an unexpected meeting (open)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 5th, 2011, 4:34 pm

Timestamp: 1st day of spring, 511 AV
Location: bazzar market
PC's: Licendous dinnya andreciel
Statues: (open)

The smell or the air thick with fresh produce, the hefty tone and smell of polished metal and steel mixed among them. The bazaar market of syliras a fascinating place to behold weapons meat fish fruit veg clothes and jewelry spread out over the small area. Wealthy vendors and small vendors side by side. Licendous grinned lightly. He was out to procure a few items for training his skills with weapons if he wanted to be safe he'd need a variety of weapons. his list he's made mentally he'd be needing some weapons for throwing and some for rage as well as 2 for close range. Wandering and meandering through the stales he happened across a stall which sold weapons of all variety.

"My good weapon merchant could i acquire some weapons?" The merchant looked at him and replied. "What sort of weapons are you after ?" the merchangt gave an inquisitive glare lookignat the sword on his belt expecting him to say swords. "I'm looking for throwing items, short weapons and a pair of pole arms." The merchang gave him a funny look waddling away slowly and returning with, a set of throwing knives and an odd four-pointed piece of steel. "What are those fair merchant ?" He said as the merchant lifted one. "This is called a shuriken, it is used as a throwing weapon the four points on it allow it to have a greater cutting area. where as, the throwing knife is precision. Each has their pros and cons. they are a gold miza each." Licen smiled and reliped he'd have ten throwing knives and 9 shuriken. Then he bought in succession a glaive, a scythe, a dagger and something called a kama. Smiling he bought all these implements for forty and nine golden mizas. Smiling he collected his goods strapping the pole arms to his back blades pointed towards the floor the dagger beneath his longsword the kama tucked behind his back, and the knives and shuriken tucked into and along his pants belt.

Smiling the turned and walked on, the weaponry bristling around him. He happened upon another small store where he bought hi myself a cloak woolen dyed black which he draiped over one shoulder, and he also bought himself copper necklace both for the total of a single golden miza. He trekked down the street slowly, many a person moving out of his way as he marched down the street. His intimidating appearnce coupled with the weaponry he had made him a fearsome sight. That and the fact hi silvery veined face made hi stand out bold, like a moving statue of carved granite.
Last edited by Licendous Gestral on August 5th, 2011, 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Andresciel on August 5th, 2011, 5:03 pm

The Human stepped into the bazaar, his hood pulled over his head as he adjusted the full plate chest piece with a sigh. Why did he have to wander the streets so much in thought, He asked himself, as he walked into the market.

He smelled the produce and smiles as he passed by a few of the customers, bowing his head as a Knight was expected to. Respect, Kindness, And Honor, He thought, sighing as he moved aside to let a cart pass. In his full armor, Andresciel looked the part of a Knight, save for the missing sword and shield, and the pouches at his hip. He was a Magus Knight, a Djed user, skilled in his Reimancy, with brilliant blue eyes.

He spotted the Isur, or what appeared to be an isur, with a bright red arm, and walked towards the male with slow steps. His voice came above the din, echoed by the Wind Reimancy that came so easy to the man "Hail Isur, How does Syliras treat you?" He called towards the male with the silver veins in his face. No fear could be seen in his eyes or face, and his thoughts were clear.

Though, Even as he spoke, he kept up the quiet prayers to Yahal, Lord of Purity, keep my thoughts faithful and pure. Clean and noble. Let me remain upon the path I am devoted to. In your name, Lord Yahal.
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 5th, 2011, 5:23 pm

Licendous heard a man talking in the back ground and stopped, what was an isur he thought to himself? looking at the man whom stood before him his deep grren eyes shifted to a pale clear white as he began thinking. "It treats me fine. Many a good weapon." Licen said thinking the man before him was talking to him. he had no armour to speak of but his long black sleeves and gloves hid his torso and arms well, he was not sure what to maked of them. The shafts of his long weapon s poking out behind his head, his left arm and the blades of his long weapons along with his kama which covered by the cloak.

Licendous looked at the man, not blade to be seen. It was odd the man before him looked like a guard or something of the sort, but all the guards he had ever met had weapons at the ready. Licen was confused but he let nothing show apart from his eyes. "Sir may i ask you a question, what is an isur ?" Licen had a curiosity about him today. A strange man had called him a strange name. He would like to know what he was being called.

Stepping over to the man slowly he looked him in the eyes, the imposing figure that was himself, bristling with weapons. Most men would have turned tail and run or simply avoided him like the people in the street but not this man before him. Either this man has some skills licen didn't know about or he was a crazy man, either way Licen liked him.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Dinnya on August 5th, 2011, 5:41 pm

Coming up to the Syliras city gates with the caravan she had jumped into with, Dinnya stared in awe at the castle gates- so much different then that of the icerock created gates of Avanthal, she thought. Pulling her fathers Frostmarch stead along, breaking away from the caravan easily and into the crowded areas of Syliras.

It was too much, the people, the hustle busltle, sights, smells, the whole shebang. Looking to the shadows, pleadingly almost to escape the claustrophobic choker around her neck. Paranoia levels rising, she takes a long deep breath and lets it out slowly. Noticing she was holding up some people, she began to move along with the crowds. Hoping to find the market area, hopefully.

