an unexpected meeting (open)

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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Andresciel on August 7th, 2011, 8:28 pm

I haven't spoken of Djed

The Knight glanced at the male as he relaxed slightly "Don't think I can't tell when one is holding a weapon, good Isur. And Djed is the art of magic, the study that I pursue." The Mage Knight stated, his fingers twitching as he turned towards Dinnya "Mayhaps you are right. I would hate to harm a newcomer to the city, such as this Isur. Maybe his weapons would get out of hand, but fear not, I have but two weapons." He brought his hands up, "And I know where to hit, Miss."

He shook his head "But the Botanist is what your seeking, and you, Isur, seek information. Best place to do that is near the same place." He turned towards a side street "Come alone, with the both of you. We have a bit to travel in this great city."

Andresciel turned to the people pushing the horse "Move around." He snapped, his voice amplified by the wind to get their attention, sending them to various places to escape the Knights eyes. "Come, the way is clear."
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 7th, 2011, 10:19 pm

Eyes now a three way swirl of white red and yellow, licen glared. "I'm never the first to strike, always the second. And i have a good record when it comes to counter attacks." Placing the knife back into his belt as he flicked the cloak away from his arm. Showing he meant not to attack he let all the weapons on his person be seen. Following andreciel licen replied to dinnya. "My name is licendous, it's a pleasure to meet you." Licens attention turned to andre, his voice had suddenly gotten louder as he had spoken. "So if this djed, is magic then could you impart a traveler with a demonstration so he my better avoid it ?" Licendous' idea was to see if he would show it freely then make a mental note to see if he could harness it, for himself. "And miss dinnya, your right violence is not the best course of action, however sometimes it is the only course of action." His coarse gravelly tone would make the sentiment seem like it was spoken from the mouth of someone wizened to the world not a boy of 17 that he looked.

Resting his hand on the hilt of his longsword he smiled. His eyes returning to their sedate solid green. Strolling slowly after his weapons and black attire made him look like a person to be feared where as he knew he wouldn't react unless acted upon. thinking he would stroll slowly at his normal leisurely pace. "Miss dinnya may i inquire as to something ? Perchance may i ask your age ?" she didn't look much younger than he himself did. "And good sir knight. I seek knowledge, like I seek crafting perfection. Amorously and copiously." Licen was not one to be sedated with mastering just one art or learning just one thing. He would try his hand at everything. Making sure to give everything a try, he wanted to be the best he could be at everything he tried even if he wasn't the best overall.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Andresciel on August 8th, 2011, 10:41 am

Andresciel sighed, "A Single demonstration." He stated, bringing his hand up as his right hand began to glow with Djed. He focused it into a pinpoint just above the tip of his finger, calling to life a fireball.

This was Fire Reimancy at its finest, crafting it to the point of heat and destruction, but controlling it with his Wind Reimancy. "This is Reimancy, The Art of Elemental Magic. I control Two Elements. Wind..." At his words, a small, harmless cyclone whipped up around his body, "And Fire." He nodded to the flame above his fingers. "Through those two, I can command Lightning." He stated before he flicked his left hand and smothered the fire out with lack of oxygen.

"Magic is not for those who are not ready to use it Licendous." He stated, turning towards the street once more, "Knowledge is best sought at the Book Hall, or with teachers. I know little of Crafting, more of Combat and Reimancy."
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Dinnya on August 8th, 2011, 12:16 pm

"Move around" the knight snapped at the people, even the boom of his voice had made Dinnya cringe. Silenced by his words, Dinnya couldnt believe him. They were packed in by people before he cleared them out, did he not give thought to the many others around him? This was troubling to her, but couldnt be helped. A somewhat nervous smile crossed her lips, at least happy that a big fight hadnt broken out. Her arrows clinked in their quiver as she stepped fowards, to begin walking after him. The mare followed after gratefully into the cleared space before them. The clip clop and silent padding of the girls feet were drowned out by the surrounding areas lively market atmosphere.

