his little sister.

Time was slowly healing the gap in the familys heart of Faitecs death, what they did not expect was another misfortune. At this time, Heran had begun to ignore Dinnyas entire being. She would try to scold him constantly, to the point he was being driven insane just by being by her. So he took the best way he thought was right, and ignored her. This would proove to be fatal in the near future. Heran was a strong young man who took climbing and sprinting as a passion, he could scale walls and walk up trees just about with little problem not to mention he could cross a big field and back in less than a minute. Their mother was worried about him, Heran had gone off with his friends into the woods to fool around after chores were finished. She sent Dinnya after him, to tell him to come home before dark.

What Dinnya had not expected, was seeing her brother scaling a large cliff of ice. Herans friends goofing off and cheering him on. They had not noticed her, due to her hiding in the bushes, observing what was going on. Her anger flared at him for what seemed to her a perfectly valid reason at the time, making herself known and yelling at him to come down from there before he got hurt. The first time in many, many long months that he had taken notice of her. His head would turn to look around for his sister as his hold tightened on the ices natural latch. Pulling his body up but his weight had been too much for the latch to handle. There was a crack, a surprised yell and suddenly Dinnya was watching her brother fall backwards, away from the ice shelf he had been climbing. The beat of her heart heart slowed to a painful stop for what seemed like generations. The dull thud of body against hard ice was enough to make anyone shudder.

Running to him frantically, calling out to him with fear edged in her small voice. Putting aside the childish sibling rivalry she halted as his broken body came into veiw, the blood seeping out of the back of his head glowed crimson. The dull, lifeless black eyes, open and unblinking. Mouth slightly ajar with almost an "ah" look that could be exalted at any moment. Herans bones bent in the wrong way, jutting in almost unnatural positions. It was clear to her, and his friends that Heran was dead.

There was a snap inside Dinnyas head, one that couldnt be heard by those around her even if they tryed. Staring at her dead brothers body her mind began to crumble, knowing it was her fault. Unnatural and dark depressing thoughts rolled into her mind, she had not noticed it but she was on her knees and sobbing. Crying for the sibling she hated. Three of Herans friends had gone back to the Hold to get help, to see if there was any hope left for Heran. The fourth of Herans friends had stayed behind, he was shocked and in denial. He gave a look of pure hatred at Dinnya, one that could cleave her soul in two with his icey cold glare.

His voice choking out slightly "this, this is all your fault Dinnya..." was what he had said to her so rigidly, her mind blanked.

When she awoke in her parents room, it had taken her a few moments to understand where she was. With a bloody sickening headache to boot. Going to the door and realizing she was locked in. The sounds of a funeral going on outside could be heard through the walls. She sat on the bed, curling up to her own thoughts. Thoughts that would mold her personality almost permanently, when it was late at night. Her parents had let her out of the room, she appeared to be lifeless, eyes a cold swirling blue. Her mother looked away from her while her father grimaced. Dinnya went to her spot in the living room, knowing there would be no quiet breathing of a sleeping Heran any more.

Over the next year, Dinnya would be very quiet and obedient. She would do her chores right away without complaint, and she would stay away from most people unless of course they came to her. Her childish voice was heard less and less until it finally seemed like she had forgotten how to talk. When her chores were finished, she would head to the woods for alone time and during that alone time she would run, climb, work with a bow, train like her life depended on it. All of it was unsupervised, and most of what she knew was from what she had picked up while listening to her family talk. Well, when Faitec and Heran were alive she would always listen to the dinner storys and conversations.

You would believe that Dinnya would have an interest in boys, being so close to maturity. Indeed she did, but she kept the thoughts and feelings to herself. As most boys were completely terrefyed of her and or exhibited a blinding hatred when she was near. Most likely because of her brothers death, though she couldnt place why they would fear her. After a dull birthday celebration, believing both parents had went to bed she began to pack up necessities she would need to leave. Scavenging around the kitchen for food, Dinnya didnt hear him but his low and rugged familiar voice caused her to jump lightly. Turning around to look at her father with a fear, knowing she had been caught. Instead what happened next surprised her, he was holding a well made short bow and quiver in both his copper toned hands.

"Use them well, they're yours now" he had said "I see you in myself and I fear for your safety." He held the equipment out to her "think of it as a parting gift, my approval of your descision."

The feel of brisk leather against her hands connected, the smell of the animal it once belonged to long gone but a comforting scent it gave off. The bow made out of strong bone, inlayed with copper and silver, patterns weaved along the top and bottom gave it a well known feel of home. Dinnya was surprised at her fathers leniency, his approval. What was more shocking, he was helping her with packing and setting her up with one of his trusty Frostmarches. Giving her directions he had long committed to memory to Syliras, she began to guide her newly equipped horse into the tundra of Avanthal to Syliras, hooking up with a caravan along the way for more protection against the wild animals.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore) :
Skill Desciption Rank Pts Math
Unarmed Defence Novice 10/100 10RB+_
Climbing Uppity uppity up! Novice 15/100 15SP+_
Medicine Icky, foul tasting stuff.. Novice 10/100 10SP+_
Herbalism Finding themm.. Novice 10/100 10SP+_
Acrobatics ooly oop! Swerve.. Novice 15/100 15SP+_

Gnosis Description Given By Stage
-- -- -- --

  • Throwing Fists Gets One In Trouble
  • Keeping a Fever Down

Equipment and Possessions :
Item Description Relative Value Placement
Locket with sturdy chain Heirloom, was her brother Faitec's locket before his death. 5 GM Always around her neck.

20x20 housing in Syliras (SP)


Item Where/How + - Total
-- SP -- -- 100GM

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[Flashback]Surprise, it's Mr. Frosty~!(William Shadow) Winter 28th, 510AV
An Unexpected Meeting(Open) 1st day of spring, 511 AV
Schools a drag, might have to work on threads during the weekends only.

Slipknot :
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Looking for redemption?
Posts: 17
Words: 21382
Joined roleplay: August 2nd, 2011, 12:46 pm
Location: Wisconsin
Race: Mixed blood
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