To those passing her, she would seem like a child at her height, a child leading a lightly packed and white horse. Clothed in cotton and leather, she held an air of calm aloofness. Her eyes flickering small colors, not easily seen though. A shimmering red rebounded off her hair as the light struck it. Looking around calmly, but slightly confused.

Soon coming up to what seemed to be the market, to her at least, seeing the goods and all. Mumbling quietly to herself "I have no idea where to start" as she trudged through, looking at the stalls and vendors goods with skimming eyes. My, I must look odd, Dinnya thought to herself. Catching a few people staring, she shrugged the looks off. Up she looked seeing a tall man with silver for veins and a red limb for an arm, or maybe it was just his hand. Weapons hanging off every angle on him, she felt a slight fear for this man.

Leading her horse fowards, but hoping to ignore this looming threat in her path. Maybe he wont notice me? Din thought to herself.
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Andresciel on August 5th, 2011, 11:09 pm

Andre's ears picked up the horses steps as he looked towards the young female, "Fear not, None shall harm you in this city." He turned towards Licen and tilted his head "Tis you. A Race, mainly Smiths. I know of one, Landeril, who hails from Denval. Do you know not yourself, Son?" Andresciel asked as he shook his head.

Andre's weapons were invisible for the most part, save for the faint flicker of djed in his eyes that made them shimmer, his eyes going towards Dinnya, and a smile touched his face as he bowed his head, taking in the horse. "Mayhaps I can help?" His hearing had picked up on her words, but most Mages learned quickly to hear better then see, it saved their lives when people hated them.

To both, He spoke in a firm voice, "Andresciel, Knight of Syliras. I am a Reimancer and a Glypher. May I be of service to either of you?" The Knights voice was kept honest, and level even as he prayed to Yahal for guidance.
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 6th, 2011, 12:01 am

Licendous gazed down at the girl, a small thing barely two thirds his height. Then licens ears caught word from this knightly fellow he was an isur ? Would that explain the colour of his arm, the difference in aging, he must know. Then he heard of another from a place called denval. "Pardon good sir, andreciel. But where does this place denval reside further east or back to the west, I'm from aventhal to the north." Licen asked in both a curious and eager manner and tone, this was all emphasized by the coarseness and depth of is voice. His eyes flicking to a deep yellow and white swirling mix of both interest and though.

The girl there appeared also to be from the north judging by her steed and the quantity of clothing she wore. Flicking his eyes up sharply he looked at andre eye to eye, their height a perfect equal match. "By merely letting me know what I am, you've helped me more than you know." He outstretched his had in a friendly gesture as if to offer a handshake, his other arm still hidden by the clack reached behind him for the kama, just in case the man before him tried anything sneaky, otherwise he would leave it where it lie. Offer one hand and arm the other. Principle one zero one for when you deal with people unknown to you. A smile crept on to his face as he looked the knight before him straight in the eyes. "Good sir is there perhaps a forge where i may go ? if i may i would craft you some thing as a show of gratitude, for the information you have provided me with." All he needed now would be the iron to hammer and heat to shape and purpose.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Dinnya on August 6th, 2011, 5:55 am

Dinnya halted, her horse shaking its mane lightly and snorting as she looked to the knight "I-I'm sorry" she paused for second, tightening her grip on her horses reins "what?" Her childish features splayed with confusion. Questions began to flood her mind; How did he know I was slightly afraid? Am I really that open of a book? Can I trust his word? Dinnya shook her head, as if to clear it of any negative thought. Shifting her quivers leather chest strap lightly to make it more comfortable, the arrow bolts clinking lightly against eachother- a comforting sound she had become accustomed to. Although it was hidden by her cloak and hood mostly, the fletched bolts certainly could be seen.

The knight was certainly a wonder, he appeared to be the same height as the silver veined man but much more softer looking. He had no weapon, and his eyes would flicker lightly, to her- for unknown causes. When he smiled and tipped his head in a bow to her, she had no clue what to do. Stumbling on herself and her words lightly "n-no it's fine, it, I," she facepalmed herself annoyedly then did a sort of curtsy without the ruffles. Why am I so nervous? she thought exahasperately to herself as her black eyes flashed a sudden white but then promptly returned to black.

When the knight had introduced himself, she looked confused, again. But courteously smiled at them both "Dinnya Whitevine," her facial features turning to that of surprise as she looked at the 'Isur' man, noticing his eyes change color; were they not just green a moment ago? Well, apparently he was an Isur- thats what she heard the knight call the silver veined man "also from Avanthal to the north." A troubling coinicidence this was, another from Avanthal? What if he has heard of me? Dinnya thought quickly to herself, but even then- whos to say that he is a Vantha if hes been called an Isur? Reassuring herself that she was not in any danger, she pondered on the possibilities of what could happen next.