Dinnya gave a small thanks mentally to the gods, the relief on her face evident. And even more so, with the cleared area for them to move through. Being in such a crowded area got on her nerves, it was as if she were being poked and prodded mentally with a hot iron rod "My name is Licendous, it's a pleasure to meet you." The Isur stated, as he turned his head to look at the knight- a more challenging tone in his voice. Why must men always question? Dinnya thought to herself, shaking her head lightly in said thought. "It's nice to meet you also, Licendous." Politely saying, she still didnt know if she liked him or even really trusted this man or the man who had claimed to be a knight. Yet here they were, interacting like all the others around themselves were. Sighing quietly, Dinnya wished she could get away from all this hustle bustle soon. Licen looked at her, questionably.

"Miss Dinnya may I inquire as to something," Dinnya looked at him, curiosity crossing her face "Perchance may I ask your age?" What a kick in the gut that was, Dinnya looked away from him. Trying not to show too much emotion of her emotion, "does it matter?" Answering his question with one of her own. Dinnya knew she was skirting around the topic but couldnt help it, things about herself made her uneasy to talk about them. Being cautious, she was worried about being discovered for what she really was. In her own eyes, Dinnya considored herself to be a murderer- not by choice though. If she could have, she would have switched places with her brother right then and there. But, that wasnt happening any time soon and she suffered thinking about the event everyday. Reliving it every night in her nightmares, when was the last time she had a good nights rest? Licendous' question unnerved her,he could have heard about Heran, then I'd be in big trouble.. She thought sadly, but she remained calm although her eyes were an entirely different story.

Dinnya herself, was four foot nine. Black hair that would shimmer red every time the lights rays had struck it. Her eyes appeared to be a cold and soulless black, that would flicker color or even just warble like the waves of an ocean or the open aired desert. Her armor, dark mostly. But the hint of a red long sleeved shirt that dipped into her dark leather and fingerless gloves from which she held the reins of her pure white mare, which too was lightly packed. If she had been any taller, you would think she was a ranger. But unfortuantly, with said height she was seen as a child in an adults boots. Which irked her, being treated as one. Even though she technically was still a child, she would correct most that she was older than what she really was "if you really want to know, I'm six-teen." It wasnt much of a lie, she would be said age next fall anyways.

Ears perked up lightly at the word 'demonstration', looking up to the knight just as the small cylone had whirled about his body. Blinking, wondering what had just happened- then saw the small flame above his finger. She was seriously not tuned into this conversation, and thus a lost and confused look, "reimancy?" She inquired quietly; voice barely above a whisper. Dinnya half expected there to be no answer, as her feeble voice would have been drowned out by the crowds of people. Her eyes flickered lightly, a green and gold, curiosity gracing her childish features. If this was the magic that they had spoke of, Dinnya was thouroughly amazed. Watching him turn on his feet, to lead us again. Maybe I could learn? Dinnya thought, chuckling lightly-just maybe. Although, it would have to be at a later time, perhaps after she gathered up the necessary tools that she would need.

(OOC: Yeah you did Andre, Din was right next to him when he threatened to make peace forcefully. Read back through your posts. Quote and quote " "As for a weapon, I have all I need in my Djed and my gauntlets. Now. May I offer you two a guide to this city as a Knight of its Order?" The Words were friendly, but his eyes did not lose the glow of Djed. " Sooo.. Shes in the clear. :3)
Schools a drag, might have to work on threads during the weekends only.

Slipknot :
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 8th, 2011, 3:10 pm

LIcrendous watched on the metal of his weaponry chinking together, his hair blowing up lightly due to the small tornado which had been formed. Interesting. the only thought across licendous's mind as he gazed on wards, he had slowly conme to decisions about the people with him now, the knight infront of him was clearly too pompous for his own good, whilst the girl he was with was deeply afraid of something he couldn't quite pin point what. As he heard her age he sighed she was born long after he had left aventhal. "Though i may not look it dinnya i'm 36 years of age, though i'm technically stuck inside the body of a person half my age. Which is not a bad thing."

Licen looked at the flame before him. "Thank you good knight, now i know exactly what to avoid when fighting someone, of your particular talents." Licendous looked on blank , he followed the knight un easily, it seemed as if this knight was reading his every thought. Which was to put too fine a point on it annoying, licen could wait for him to turn hs back and be done with him but no, that was not is way. Lucky knight, acting ,like that with others would get him stabbed, or worse. Taking a dep breath he trudged on, his heavy frame leaving imprints of his feet in the dirt as they walked.

