It seemed that Rek'keli's divine intervention came just in time.
It was quite true that the disease that permeated Nil'kyen's hand had a mind of it's own. It evaded every attempt that the healers made, dodging their gifts or simply pushing them away. With a growing frustration that, despite her meditative state, threatened to undo Aidara, the small redhead began wildly stabbing at the darkness with her gift, just hoping and praying that something would hit it. Praying that something would help.
With one last final shove, the conscious disease that ate at the Akalak's and forcefully shoved both the healers away. Shocked back to reality, Addy couldn't help but growl in frustration, flying to her feet with both of her hands balled into fists at her sides.
"What the petch is going on here...." The anger that bubbled hotly in her chest went suddenly cold, shock and fear replacing it in a tingle up her spine. The floor was glowing.
"What the petch is going on here..." Since saying it once wasn't adequate, Addy stood open mouthed as the glowing in the floor rose and surrounded the diseased hand. Nothing seemed to happen, at first. Was the glowing mass...replacing his hand? Was the Akalak going to be forever noticable now by having ...a.... shiny hand?
Completely out of her league and ignorant of most magics, Addy just simply stood and watched open-mouthed until the glowing faded, and then disappeared. The heavy breathing of their patent stopped, the pain fused tension of his muscles also seeping away as he fell limp against the floor, against the healers. Nodding as Riki suggested to remove the toruniquet, Addy let him get to it while she just conintued to stand in shock.
Finally rousing herself, the little woman sat back down and gently touched his hand. It was no longer horridly hot, but cool and firm. It seemed the infection was gone. A quick dip into her power and a searching probe revealed that the nasty, creeping darkness was indeed gone.
"Thank you, Mother." Addy whispered, turning her eyes not to the sky (or the top of the dome, in this case) but to symbol next to her, the one that had glowed. "I... I think we're good for now. Um... Ah!" Having turned her attentions to her fellow healer, Addy awkwardly tried to figure out if there was anything left they needed to do. Darting her gaze around as she sought for words, Addy spotted the goo as it slid over the floor towards them. It was only a few inches away, the dark red color pooling like blood near her feet. Again, shock and awe rooted Addy to her spot; she wasn't coping very well with all these new and mysterious things. Good thing Sira was there, or the healer might as well be dead by now. She was otherwise unaware of what the goo did to those it touched; to her, it was still regarded as liquid death.
Sira came over then, startling Addy out of her intense inspection. Jumping to her feet and spinning, Addy grasped Siras wrist and began a cursory examination of her lover before she actually stopped to listen to her words. Oh, she wasn't hurt.
A painful, sheepish smile and she nodded slowly. This was all too much to take in. As strong as she might be acting, Addy couldn't even comprehend the extent to which she was over her head. So she simply agreed with Sira, hoping that she had a better grasp on things.
Opening her mouth to ask what the plan was, Addy was cut off, as Sira was already in action. Even though she was more than used to the Kelvic's presence inside her head, Addy couldn't help but wince when the booming yell echoed off the inside of her skull.
That might have been a little much, dear. I think I saw them flinch. That fellow might even have bloody eardrums now. Trying to inject humor into the situation, since the voice was inside everyone's heads and had nothing to do with their ears (An inside joke between the telepathic duo), Addy stood by Sira's side, outwardly silent and calm while she communicated with her bond mate through the same connection in which Sira was talking with everyone else.
Startled by the vicious cry across the room, Addy watched as Darik reacted violently to the "Voice of Priskil". She couldn't help but clap a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. This wouldn't work, after all, if they knew that it was Sira. Shoving her doubts aside, Addy stood slightly in front of her mate, green eyes darting from face to face as she watched out for any sign of trouble. She had no idea that those super humans wanted her woman. That was going to be a surprise.
In fact, it wasn't until then that she noticed Cassandra, in all her awesome and red-goo-swollen glory. All the healer could do was blanch, then gasp, then reach for Sira's hand. [i] Please...tell me you know what happened?[/i] Addy and Riki had been submerged in their healing, unaware that Cassandra had been ordered to do the slip'n'slide through the oozing liquid. She only saw an alluring (and completely not huge) woman with bloodstains all over her clothes.
Goddess have mercy on us all..