Sighing quietly though, a realization that had just struck Dinnya hard. Knowing she would need help in finding her way around the city eventually, "sir knight Andreciel, I just broke off from a caravan that had arrived earlier this morning. Could you perhaps give directions to a vending stall that sells hunting and botanist goods?" She cringed slightly at her words, it was asking alot and not to mention a mouthful more than what she was use to speaking.
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Andresciel on August 7th, 2011, 8:12 am

The Male turned his head towards Dinnya and nods "A Vantha. I can take you to the Botanists place. I know many of the people in the city, though, very little about them." He chuckles, freely, noting the way she was unused to speaking. Most was uncomfortable around the tall human, for more then just the normal reasons.

He brings his hand up towards the Isur "One moment Dinnya." He turned towards the male who asked him of Denval. He watched the hand reach for the weapon, as his own sapphire blue eyes turned a bright sky blue, "Release your weapon Isur, or I'll arrest you for threatening a Knight." The words came as quick as the wind that swirled around his hands, "I will not warn you twice. There will be no mercy, despite you being a newcomer to this city."

"Denval, however, is in the Northern region of Kalea." He stated as he prepared himself. Should the Isur provoke a fight, as a Knight of Syliras, Andresciel would have to answer in kind, and throw the male in the prisons. "As for a weapon, I have all I need in my Djed and my gauntlets. Now. May I offer you two a guide to this city as a Knight of its Order?" The Words were friendly, but his eyes did not lose the glow of Djed.
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 7th, 2011, 5:12 pm

Licendous was a little suprised that, he'd see his hand move for the weapon when that entire side of his body was hidden by a heavy woolen cloak. "Sorry good sir it's a little saying i have and tend to stick to quite well, offer one hand but arm the other. I'm not saying you gonna try anything but it's better to be safe than sorry. And it was not a threat merely i nsureance for myself, travelling for as long as i have teaches one to be wary." smiling his hand moved down with one of the throwing knives that was tucked in to his belt, hidden by the cloak was running along his middle finger. No show of emotion on his face but his eyes stayed their swirled colour with a hint of red flecked through out. Still offering his hand to be friendly.

Looking at the girl next to them it was plain as day she was frightened her body manner spoke for her, and then there was the urgency and and hurried tone in her voice as she spurted out. "And are you also from the north girl ?" He had glimpsed at her as her eyes flashed through the colours, affirming she was indeed a vantha such as himself. He smiled lightly. So i'm not the only one here from the north. He then fliccked huis eyes back to the man before him, and inquired. "Good sir what is this djed you speak of ? Licendous was intrigued, new things always brought forth and aura of curiosity.

(OOC: sorrt for the crappy post lots of crap going on personally :/)
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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an unexpected meeting (open)

Postby Dinnya on August 7th, 2011, 7:41 pm

Nodding her head to the knight, as a sign of understanding. What she expected next, was far from what she had thought. Weapons are being drawn? She thought worridly to herself, eyes widening and stepping closer to her horse. I'm going to get caught in the crossfire if I dont move! Dinnyas eyes going a purple with maroon flecks, even though her face had hardly twitched from its calm composure; anyone could see the fear melding with her eyes. Her breath quickening, as thoughts of fleeing this situation crossed her mind. It would be best, to get away. Thinking as she watched the 2 hulking figures of the men. But what if someone gets hurt? Thinking hard, time was strained if she did not think of something quick.

Eyes returning to the same black crow color, she cleared her throat. It had somehow become dryer then parchment. Dinnyas heart beat faster than a running horse, it almost seemed as if it was sitting in her throat. Now or never, Dinnya. Urging herself to continue on, "I know I may not have a place in this," she paused, feeling she would have to choose her next words carefully "but violence is not necessary, were in a crowded market" eyes flicking nervously from the knight to the Isur, "someone could get hurt." She finished off, looking somewhat distressed at her own boldness but remained firm where she stood.

The situation remained tense, warning, danger, thats what she felt in the air. Despite the knights attempts to lighten the mood with an offer for a tour of the city. Dinnya could not shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen "And are you also from the north, girl?" The Isur asked her, his light smile seemed to put some ease into the conversation. But his eyes, his eyes! Why do they change like a Vanthas? Dinnya asked herself, "Please, just call me Dinnya. If you had not been listening, Isur" she replied tartly, the word Isur felt foreign in her mouth. Even though she had no clue what it meant, she had heard the knight call him said word. "It's not polite to remain a stranger, what would your name be?" The horse whinnied, being stuck in one place for long and surrounded by every angle with pushy-shovey people was agitating for the mare and Dinnya felt it. She reached up to gently and comfortingly rub the creatures neck "there, there" she whispered to the antsy animal. She had no idea if this would help the mare, but watching her mother work with so many patients- maybe it would work for animals too?

Whatever was said next, she had not been listening. The way it sounded, it was as if the Isur had asked the knight a question. A glimmer of the word 'Djed' was what made her take notice again, what is this Djed they keep speaking of?Watching again, tuned in carefully. Hoping that things may truly lighten up, this tense atmosphere was really crowding around her mind worse then the packed streets of Syliras that they would be standing in right now. Please, whatever god or goddess be listening- dont let this turn for the worse. Dinnya prayed quietly to whatever divine body that may be watching them right now.

(OOC: Its no problem Licen. :) )
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