"Dinnya may i ask waht brought you to this city ?" Licen was trying to make conversation to take his mind off of things. He had bought a load of new weapons which he still needed to train with, Yet he was being dragged around the city by this, 'knight'.

Licen stopped to think for a few moments his eyes faded to a colourless white whilst his hand slid to rest on the hilt of his sword. The heat of the sun was getting a bit too much for a man of the north such as himself. Never the less all it did was mak his cloths stick to him and outline his physique. A stern face rust upon him as he followed, he needed one of two things to feel at home, either the blazing heat, and sheer smell of melted iron, or the icy cool air and smell of snow. And he plainly knew which was easier to find.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Andresciel on August 9th, 2011, 8:41 am

He turned back to Licen, nodding to several of the Knights, mainly the weapon wielders of the Order, nearby. "There is a nearby forge, I know not how far, but I can try and guide you to it." He stated, crossing his arms as he closed his eyes as he shook his head. "Dunno if work can be found, but maybe the Knighthood needs help?" He pondered aloud.

He glanced at Dinnya "Yes. Reimancy, Art of Elementalism. If you wish, I could teach you while you are staying in the city." He gave an easy smile, a gentle friendship gesture as he turned towards the botanists shop "Ah. There you go, Miss Dinnya, the place you seek. Feel free to seek me if needed. Just ask for Andresciel." He turned to the Isur. "Now, you want knowledge of smithing? or just Crafting? I can take you to the Syliras Knight Smithy if you so like."
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Dinnya on August 9th, 2011, 9:08 pm

"Though I may not look it Dinnya I'm 36 years of age, though i'm technically stuck inside the body of a person half my age." Dinnya looked at him shockedly, he was only a year younger than her own mother then "which is not a bad thing," Licendous finished off nicely. He really did look only a few years older than herself, only double the number "Thirty-six?" Dinnya stammered out to him, her disbelief rung through her voice as so did her eyes. "You're a year younger than my own mother, Licendous." She promptly stated with a light smile, a tremble to her small lips could be seen if looked at. Signalling she was forcing the smile to be polite.

As Licendous looked to the small flame above Andreciels finger, Dinnya wondered if she was still in the danger zone; she had just technically given vital information to some stranger, wait, no he isn't much of a stranger now since I know his name. Dinnya thought, but still she couldnt help but feel uneasy. Glancing to the knight as Licendous continued to talk "Thank you good knight, now i know exactly what to avoid when fighting someone, of your particular talents" the Isur stated, with a blank look on his face. To Dinnya, he appeared to be thinking of something but about what, she would never know nor did she really care. Unless of course, it was about her.

The knight glanced at Dinnya "Yes. Reimancy, Art of Elementalism." He replied to her whisper, surprising her at him being able to hear her feeble voice amongst the crowds. "If you wish, I could teach you while you are staying in the city" he continued on with a smile. Dinnya blinked lightly, feeling as if he had just read her mind. Regarding him with aphrehension, her face laced with doubt and suspicion. Andreciels laid back confident mannor, despite his attempts to be friendly he was only making Dinnya wary of him "no, it's okay" Dinnya replied to him "I don't think I would be staying very long here anyways" to avoid eyes, she looked up to her mare who had been becoming very unruly "your offer is very kind though."

Jogging lightly to keep up with the two men, her short legs making it hard to continue walking at the time rhythem as the knight or Isur. Dinnya began wishing that she could get away from them without appearing scared. This city is too crowded, a quiet sigh as she continued walking, well, her having to run to keep up with their walking speed. I wish Pa was here, she thought whistfully to herself. To Dinnya, her father would know what to do and where to go, having of been to Syliras before. In fact, it was apart of one of the many stories passed around the house about how he had met Dinnyas mother in Syliras.

Looking up to the sky, it was so clear and blue with clouds speckling it white in random spurts, it's such a nice day, too bad its being spent in a crowded city, Dinnya thought dryly to herself. Licens voice took her by surprise, as she had been in her thoughts "Dinnya may i ask what brought you to this city?" He asked her, while she had been looking to the clear sky. Licens question scared her, she didnt really know how to answer him without her sounding like she was out right lieing to him. Dinnyas eyes seemed to contort in both pain and fear, looking down to his feet "I don't really know Licendous," blue eyes speckled with white glancing upwards to his own misty white eyes, looking at him directly in the face with a visible mask of irritation "I don't know."

Dinnya knew he hadnt meant to upset her, it was just a question but the curiosity, what was so interesting about her? As she was looking at him, her eyes wandered over his body to examine him out of curiousity. He was cloaked, weapon armed to the max, big, silvery veined, lightish blue tinted skin, his body looked to be in its prime as the clothes stuck to him. He must be sweating, Dinnya thought, having of noticed the outline of his body. Turning her head away with a very faint and angry blush for having of caught herself staring. "Ah, there you go Miss Dinnya, the place you seek," the knight said as he looked at her, glancing at the knight, having of almost completely forgot about him. Her angry blush turned to that of an embarresed one, "feel free to seek me if needed" as we had finally arrived at the Botanist shop, "just ask for Andreciel." The knight smiled at Dinnya, he was friendly, but maybe a little too friendly for Dinnyas tastes. He turned to Licendous and began speaking gibberish to him about the blacksmiths.

Standing outside the Botanist shop, the clop of the mares hoofs against dirt silenced with a snort from said creature. Dinnya looked at it nervously, she had finally gotten what she had been wishing for, right? Althouth she did not really want to leave the knight or the Isur, even once she got her tools where would she go next? How could she find the knight again? Should she risk getting lost, or perhaps ask for another knights assistance with directions of the city? Asking for help, did not sit well with Dinnya but nor did she like the idea of getting lost in this labrinth of a city "thankyou sir knight for your help," Dinnya replied politely to him "but how can you tell when one is a knight of Syliras?"
Schools a drag, might have to work on threads during the weekends only.

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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 9th, 2011, 10:34 pm

Licen was a suspicious man by nature he always had been but he was never one to be unfriendly if approached a friendly manner. But the manner in which the knight had been talking to him was not one of equal terms but of impertinence and feigned superiority, but dinnya had been speaking as if she was scared of him which made him wonder why? He was a hulking brick wall of a man but nothing that would frighten someone. Dinnya's response hit him with a small impact of shock. "Thirty-six? You're a year younger than my own mother, Licendous." This hit him quite hard as he'd known a lot of people who left rather swiftly, before him. He spied her up and down gazing hard. "Miss dinnya if i may be so bold as to say your not ten and six, but rather ten and five. I know this because it was when I looked that age I was allowed to leave avanthal." He smiled as he had been a small flicker of colour darted into his eyes it was, a deep and misty blue now shot into his face as he recalled some old friends he had left when he as allowed to leave.

The response she had to his question was of little impact as he looked at her, he was he because he was wandering, perhaps she was doing the same. Either way he had come to have a small soft spot for this girl. As he looked around glancing at her he caught sound of the knights monotonous, high and mighty, holier than thou tone. How his voice grated, but these words carried great relief to him as he listened. "There is a nearby forge, I know not how far, but I can try and guide you to it. Dunno if work can be found, but maybe the Knighthood needs help?" Licendous didn't need work he just needed some time alone in a forge with fire, hammer, tongs. he just wanted, the feel of hot steel the snake-like hiss of quenched steel. The mere thought of it made his hear beat faster, he loved smithing and loved feeling metal, it was his to use and his to make into any shape he so wished. He resented his next words but he needed a forge to feel normal again. "I may have to take you up on that offer, smithing, the one thing I do to feel at peace." In his head he prayed to the god of creation if there was one, that the god would be kind and lead his hadnds deftly and carefully over his creations and lend him the skill to craft some thing of worth.

Looking back at the girl he had noticed her whip her head round and the faintest trace of a blush rest on her cheeks. " Miss dinnya why do you blush ?" Licendous's words were not unkind but the were sudden but then the knight leading them spoke up and said. "Ah. There you go, Miss Dinnya, the place you seek. Feel free to seek me if needed. Just ask for Andresciel." The the knight turned to him and spoke. "Now, you want knowledge of smithing? or just Crafting? I can take you to the Syliras Knight Smithy if you so like." Licen looked at him not hint of emotion laid on his face, and retorted in a not unfriendly manner. "Alright when we have the chane could you take me to the forge i'd like to get back into the swing of things it's been almost a year since i was last in one." Truth be told it was actually two years since he was last in one.

Finally the stumbled upon the botanists place, and andre wanted to leave dinnya there but then the young girl gave a glint as to how sharp her mind could be. "Well, andre she has a point most knights her are so heavily clad in armour it's almost impossible to tell one from another and whats a, five minute wait? Licen had grown slightly fond of the girl and was enjoying her company though nothing about his manner would show it, save for the flicker of yellow in his eyes which signaled his happiness.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Andresciel on August 10th, 2011, 7:49 am

He smiles "We can wait. I have no need to be in a rush. Today is my day of prayers, so a walk will do me good." He immediately settled down, his legs stretched out as he yawned. "We'll wait for you, that way I can make sure you are safe." He nods, as he closed his eyes.

"Licen, why don't you sit too? I can give you what I know of the Isurian Race, which is little, but it may help." The Knight offered, his hand held out in acceptance of an equal. Though he acted superior, He did it to hide something, and any who could catch the sorrow and pain in his eyes would notice it. "Come and sit. I may be able to hear you over the crowd, but I don't want to lose my voice having to shout." He joked, a simple man, joy and sorrow melded him into a man of Fighting spirit.

ooc :
Sorry. Kinda early in the morning lol and my wifey ain't too happy with meh.

Okay. I've used no OOC knowledge. The only way to use such would be to speak about it IC. Therefore, Andresciel has used no OOC Knowledge what so ever. I can type up his thoughts and actions with OOC Knowledge, but He can't speak about what I, The player know. Please don't confuse Meta-gaming with my type of RP.
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Dinnya on August 12th, 2011, 9:56 pm

Dinnya looked at him speechlessly, what do I say? I just- urgh! Mentally bashing at herself, he knew what age she was- what was she gonna do about it? Taking a deep and slow breath, as if to relax her jittery nerves she went with the usual cop out, albeit the tone of her voice was still trembly if not irritated "I..I don't know, wh-what you are talking about" she couldnt look at him, how could she? "I said I was fi- er, six-teen" cringing lightly, correcting herself before she could even agree with him. Lieing was defently not her speciality, she hoped he would just drop it but she largely doubted that. Why she tried to keep her real age secret, was mainly because she was paranoid about it pointing to her roots.

Heart hammering against Dinnyas chest, it seemed to jump into her throat the fifth time today as she caught the color change in his eyes, the irritation in her voice was replaced with indignity. Looking away after a few moments, she avoided his eyes as best as she could. Dinnya couldnt place why the color had made her uneasy but it certainly made her feel small. Grateful with the subject change, the conversation between the knight and Isur only then did her heart begin to slow down to a normal rate. Hoping that this would have really caused lost of interest, it was of no avail, Licen had looked at her again "Miss Dinnya why do you blush?" The small red tint to her cheeks could have been anything, from make up to being too warm or, of course from embarresement. She was a tad bit warm in her dark clothes but she didnt give much of a sign as to being bothered by it "no reason, really" she would reply as she avoided looking at him still.

As they talked a bit, Dinnya began to tune out with their words falling lightly on her ears just noticably. Bits and pieces, but it took her a minute to realize what exactly they had just said.wait, what? Blinking and looking at them, having of been so lost in her thoughts she couldnt believe they had actually said it. They are going to wait for me? Her surprise was evident, but the relief of not getting lost among everyone and everything in this city brought a light feeling. She hadnt of noticed it at first, but she was smiling lightly and not one of those 'I'm just being polite' kinda smiles either. Dinnya was touched that they would wait for her, she was certain Licendous and the knight had other things to d- wait did Andreciel say 'day of prayers'? Looking at him, it wasnt hard to believe that he believed in the gods, who doesnt believe in them? She thought curtly but really hadnt expected him to be this religous.

"We'll wait for you, that way I can make sure you are safe" the knight said to Dinnya as she looked at him. The smile that was there slowly faded into that of an uncertain tilt, gripping the reins of her mare she looked around as if expecting a horse post to tie the unruly mare to. Finding no such thing, she turned to Licendous skimming just below his eyes but at his face "could you hold Illivens reins then, please?" To Dinnya, it was alot to ask but she didnt want the mare to canter off and break something "I swear it wont be longer then a moment, Licendous" as she bit her lip lightly, she could have asked the knight to hold the reins but he had sat down on the ground with his eyes closed. She only hoped that the botanist would have the tools she would need.
Schools a drag, might have to work on threads during the weekends only.

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